Cities Reaching the Use-By Date By Charles Taylor

     Here is a new concept in collapseology: cites reaching an expiration date, going rotten like dairy products that have to be chucked out of the fridge.

“The gentrified New York City that made the Big Apple the envy of billionaires, oligarchs, child molesters and money laundering criminals from around the world is no more, and in its place is the hellish New York from the 1970s. According to Gothamist, between Thursday and Saturday, 49 people were shot in the largest city in the United States, as the uptick in gun violence continues this summer and is rushing to catch up with that other progressive paradise, Chicago. Putting the surge in context, the number of people shot over the three days is five times more than the eight who were shot during the same days last year according to the Washington Examiner. While most of the shooting victims were merely wounded, at least six people were killed by gunshot wounds over the 3-day interval, compared to three homicides that took place during the same time last year. Year to date, there have been 1,087 shooting victims so far in 888 different incidents throughout the city, roughly double the crime observed in 2019. Last year at this time, there had been 577 shooting victims in 488 incidents in New York City. Among those murdered was an off-duty corrections officer who worked at Rikers Island. John Jeff, 28, had just left a party in Queens at 3 a.m. on Saturday morning when he was shot in the head and chest. "Early this morning, the Correction Officers' Benevolent Association was notified that New York City Correction Officer John Jeff, assigned to the Anna M. Kross Center on Rikers Island, was found dead in South Jamaica Queens. He sustained multiple gunshot wounds. He was 28 years old and was on the job for just over two years with his whole life and career ahead of him. He was well-liked and highly regarded by his fellow officers,” Correction Officers Benevolent Association President Benny Boscio Jr. said in a statement. Neighbors reported hearing multiple gunshots outside their homes, and sources told ABC 7 the killing appeared to be planned.

“I heard nine shots,” resident Raymond Leslie said. “You really don’t want to come out on these streets at night because it’s getting increasingly dangerous.” Mayor Bill de Blasio, whose actions - or lack thereof - have been blamed by many for triggering a historic exodus among New York residents, denounced the shooting tweeting, "This is a tragedy.” "Chirlane and I are keeping this young man’s family, loved ones and brothers and sisters in @CorrectionNYC in our hearts today. An investigation into this cowardly attack is ongoing. If you have any information please contact the NYPD,” the mayor tweeted. The scale of New York's shooting problem becomes apparent when one considers that just the start of this month marked more shootings in New York City so far this year than in all of 2019, a continuation of the violent protests, rioting and looting that was unleashed in New York in recent months. As the Washington Examiner notes, "protests, riots, and vandalism sparked by the death of George Floyd have increased the anti-police sentiment in the city at a time when de Blasio has pledged to strip $1 billion from the city's police budget and disbanded the plainclothes anti-crime unit. Hundreds of police officers have filed their retirement papers in recent weeks as tensions between the force and the public become more strained by the increase in crime." Meanwhile, as we reported last week, Thousands of New Yorkers have been fleeing the city in recent weeks, citing the uptick in violence as well as coronavirus restrictions. "We reached our New York expiration date,” one New York City mother recently told the New York Post. “Things weren’t heading in the right direction. What we’re seeing now isn’t at all surprising.” Meanwhile, as people packed their bags one last time for New Jersey, the Hamptons, and other local areas, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo pleaded that they return to the city, even offering to cook them dinner. “I literally talk to people all day long who are now in their Hamptons house who also lived here, or in their Hudson Valley house or in their Connecticut weekend house, and I say, ‘You got to come back, when are you coming back?’” Cuomo said earlier this month. "'We'll go to dinner, I'll buy you a drink, come over, I’ll cook.'” Unfortunately, since he can no longer even assure them that they won't be murdered in broad daylight, we doubt anyone will care much for Cuomo's desperate platitudes.”

     The same remarks can be made about a growing number of cities, such as Baltimore, Chicago, Seattle … the list is long and miserable. Of course, while the usual anti-Trump polls are rolled out again, the real poll is the rapid sales of firearms, as Americans who have lost faith in the system, arm up.

