Censoring President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil on Covid Vaxxes By Charles Taylor (Florida)

After censoring a standing president of the United States, Donald Trump, Facebook is drunk on its power, power foolishly given to it by sheeple who use it. Now, Facebook has censored Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro, who in a video gave statistics and data showing that those who take the COVID-19 vaccines are getting  what looks like AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Facebook stated that “our policies don’t allow claims that COVID-19 vaccines kill or seriously harm people,” and Alphabet’s YouTube claimed the video had violated “our medical disinformation policy.” But, there is in fact a case that Bolsonaro is correct, and in any case, there should be the freedom to discuss the matter, let alone by the president of a country! Who does Zucker-Plucker think he is, a master of the Universe? Facebook is hopeless, and freedom lovers should have abandoned it by now. It deserves bankruptcy. Go ahead, censor my Facebook page! (Don’t have one.)


“We all have learned that those unwilling to go along with the official narrative will be silenced and censored. Whether the information is “true” or not, the free flow of information will always be a cornerstone of basic human rights.

We should all be able to hear, read, or otherwise absorb any information we wish and decide for ourselves if it rings true to us or not. That’s discernment and it will take critical thinking.  Since the political overlords want obedient slaves, they will silence those who promote the idea of thinking for themselves. That’s why president Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil has been silenced.

Facebook confirmed that a video of Bolsonaro had been removed on Monday. The president of Brazil offered statistics and data showing that those who take the COVID-19 vaccines are ending up with what looks like AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) stating that “our policies don’t allow claims that COVID-19 vaccines kill or seriously harm people.”  Alphabet’s YouTube took the same step later that day, claiming the video had violated “our medical disinformation policy.”

Bolsonaro merely shared concerns after reading the data provided by government officials in the United Kingdom:

What we do with that information and how we interpret the data is on us.  This censorship is out of control, however, we need to know who Bolsonaro is as well. He’s a member of the ruling class. He is promoting the idea that COVID-19 does exist when there is far more evidence out there that they simply renamed the common cold so people would be scared into taking a shot.  In 2020, Bolsonaro tested positive for Covid, praising hydroxychloroquine for helping to limit his mild symptoms, and, earlier this year, he vowed not to take any coronavirus vaccine, despite pledging to work to inoculate Brazilians, according to this report by RT.

What kind of a person vows to give the injection they think could be causing AIDS to others while promising they will never take it all while pushing the official narrative that the scamdemic does exist? This story makes little sense, almost like it was scripted to read this way as some kind of a psychological operation.

Stay alert and don’t trust any ruler. Never put anything past them.  This guy vowed to vaccinate the entirety of Brazil. They are all working against us.”

Don’t trust politicians is excellent advice!



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