Cold Comfort By Viv Forbes

     Before sunrise yesterday, the grass temperature in Washpool, "Sunny Queensland" was minus 1.7 deg. There was no wind or sunshine. Wind turbines were becalmed and not even moonbeams energised our solar panels. In that still, frosty darkness, green energy failed again. Not a watt came from becalmed wind "farms" or from subsidized solar panels cluttering many roofs (including ours). But we didn't need our diesel in the shed - we were
saved by trusty Old King Coal, with maybe a dash of gas or hydro. Reliable 24/7 generators provided pre-dawn power-by-wire for lights, heaters and coffee before we checked the frosty flats for new-born lambs.

     Needs Some Warming here too (Canada) To download this article with all images click:

     Yet politicians, academics and the UN-ABC-BBC relentlessly push unreliable "green"energy, promising it will promote global cooling. They should be careful what they wish for. Neither sheep nor shepherds like frosty darkness.



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