China is Already at War! By James Reed

     Articles are appearing arguing a point that I have expressed for some time that China is already in war mode. The Pentagon has claimed recently that China is training bomber pilots to hit the US, something that the Chinese have denied, but it only stands to reason that they would be prepared. What does one expect from a super power aiming to be number one and rule the world: throw kisses?

     The CIA, whom we can trust with the family silver, they are so rock solid, just ask old Don Trump, have said that we are already in a cold war:

“According to one top CIA expert, China is waging a quiet Cold War against the United States. Although China doesn’t really want a war with the U.S., they are quietly preparing and undermining the nation in ways that aren’t obvious to everyone else, says Michael Collins, deputy assistant director of the CIA’s East Asia mission center. “I would argue … that what they’re waging against us is fundamentally a cold war — a cold war not like we saw during THE Cold War (between the U.S. and the Soviet Union) but a cold war by definition,” Collins said on Friday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado, according to CNBC. And apparently, the rising tensions go far beyond what is being publicized about the trade war (one most economic experts feel the U.S. cannot win) initiated by the Trump administration.

But Collins is also concerned about China’s pursuit and subsequent attempts to steal business secrets and as many details as possible about high-tech research being conducted in the U.S. While the Chinese military is continually expanding and being modernized under communist “president”  Xi Jinping, (who voted himself  president forever) the U.S., as well as other nations, have whined repeatedly about the Asian nation’s construction of military outposts on islands in the South China Sea. “I would argue that it’s [China’s military expansion and attempts to surpass the U.S. as an economic superpower] the Crimea of the East,” Collins said, referring to Russia’s brash annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, which was condemned throughout the West.”

     There is also an article sitting behind a pay wall from The Advertiser “Red Alert: China’s ‘End Game’ for Australia,” which I cannot access, being a dirt-poor journalist. There was a few lines on the net saying that experts are worried about the “dangers” of being hooked on China’s money, so without reading the article it looks like the local academics are beginning to think about things. Talk about worrying about the horse, when it has long ago bolted. Oh, they own even the horse!



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