Communist Deprogramming Underway! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The following material from American, a great site, whose very name makes me sad with nostalgia, but perhaps it is just irony, details how Maoist communist brainwashing of the January 6 peaceful protesters, defined as terrorists, are underway. It reminds me of the dreadful movie A Clockwork Orange. That was weird for the time, the 1970s from memory, but is very dated now, that is how far down the track of tyranny we are.

“My lawyer has given me names of books and movies to help me see what life is like for others in our country. I’ve learned that even though we live in a wonderful country things still need to improve. People of all colors should feel as safe as I do to walk down the street.”

That passage is part book report, part white privilege mea culpa submitted to a federal court this month by Anna Morgan-Lloyd, one of the more than 500 Americans arrested for her involvement in the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. The 49-year-old grandmother of five from southern Indiana was charged with four counts of trespassing and disorderly conduct even though she walked through an open door and was inside the building for about five minutes. She was ratted out to the FBI by a county worker who saw her January 6 posts on Facebook.

On Wednesday, Lloyd, who has a clean criminal record, pleaded guilty to one count of “parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building”—but not before she consented to undergo a reeducation exercise at the urging of her court-appointed lawyer. (Like many January 6 defendants, Lloyd does not have the means to hire a private attorney.)

It’s safe to say Heather Shaner, a D.C.-based criminal defense attorney representing a handful of January 6 protesters, does not share the political beliefs of her Capitol clients, which is why she’s forcing them to read books and watch movies highlighting dark chapters in U.S. history.

In an interview with Huffington Post, Shaner explained her belief that “this is the most wonderful country in the world, it’s been great for all kinds of immigrant groups, except for the fact that it was born of genocide of the Native Americans and the enslavement of people.” 

Shaner’s legal captives are learning the hard way what the government will do when one resists their commands to comply. Not only have their personal lives been shattered, finances depleted, and reputations destroyed by an abusive Justice Department investigation, Shaner’s clients must be indoctrinated with leftist propaganda about America’s alleged systemic racism.

The purge of the populist mindset is underway, courtesy of the fetid Beltway judicial system and the Joe Biden regime. Judges routinely lecture January 6 defendants about the wrongthink of a “stolen election” while prosecutors openly mock their political beliefs, including home schooling and gun ownership.

“I have had many political and ethical discussions with Anna Lloyd,” Shaner wrote in her motion agreeing to the plea and probation for Lloyd. “I tendered a booklist to her. She has read Bury My Heart at Wounded KneeJust Mercy, and Schindler’s List to educate herself about ‘government policy’ toward Native Americans, African Americans and European Jews. We have discussed the books and also about the responsibility of an individual when confronting ‘wrong.’”

Shaner also told the court that Lloyd watched the “Burning Tulsa” documentary on the History Channel as well as “Mudbound,” a story of two families, one black and one white, living on the same property after World War II.

On the face of it, there’s nothing wrong with watching or reading any of Shaner’s “booklist.” What is very wrong is a taxpayer-paid attorney—one who is supposed to fight the government’s charges related to January 6, not play along with its phony depiction that “white supremacists” attacked the Capitol—using her authority to reprogram the political views of people she is supposed to be defending. The presumption of racist beliefs is automatic. 

But it all worked. Lloyd changed her opinion on the death penalty; in her review of Schindler’s List that was submitted to the court, she lamented that “my Son-In-Law doesn’t believe the Holocaust happened as it did.” She admitted that she’s “lived a sheltered life and truly haven’t experienced life the way many have.”

Her attorney and the government seem pleased with Lloyd’s reformation. “Though she supported the past president in January, she totally accepts President Biden as the leader of our country,” Shaner wrote to the court. “She has worked hard to come to terms with what she believed before January 6th, 2021 and what she has learned since then.”

