Climate Change Lies Continue to Get Exposed, By James Reed

A recent scientific study by Dai Ato of Japan, published in Science of Climate Change:, has put the case that it is sea surface temperatures, and not human economic and industrial activity involving fossil fuels, which is primarily responsible for the production of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Dr Ato shows that there has been no statistically significant impact of human activities upon carbon dioxide levels. Instead, sea surface temperatures are highly correlated with rising carbon dioxide levels, which are in turn a product of natural variation. The research results are extremely important for the public policy debate, where the future of Western industrialism is now open to question because of the climate change alarmist lobby. As noted at the Daily Sceptic:

"By ignoring natural climate variability and placing undue emphasis on human emissions, the IPCC perpetuates a fear-driven narrative that serves the interests of green corporations and political actors. The recent findings from Ato's research and critiques from figures like Clauser demonstrate that the IPCC's credibility is eroding, and the public must begin questioning its alarmist conclusions."

And the sooner this questioning begins at the public level, the better.

A revolutionary new study conducted by independent researcher Dai Ato has upended the climate change narrative. His groundbreaking multivariate analysis concludes that sea surface temperatures (SST), not human activities, are the primary drivers of atmospheric CO₂ levels.

The study, published in Science of Climate Change, shows that since 1959, no human impact on CO₂ levels has been observed. This finding debunks the central argument of climate alarmism and exposes the climate change movement as a massive con to enrich green corporations.

Sea Surface Temperatures: The Real CO₂ Driver

Dai Ato's multivariate analysis focused on atmospheric CO₂ increases since 1959, comparing the influence of sea surface temperatures (SST) with human-generated CO₂ emissions. The results were clear:

SST is highly correlated with CO₂ increases (r = 0.749), while human emissions had no significant impact.

Ato found that natural variations in SST, not human actions, govern the fluctuations in CO₂ levels. This finding aligns with past research highlighting the oceans' role in the carbon cycle, contributing 330 gigatons of CO₂ annually, compared to 37 gigatons from human emissions.

The Climate Change Grift Exposed

For decades, the climate change narrative has focused on the idea that fossil fuel consumption drives global warming. This belief has led to the establishment of a trillion-dollar green energy industry, benefiting corporations and ideologues while providing little environmental impact.

Ato's research has pulled the rug out from under this argument. Human efforts to curb CO₂ emissions have been meaningless, yet climate alarmists continue pushing for Net Zero policies that devastate economies and enrich elites. Ato's study shows that the real cause of CO₂ increases is the natural warming and cooling of the oceans.

IPCC: Politics Over Science

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has long been the backbone of the climate change movement, asserting that human emissions are the primary driver of global warming. However, Dai Ato's study reveals glaring flaws in the IPCC's methodology, primarily its reliance on faulty models that downplay natural factors like sea surface temperatures (SST). These models overestimate human impact while neglecting key variables that influence CO₂ levels. Even renowned scientists, such as Nobel laureate John Clauser, have criticized the IPCC for misinterpreting data and prioritizing political agendas over science.

Furthermore, the IPCC's reports, which form the basis of international climate policies, are often influenced by political pressures rather than being rooted solely in objective science. The organization has a history of inflating the risks of climate change to justify drastic and economically harmful policy measures. Its predictions of catastrophic outcomes have repeatedly been proven wrong, as actual temperature increases and sea level rises have not matched their dire projections.

By ignoring natural climate variability and placing undue emphasis on human emissions, the IPCC perpetuates a fear-driven narrative that serves the interests of green corporations and political actors. The recent findings from Ato's research and critiques from figures like Clauser demonstrate that the IPCC's credibility is eroding, and the public must begin questioning its alarmist conclusions.

The Net Zero Cult: Ignoring Science for Profit

The climate movement, much like the COVID response, has become a quasi-religious cult that refuses to acknowledge scientific evidence. Despite studies like Ato's, the green industry will continue profiting from the climate narrative, much like pharmaceutical companies did with endless vaccine boosters.

The facts are undeniable: man-made CO₂ emissions are not driving climate change. It's time to stop wasting trillions on ineffective green solutions and start focusing on real human needs like healthcare, poverty reduction, and technological innovation.

Climate Alarmism: Follow the Money

The climate change movement is not just about saving the planet—it's also about big money. Behind every call for green energy lies a network of corporations and governments eager to cash in on the climate crisis. Trillions of dollars have been funneled into subsidies for solar panels, wind farms, and electric vehicles, all under the guise of fighting climate change. However, many of these projects deliver minimal environmental benefits while generating massive profits for industries and politicians pushing for more regulation.

For example, the carbon credit market has become a pseudo-environmental shell game, allowing corporations to buy the appearance of "sustainability" without meaningfully reducing their carbon footprints. Meanwhile, the demand for wind turbines and electric vehicle batteries has spurred environmentally damaging mining operations for rare earth minerals, causing more harm than good.

By labeling fossil fuels as the sole enemy, these green corporations ensure their financial gain while ignoring the downsides of renewable energy, such as land use destruction and inefficiency. This entire system thrives on fear-mongering, designed to keep the flow of taxpayer money going to green projects that fail to meet their promises.

Ato's research proves that the natural factors driving CO₂ increases—like sea surface temperatures—are far more significant than human emissions. This revelation makes the trillions spent on green initiatives seem not just misguided but part of a larger financial grift.

Conclusion: The Grift is Over

This new study confirms what climate skeptics have long suspected: the climate crisis is nothing more than a massive wealth redistribution scheme, backed by faulty science. With the truth now in the open, it's time to rethink our energy policies and end the grift." 



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