China and Russia, are a Tag Team Match By James Reed
The hawks who are pining for the US to go to war against Russia, something temporarily stopped by the election of President Trump, should pause and think hard about China’s recent military exercises with Russia, China’s first involvement in European inland waters, in the Baltic Sea.
In September, the exercises shift to the Sea of Japan, another area of possible confrontation. China’s newspapers made clear that all of this was to strengthen the Chinese-Russian strategic partnership. The Global Times of China said that China’s navy “will surely get stronger and stronger and march further and further, which the West should get used to.”
Well, ignore the flawed metaphor about a navy marching; the point should still be taken with deadly seriousness: “China Flexes its Military Muscle,” The Australian, July 24, 2017, p. 9.
Trump will, hopefully, hold off World War III, but the criminal psychopaths who no doubt will follow, as the elites will never again allow the election again of a peoples’ champion against globalism, will have no such concerns. They must believe that they can survive in their taxpayers’ funded fallout shelters, to emerge in the future to rebuild the planet in their image.
Dream on, oh dark and evil lords of the bitter night.