Cheap Aussie Plonk! By James Reed

Talk about the ultimate in insults … China is now slamming our wine, as basically cheap plonk. Maybe rocket fuel. Hey, could we use the surplus wine to run industry on?

China has boldly gloated that Australian wine exports will plummet under new tariffs - wiping millions of dollars and hundreds of jobs from the industry - while claiming the only reason they bought our bottles was because they were 'cheap'. 

The claim was made in a piece by the Global Times, a mouthpiece for the communist government, after China imposed additional 6.3 per cent duties on Australian wine from Friday.

The Beijing-sponsored newspaper said the only reason Chinese consumers bought Australian wine was because it's 'cheap', and would now look to buy wine from other countries such as Chile.

The article, which was published on Thursday, claims the new trade tariffs could cause a wine and grape 'glut' in Australia when demand from Chinese importers drops. 

China had already imposed a 212 per cent tariff on Australian wine last week, something the tabloid described as a 'destructive blow'.”

It is enough to make drinking people cry … wait, maybe wine here will be cheaper? I remember wagging school, late 1950s a golden age, with my dad and at lunch time, we would go to a pub, and get a whole Aussie crayfish to eat. Today, you would be struggling to get an Aussie cray, all gone to Asia. Let’s go back to that time, not the cesspool of today!



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