Cocaine in the White House! Hunter! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A suspicious white powder that the US secret service found at the White House, turned out to be not a chemical agent from the CCP or Russia, but cocaine. And, where there is smoke, there is fire; cocaine lover Hunter Biden, the president’s son was at the White House prior to the discovery. But, they are saying that the coke was found in a public area, so anyone could have left it. Sure; why hasn’t coke been left before, and most people who are users would not lose their “precious”? It is but one more story on the road of decline.

“President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and members of the first family arrived back at a White House mired in controversy on Tuesday after cocaine found by Secret Service agents sparked an evacuation and Hazmat situation.

A dispatch call reviewed by reveals a preliminary test found that the white powder discovered on Sunday tested positive for cocaine – and led to emergency services shutting down 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Secret Service has now launched an investigation to track down how the substance got there and who was responsible for the breach. 

The discovery came two days after recovering drug addict Hunter, 52, was last seen at the White House as he headed to Camp David with his father for the long holiday weekend.

Trolls are speculating that the president’s addict son is the source of the illegal substance.

However, The White House library is part of the public tour experienced by hundreds daily, meaning there could be multiple suspects. It is also two floors below the first family’s living quarters.

While the dispatch recording clearly says ‘library,’ a source familiar with the incident told that the substance was not found inside the executive mansion but was discovered in a ‘work area’ in the west wing of the White House.” 



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