“Well before Biden’s selection of Harris as his running mate, in the first half of 2020, gun sales have increased by 95%, (ten million guns), ammunition sales are up by 139%. The numbers eclipse all of 2019.  The highest increase is among black men and women, 58.2%. Can you blame them?  The wanton violence that has plagued Democrat-run cities like Minneapolis, Portland, Chicago (homicides up 139%),  New York (13% increase in shooting incidents, 23% increase in homicides), Seattle, D.C., Los Angeles, Atlanta, etc. over the past several months with the blessings of the Democrat governors and mayors that run them has taught law-abiding blacks that the police are being driven from these cities, betrayed by the elected leaders charged with enforcing the law.  Violent crime has spiked in all those places.  And to this day, no Democrat has spoken out against Antifa or Black Lives Matter, or the catastrophic damage they have wrought upon those communities, apparently in the mistaken belief that a majority of Americans are sympathetic to the specious causes of the vandals.  The massive increase in gun sales would seem to belie that tenet. While it has long been mostly republicans who support gun rights and the NRA, the enormous expansion of gun ownership most certainly includes former Democrats who will not likely vote for Biden/Harris, both of whom favor confiscation like the rest of the left.  For that reason and for her other past prosecutorial policies, not all blacks support Harris.  So it is safe to conclude that the colossal increase in gun sales is perhaps the most telling poll of all.  Guns and ammo are expensive and these numbers represent legal sales and do not account for the illegal acquisitions of guns.  Bottom line?  People no longer  feel safe in their own communities and they are seeing the police they respect and rely upon be demeaned, defunded and directed to stand down while rioters and looters destroy their small businesses and downtowns.  And through all this monstrous violence,  the democrats insist on calling the vandals “peaceful protesters.” They are anything but peaceful.  They are well-funded fascist groups who mean to destroy the United States as founded. The death of George Floyd was the spark that lit the fires, covid19 the gift that has kept on giving to those working hard to sabotage our great nation.

The rise in gun ownership has spiked more than any previous time period and is the highest since the FBI began recording the statistics 22 years ago. The alleged lead by Biden in the polls most likely does not account for the huge number of Americans who may have voted Democrat in the past but are not going to vote Democrat again if it means being stripped of the guns they’ve only recently purchased and now feel they need for self-defense.  And all the while, the left has promoted and blessed the violence.  They have actually encouraged it, they’ve emboldened the rioters by refusing to call what they do by its name:  brutal insurrection. From day one of the violence in Seattle and Portland, President Trump offered federal help but those cities’ mayors and each of the others whose cities were being ravaged declined his offer.  As a result, half of all black-owned businesses in the affected cities have been destroyed by the rioting or lost to the lockdown.  It is hard to take seriously the mantra that “black lives matter” when in fact they have become a mere political tool of the left.  Most of the media failed to report on the cold-blooded murder of a five-year-old boy by his adult neighbor.  Why?  The child was white, the murderer black which does not fit the left’s narrative of the day.  Mayors Bill de Blasio of New York and Muriel Bowser of Washington, D.C. are all hat, no cattle, when it comes to actually caring about the lives being devastated by the disorder they have willingly allowed.  As President Trump said last week, “this election will determine the future of private gun ownership in the United States.” Biden is clearly lost in a fog of confusion due to his mental decline and will say anything his handlers put on the teleprompter but Kamala Harris is as far left a candidate who has ever run for high office; she is Bernie Sanders in a dress.  She and her fellow “progressives” mean what they say; they mean to affect a defenseless society. Will a majority of Americans choose to be disarmed like the Germans under Hitler, the Russians under Stalin and the Chinese under Mao or will they vote to preserve their constitutional right to bear arms?  The astronomical surge in gun ownership these past months tells us that no, they will not vote to lose their Second Amendment right.  Self-defense is a human right.”

     Still, there are some moving stories of our side actually fighting back, and how the antifa turn to pussies when facing real muscle, and I do not blame them.

