Covid-19 Vaccines and East Asians By Brian Simpson

This is a problem for the Left racial nihilists, there are no racial differences brigade, since it seems that the Covid-19 vaccines may be less effective on East Asians, ignoring the larger question of whether these vaccines are effective at all.

“After all the attention paid to Moderna and Pfizer’s new Covid-19 vaccines, some health experts have expressed caution about the companies’ confident assertions that the vaccines are 95 percent effective for all populations.

This week, researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) showed that the vaccines’ effectiveness may vary depending on a person’s race, and said that the vaccines should be tested robustly across populations with diverse genetic backgrounds.

Using advanced machine learning AI methods that examined a form of vaccine similar to Moderna and Pfizer’s, the team found that the number of people whose cellular immune system is not predicted to robustly respond to the vaccine ranged from less than half of one percent of white participants to nearly 10 percent of Asian participants. (Participants self-reported their race.)

“There are obviously many other factors to consider, but our preliminary results suggest that, on average, people of Black or Asian ancestry could have a slightly increased risk of vaccine ineffectiveness,” says MIT professor David Gifford, senior author of a new paper outlining the findings. “Our work shows that clinical trials need to carefully consider ancestry in their study designs to ensure that efficacy is measured across an appropriate population.”  

As I have reported before, most Leftists are hypocrites who, deep down, do not believe in “equality” as they so loudly claim. This is why they treat black people as though they are less intelligent than white people. They are also less able to think in a coherent and rational way than conservatives, because they are highly anxious and need to deal with this by convincing themselves that they are morally superior. They have Narcissistic traits, meaning they will say—and even feel they believe—anything that will evoke admiration. But, on some level, they know that it’s not true. So, it’s always best to judge Leftists’ real views by their actions rather than by their words. And their plans for Covid-19 vaccine distribution tell us something quite clear: race is biological and there are race differences in how likely you are to catch, and more importantly die of, Covid-19.

This, of course, struck me as obvious as soon as I heard of the existence of Covid-19. There had previously been clear ethnic differences in mortality from other flu pandemics—such as the Spanish Flu of 1918—and these existed independent of socioeconomic factors. And naturally there should be such differences, because “race” and “ethnicity” are matter of long-term evolution to different environments, meaning they involve differences in gene frequencies. Some ecologies will cause you to be more adapted to fighting off flu than others. So how could there not be race differences in Covid incidence?

For example, Covid would be likely to impact heavily Native Americans in the U.S., because they never developed agriculture, meaning they were less exposed to viruses which jumped the species barrier, including flu.

And so now, what is the state of New Mexico doing—despite the fact that race is a “social construct” and biological race differences are “trivial”?  It is prioritizing the vaccine for Native Americans. .[ Vaccines reach COVID-ravaged Indigenous communities, by Morgan Lee and Carla K. Johnson, December 17, 2020]

Why? Because the “social construct” of “race” almost perfectly maps on to a biological reality and the genetic differences involved have life-and-death consequences.

Judge Leftists by what they do, not by what they say. And judge them by what they fail to do. Covering up race differences in Covid for ideological reasons will undoubtedly have cost Native American lives, because Native Americans should have been told from the beginning just how dangerous this might be for them.” 

Thus, while denying that race exists, beyond being a social construction, the Left establishment, implicitly recognises it with their Covid-19 distribution, not wanting, I suppose to undermine the diverse Democrat voting bloc.



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