Covid-1984 Immunity Passports By Richard Miller

Totalitarianism is here, all given to us by the magic of the Wuhan flu, the gift to globalism that just keeps on giving. Look at all the goodies we have in the UK, home of 1984, with Covid-immunity passports, and right out of those UK zombie apocalypse movies, all involving the number “28,” police questioning drivers leaving virus zones, and getting a buzz out of it too. Strange desires indeed; strange times too.

“A scientific group advising the British government has said that Chinese coronavirus immunity passports could be issued to those who have been vaccinated or have recovered from the virus.

While Cabinet Minister Michael Gove said earlier this month that there were no plans to introduce immunity passports, a newly-released paper has revealed that government scientists have said that such “immunity certification” is “likely to be possible”.

The report, entitled Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and the concept of an Immunity Certificate, was produced by the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG) and presented to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) on November 19th.

Made public on the government’s website on Friday, the report said that due to the improbability of catching the coronavirus a second time, people could receive a “Covid-19 immunity certification” that would grant them a greater degree of freedom than others in the rest of the country.

The report said: “As SARS-CoV-2 continues to circulate, we approach a time when a significant number of people who have been infected in early pandemic waves may have some ‘immunity’ that protects them during subsequent exposure.

“In addition, results from clinical trials of novel vaccines… suggest that a high degree of immunity to Covid-19 disease can be obtained, at least in the short-term.

“This new context leads us to re-examine the concept that those who have recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection or have been given an effective vaccine might be given, for a period, an exemption from current non-pharmaceutical interventions [eg, lockdown, social distancing] designed to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2.”

The report concluded: “Some form of Covid-19 immunity certification is likely to be possible but further data and considerations are needed before a recommendation can be made.”

Hands up who love technocrats? I thought so, none of us.

“Police have been accused of “intimidating” customers in pubs and arguing with staff over whether meals were substantial enough to allow patrons to buy drinks, as the UK sees a return of draconian lockdown policing.

Some 99 per cent of the country has been forced under the top two tiers. While pubs must close in Tier 3 unless they can operate as a takeaway, Britons can only drink in pubs in Tier 2 if they are eating a “substantial meal”. The issue has given rise to farcical discussions with ministers questioned over whether a scotch egg or a Cornish pasty will pass the government definition of a meal.

Patrick Dardis, chief executive of Young’s pub chain and brewery, accused London police of being “overzealous” and “going into pubs unnecessarily” to order patrons to leave after eating, reporting incidents of “intimidation, bordering on harassment from officials in some of our pubs”.

“This whole petty argument about a Scotch egg, whether it is or whether it isn’t [a substantial meal] is not relevant. What it actually means is a table meal, a substantial meal is just made up nonsense,” Mr Dardis told The Telegraph on Thursday.

City of London Police officers reportedly told one landlord that they had extra staff to police drinking establishments and were prepared to fine repeat offenders £1,000.

Brexit leader Nigel Farage remarked on the reports, saying on Friday: “The attack on pubs is now remorseless. In Wales, they’re banned from selling alcohol and in England, drinkers are being harassed.”

Meanwhile, North Yorkshire Police have confirmed that they are patrolling border areas and are stopping and questioning drivers trying to leave Tier 3 areas, according to the Metro, telling Britons they can only leave the virus hotspots for ‘essential’ purposes.

Is it really such a bad idea to defund the police, if the ordinary people can arm themselves? Police are only a relatively recent development, to control workers in mass industrialised sovietism, and people for most of history lived without them.



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