China Weighs in on the US Debate By Chris Knight

     Communist China has taken a plunge in the deep end, claiming that White nationalism is deep in Trump’s mind, he is a white supremacist, and that civilian guns are bad:

“More importantly, although US President Donald Trump called the El Paso shooting a "hateful act" on Twitter, he has not yet recognized the seriousness of the white supremacist problem. What's worse, white nationalism is deeply rooted in Trump's mind. This can be seen from his attitude toward immigration, his insistence on building a border wall and his racist tweets. Instead of resolving the problem, he is even inciting white American people's hatred. Hundreds of people, some holding signs reading "Coward Congress," gathered in Washington to protest for stricter gun control after the El Paso shooting. The US urgently needs gun control as the US society makes more people feel insecure. But simply controlling guns does not help control the hatred growing within the US society. If the shooters' hatred is not eliminated, they can still use other weapons to vent their anger on innocent people. A society is abnormal if it is full of hate crimes. How can a country be great again if lonely haters are everywhere? The US trouble does not come from outside, but from within. Washington should not use external issues to cover up its internal problems. The 2020 US presidential election is coming and the candidates all voice their own views. But no matter who is elected, he or she needs to face squarely the increasing hate crimes in the country. This is the most serious problem the US president has to face. How can Chinese people forecast Washington's next step? We pay attention to whether the US can bridge the huge social divide and whether hate crimes can be successfully controlled in the country.”

     Just a thought, but could the trade issue be upsetting the communists, a wee bit? All this from a country which sees, as recognised in its word for China, a square with a stroke through it, that China is the centre of the world! The country embraces Han nationalism, and is basically an ethno-racial state, and is powerful enough to do what it wants, with human rights abuses against Tibetans, and Uighurs and other Turkic Muslim minorities in China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). Those who live in glass houses …

“The astute observer will note that China is not exactly eager to take in large numbers of migrants or refugees from beyond its borders. China takes border security very seriously, especially for the parts of its border that occasionally move further away from Beijing, deploys hardcore nationalist political themes on a daily basis, and is not gentle with minority populations or respectful of their beliefs.”

     The pot calls the kettle black, or is it white?



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