“Recently, I learned from family, friends, and neighbors what happened when Antifa, seeking to cause havoc, came to an Italian-, Irish-, and now Albanian-American Bronx neighborhood and another almost exclusively Italian-American Bronx neighborhood nearby. Apparently, when confronted by an organized and motivated opposition, they decided that discretion was the better part of valor and retired from the field of battle. How unexpected.  When their cowardice was exposed, they took their ball and went home — or, perhaps, to another area where they knew they would not face resistance to their riotous depredations. The one Bronx neighborhood, which is residential but has many small businesses on the main thoroughfare, did not suffer the riots, looting, arson, and violence that have been prevalent in cities and towns across America.  When Antifa came for it, the Italians, Irish, and Albanians, armed with pistols, rifles, baseball bats, swords, and knives, merged onto the main thoroughfare, blocking it and other tertiary streets.  Faced with armed resistance, Antifa's forces were compelled to accept who and what they are, a band of spoiled white college kids who like to break things, play dress-up, and pretend they are a force to be reckoned with. Threatening to "cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war," they turned and fast-walked away in different directions.  They most likely decided that it would no longer be fun if they were required to pay a price in blood for their pernicious urgings. I am told they never returned. The other Italian neighborhood, not contiguous but not far from the first, and entirely residential, closed the bridge leading into the neighborhood with barricades consisting of their cars and whatever else could be dragged to the fore to create a wall Antifa thugs would need to breach to get to the million-dollar houses located within the area.  Well, armed men stood in wait, ready to do what they had to do not to become a news story of loss and sorrow. Again, Antifa, upon meeting opposition, especially armed opposition, immediately dispersed in different directions, destroying their ability to regroup. Again, I am told they have not been back. Antifa before its recent iteration consisted of a ragtag bunch of almost entirely white college kids wearing anything that resembled riot gear, with 55-gallon plastic drums cut in half to serve as shields.  They were a joke.

Yet Antifa during the last few years has received some training and is better organized and probably Soros-supplied with remarkably similar kits — no more fake equipment.  Today, these people sport professional gas masks, sophisticated communication equipment, real riot helmets, some body armor, and occasionally even weapons.  Each individual Antifa seemingly supplies his own black clothing. Unmarked cars and vans patrolling pre-designated riot areas provide pallets of bricks and frozen water bottles to be used as projectiles against the police.  Select units are supplied with Molotov cocktails to burn pre-selected buildings to the ground. Their use of urban insurrection tactics is now prevalent, something that was not the case a mere few years ago.  It is obvious that some organization has trained them to work as seemingly organic units waging justified revolution for the cameras. They exude the aura of success and self-confidence only because Democrat governors and mayors will not allow police to respond and Americans "have not yet begun to fight." Truthfully, they are not a fighting force; they are not even a gang. They are still what they have always been: a bunch of cowards who will melt away should they meet organized resistance — especially resistance from well-armed locals with skin in the game. When they are destroying property with no repercussions, they are big and bold, empowered by "woke muscles."  Yet when they meet people who are willing to fight to protect family, property, and livelihoods, they are nothing more than cowardly brats pretending to be bigger and badder than they are. Most estimates of the number of firearms extant in America put the amount as between 300,000,000 and 400,000,000 privately held weapons.  Like most experts and politicians in America on most things (see: Fauci), they are wrong — very wrong. There are probably more than 700,000,000 firearms in the hands of Americans. The number of people armed with guns on the main street in the first neighborhood, and on the bridge in the other neighborhood, I have been told, exceeded 60%.  Considering how hard it is to get a gun license in New York City, I would say most were carrying illegally.”

“Earlier today, a handful of Antifa goofs decided to take their anti-American shtick to the annual biker rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. If this sounds like a bad idea to you, you are right. Actually, the bikers were commendably well-behaved. Sturgis is a fun, feel-good event, and it would take more than a few fascists to put the bikers in a seriously bad mood. Still, a scuffle broke out at one point. Police officers protected the Antifas and escorted them away safely. Of course, the Antifas were counting on law enforcement to protect them. Some might find this ironic. This Facebook video apparently predates the scuffle. It shows the ragtag band of fascists standing in the street, with police officers vigilantly protecting them from harm.”

     And so it goes on. These comments are not to support violence, but merely to chart how it inevitably breaks out, because once a war begins, that is what people do.



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