China is Ready to Crush the West and We Must Sing for Joy or be Labelled Racists By James Reed

     Former presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan has his finger on the pulse. Below he argues that China’s aggressive move to clamp down on Hong Kong, and its intention to invade Taiwan, indicates that it is capitalising on the fall of America from Covid-19, which could have been deliberately released from the Wuhan biolab, being so perfectly “evolved’ to bring down Western economies:

“The United States would be defeated in a sea war with China and would struggle to stop an invasion of Taiwan, according to a series of “eye-opening” war games carried out by the Pentagon. American defence sources have told The Times that several simulated conflicts conducted by the US resulted in the conclusion that their forces would be overwhelmed by the Chinese. One simulated war game focused on the year 2030, by which time a modernised Chinese navy would operate an array of new attack submarines, aircraft carriers and destroyers. The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is seen docked at Naval Base Guam in Apra Harbour last month. The analysis also found that Beijing’s accumulation of medium-range ballistic missiles has already made every US base and any American carrier battle group operating in the Indo-Pacific Command region vulnerable to overwhelming strikes. The Pacific island of Guam, a base for American strategic bombers such as the B-2 and B-52, is now considered to be wholly at risk. “China has long-range anti-ship ballistic missiles and hypersonic [more than five times the speed of sound] missiles,” a US defence source said, meaning that US carrier groups could not oppose their Chinese counterparts in battle “without suffering capital losses”. The conclusions, described as “eye-opening” by one source, are supported by the most recent analysis provided by America’s leading experts on China. “Every simulation that has been conducted looking at the threat from China by 2030, and there have been various ones carried out, for example in the event of China invading Taiwan, have all ended up with the defeat of the US,” said Bonnie Glaser, director of the China power project at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington and a consultant for the US government on East Asia. “Taiwan is the most volatile issue because that could escalate to a war with the US, even to a nuclear war.

“In the Pentagon and state department and the White House, China is now seen without doubt as the biggest threat. We have been too passive in the past … Guam is now in range of their ballistic missiles, so the US would take a beating if there was a conflict.” Beijing has stepped up its military activities in the South and East China Seas, harassing ships, militarising islands whose sovereignty is claimed by others and sabre-rattling over the planned reincorporation of Taiwan. President Xi has said he wants the island back under “One China” by 2050 and is prepared to use force.”    

     Even our old china plate Big Kev Rudder, remember him? sees problems:

“Kevin Rudd is that rare beast: a diplomat and academic in politics. The former Australian prime minister is completing a doctorate on Xi Jinping at the University of Oxford. He has even been sighted queuing at the city’s kebab vans at the witching hour, just another student. A diplomat in China long before he entered politics, his doctorate is on the Chinese ruler’s ‘worldview’. Rudd probably knows more about modern Chinese history and politics than all the world’s current presidents and prime ministers put together. “I understand the nature of the Chinese-Leninist state and what we’re dealing with here. This is not a bunch of Sunday school teachers,” he warns. “This is a hardened Soviet-style Leninist regime but having fully embarked upon perestroika without glasnost. As a result you’ve ended up with an authoritarian state which has economically succeeded so far while maintaining political control”. Perestroika was Gorbachev’s economic loosening of communism in the 1980s Soviet Union, glasnost his political opening up to abolish its one-party state. By “perestroika without glasnost” Rudd means the policy since Mao’s death in 1976 of turning China into the workshop of the world while keeping its one-party state intact. However, he sees growing military, as well as ideological and social, threats. “China has changed the military dynamic in East Asia not just because of the South China Sea and not just because of the acquisition of capabilities which are much more blue water in orientation than was the case before.” Australia is increasing its defence spending in consequence. This brings us starkly to what Rudd calls “Cold War 1.5”. Embarking on another tutorial, he highlights the four characteristics of the Cold War with the Soviet Union until the 1980s. “Mutually assured destruction, third country proxy wars, zero economic engagement, and a full-blown ideological contest.”

How does this match in the case of China? Here his assessment becomes positively chilling to me, who previously thought all this talk of war – hot or cold – was overblown. Before Covid-19, he says, “there was some level of mutually assured destruction, because the Chinese do have a second-strike capability in their nuclear arsenal and they are modernising. “Secondly, you had some evidence of an emerging conflict between authoritarian capitalism of the Chinese model versus liberal capitalism of the Western model. Thirdly, you had no third country proxy wars, but a big question mark on the future evolution of Xi’s ‘Belt and Road’ initiative and the extent to which it becomes militarised and counter measures are taken against it by the United States and others. “But fourthly, the big new factor is what happens with bilateral economic engagement between these two countries. ‘Decoupling’ during the course of the trade war between China and the US in 2018-19 was a ‘catchcry’ but frankly on the core elements of the economic relationship outside of 5G and certain key technologies it was reflected in reality.” As if that isn’t stark enough, Rudd introduces another word we’d all forgotten since the Cold War with the Soviet Union: “détente” – the art of relaxing acute tensions before they blew up into crises and even wars. “Who’s the architect of the new détente learning from the US-Soviet Cold War to prevent a Cold War relationship from tripping into a Cuban missile crisis?” he asks.”

     Well, as the below stories indicate, the new Cold War is here already, so put on your trench coat, and pullup the collar:

     And, no surprise, YouTube is already censoring comments that might offend the new masters of the universe:



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