China’s Brainwashing Centres By James Reed

     China, engaging in brainwashing? Taking out people’s brains, giving them a scrub over, then putting them back in squeaky clean skulls? Surely not!

“Australian Conservatives Senator Cory Bernardi put forward two motions to federal Parliament tightly linked to strained Australian-China relations, on Aug 15. The first motion, which was rejected, called for a review of the Department for Education and Training’s engagement with Chinese Communist Party-administered Confucius Institutes. The successful second motion, while avoiding direct reference to China, targeted political re-education internment camps, which have become a hallmark of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) oppression. In the course of ostensibly delivering Chinese language and culture education, Confucius Institutes have come under scrutiny for, among other things, impinging on Australian academic freedom. Over 1,500 Confucius Classrooms and Confucius Institutes are hosted by primary and secondary schools and universities throughout the world. Bernardi’s motion noted that Australia has the third largest number of such institutions, after the United States and the United Kingdom. The setting up of Confucius Institutes involves forming a partnership between a Chinese university, a foreign university, and Hanban—the Office of Chinese Language Council International, which is an arm of the CCP’s Ministry of Education.”

     The thought no doubt counts, but Australian universities themselves, even without the massive amounts of Chinese money which they float on, are vast brainwashing centres, and the massively significant influence of China is but one part of a horrible death mask for Western civilisation. Fortunately, I am noticing, or at least people are emailing me,  articles taking the line that the universities are so intellectually corrupt now that people should avoid them and seek education using on-line sources, and start businesses or do other things. If the government set up examination centres we may be able to eliminate not only all of the Arts/Farts/Inhumanities, Social Pseudo-Sciences, but fields like mathematics as well, which are generally taught by what one teacher described to me as people with Asperger’s and other personality disorders.

     In many respects, the internet has made the university system obsolete, and there are far better lectures on YouTube, according to young people doing STEM degrees that Brian has spoken to, than in most university STEM lectures at university, especially mathematics, where many university students find their lectures, useless. I have covered in numerous articles how the universities have worked to destroy national culture, but here is another good article supporting my noble cause:

“Our students’ ignorance is not a failing of the educational system – it is its crowning achievement. Efforts by several generations of philosophers and reformers and public policy experts — whom our students (and most of us) know nothing about — have combined to produce a generation of know-nothings. The pervasive ignorance of our students is not a mere accident or unfortunate but correctable outcome, if only we hire better teachers or tweak the reading lists in high school. It is the consequence of a civilizational commitment to civilizational suicide. The end of history for our students signals the End of History for the West. During my lifetime, lamentation over student ignorance has been sounded by the likes of E.D. Hirsch, Allan Bloom, Mark Bauerlein and Jay Leno, among many others. But these lamentations have been leavened with the hope that appeal to our and their better angels might reverse the trend (that’s an allusion to Lincoln’s first inaugural address, by the way). E.D. Hirsch even worked up a self-help curriculum, a do-it yourself guide on how to become culturally literate, imbued with the can-do American spirit that cultural defenestration could be reversed by a good reading list in the appendix. Broadly missing is sufficient appreciation that this ignorance is the intended consequence of our educational system, a sign of its robust health and success.”

     This destruction of the values of the West has not happened by accident, but has been carefully planned by the globalist elites who hope to ring in a One World New World order of hyper-communism. When it fails, as it must, and the world is in flames, they will go underground for a while until their food reserves run out. After which case, they too die out. Is that your plan? Whatever happened to the old school Great Depression strategy of sky diving?



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