It is too bad for this state bs, that elections really are corrupt, at most levels, sometimes even having more ballots than voters:

“The confidence in U.S. election is of paramount importance to voters who believe in the sanctity of ‘one voter, one vote.’ However, the non-partisan election watchdog SMART elections has uncovered a reported anomaly in one City Council District in the 2021 Brooklyn Primary.

More ballots than voters. The elections watchdog issued the following notice to voters, as well as its experience of hostility attempting to get to the bottom of the disparity.

“We are issuing this preliminary report because, in our opinion, we are experiencing hostility and obstruction from the New York City and the Brooklyn Board of Elections, as well as some coordinators at Early Voting poll sites,” SMART Elections Executive Director Lulu Friesdat wrote in the report.

“We have discovered discrepancies that raise concerns and deserve further exploration,” the report continued. “These were reported to the coordinators at each poll site and directly to the Board of Elections. The Board of Elections responded by removing our project leader as a poll watcher and changing the information our poll watchers were allowed to view. Now we cannot collect the data necessary for the successful completion of the project.”

“We deeply respect the voters, candidates and poll workers who have committed so much time and effort to the election. They deserve to have confidence in it,” Friesdat added.

“At this point, we cannot assure the public that the results in all these locations are accurate, because the process is not transparent and we have not been allowed to check,” SMART elections continued.

“This lack of cooperation and transparency is unfortunate and unnecessary,” Friesdat added. “We hope that the Board of Elections will examine these issues fully and whole-heartedly commit to a respectful, transparent partnership with those engaged in public oversight.”

SMART elections notes that there is a civil case involving the 45th City Council District.

“We chose the 45th City Council District, partly because there is an ongoing civil court case here alleging corruption and poll workers ‘fraudulently feeding ballots into the scanner.’ We are not making those allegations, or taking a position on them. We are simply aware that allegations are moving forward in the courts, and they indicate that there is some lack of confidence in the process.”

The SMART elections group than stated that it found “698 more scanned ballots than voters who checked in.” The watchdog group explained why this is concerning.

“The number of voters who check in must always be the same or close to the number of ballots scanned. This has nothing to do with affidavit or void ballots. Those are accounted for separately. Each voter who checks in successfully is given one ballot and is supposed to scan it themselves, unless there is a problem with the scanners. So the number of voters who check in is supposed to be close to the number of ballots scanned,” SMART elections said.

“Sometimes voters leave without scanning their ballots – called ‘fleeing voters’. Because of this, the number of ballots scanned can be lower than the number of voters who check in. But the number of ballots scanned is not ever supposed to be more than the number of voters who check in,” it added.

There were a number of explanations for the discrepancy. SMART elections contacted election tech experts who weighed in on the issue.

“Election technology experts we spoke with said that there are programming or software errors that can cause the protective counter to advance when the public counter does not,” the report said. “In some instances the vote might not be counted. They said it can also be from the machine being subjected to a heavy blow or drop earlier, which can cause an invisible internal alignment that will not show up in diagnostics.”

“We found this pattern in at least one other location, but the discrepancies at this location were the largest,” the report added.

Most concerning at all was the election officials’ lack of transparency and hostility towards the non-partisan election watchdog.

“The level of information that we are receiving now has been severely restricted at almost every site,” the election watchdog stated. “We can no longer make the comparisons necessary to conduct the pilot, and verify the accuracy of this part of the count. Our lead poll watcher has been removed and is no longer allowed to collect data.”

“At one location, both the Brooklyn Chief Clerk, who makes over $130,000 a year, and his Deputy came in person to a polling location to block access to one of our poll watchers, who had been working very cooperatively with the coordinators up to that time,” the report added.

It needs to be underscored that election integrity has nothing to do with political ideology. It is fundamental to our country’s functioning as a democratic republic. The citizens have a right to know what happens to their votes once they are cast in government elections. But all of a sudden, it looks like elections officials believe they are unaccountable to voters. Such an unacceptable attitude should draw the scrutiny from voters everywhere, along with their repeated demands for accountability.”



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