The Deification of Saint George By Chris Knight (Florida)

The area of road where George Floyd died, as many see from a drug overdose, but according to the system, from a White racist murdering him because of the colour of his skin, has now become a sacred site. Yes, this is all part of the new post-White religion, getting ready for the day when Whites are minorities and are on the road to disappearing completely. It will be a bumpy ride to our final resting point, and the end of civilisation too.

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Norway Sees the Risk of Dying from AstraZeneca Unacceptable … For Now By Mrs Vera West

Apparently, the AstraZeneca vaccine will be given to Australians over 50 years. Not so in Norway, where the risk of dying from the vaccine is thought to be higher than that of the risk of dying from Covid-19. That statistic takes into account the entire population, including young people, who have been said to be more at risk than old people from the blood clotting adverse effect, so immediate conclusions about the Australian program cannot be made on this alone. Still, this is something to think about. Also, note how generous Norway is to give their rejected vaccines to other Nordic countries, maybe as early Christmas gifts.

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None Dare Call it Insurrection! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The peaceful protest against the stolen election, that plunged America into its present Demon-crat zombie apocalypse, has been seen by the communist Biden regime as a full-scale insurrection, and the new totalitarian police forces are hunting done everyone they can. White supremacists, defined as those opposing the present evil regime, are now the targets of a  new war on “terrorism,” and the full power of the oppressive  state is unleashed against those who voted for Trump, while strangely, nothing much happens to the fat orange guy, blissfully playing golf, like a ram put out to pasture. Thus, when BLM protesters shut down the Oklahoma House of Representatives, the mainstream media, doesn’t even say, nothing to see here; it says nothing. These are their shock troops after all.

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The End of the Rule of Law in the West Part 1 By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The radical US Left, which is now the establishment, is moving to consider abandoning the criminal justice system. Actually, the system has already done this for law relating to white people, who have basically been declared fair game for any hunters and predators, as documented at this blog and many other Dissent Right blogs, every day. What BLM say about Blacks, really applies more to Whites, an endangered sub-species. That Whites in positions of power still are actively oppressing deplorables, and only proves the point.

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The End of the Rule of Law in the West Part 2 By Richard Miller (London)

The Chauvin trial, along with the failure to prosecute antifa/BLM urban terrorists in 2020 by blue state anarcho-tyranny authorities in the US, is being matched here in the UK. We have the grooming rapes of perhaps as million children that the police ignored for as long as they could because, well, we would not want to be racist would we, prosecuting non-white rapists? Then the following becomes standard:

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Climate Change Fear and Reproduction By Mrs Vera West

Fear about climate change is apparently leading to some people, no doubt white liberals, from having children. This media generated fear always works best on the white leftist and liberals. It may be that there will be some drop in the average level of IQ, but maybe not, especially if conservatives replace them, with better quality young ones. I say, let then be bred out, it is really a form of natural selection at work here!

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Wokea Cola By James Reed

After Coke’s  adventures in being woke, it looks like sales have dramatically fallen. There is a lesson here for the capitalists. Hopefully, go woke, go broke, or near enough.

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No Bargain Discounts on War with China By James Reed

Despite all the hype about the economy recovering, yes, by whom, not all the small businesses destroyed by the Covid-1984 New World Order freak-out, there is something big about to happen. The globalist elites have not had their war blood lust satisfied for a long time, and only mega-death can satisfy their Dark Gods of War. The US is pushing Russia towards war, and China seems to be itching for it, playing cat and mouse with Taiwan. Get ready.


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The French See All Covid Vaccines as Problematic By Mrs Vera West

With the present debate about Covid-19 vaccine safety, it is significant that the French authorities are breaking from the national herd of sheeple, even old dumb ram, Trump, who loves vaccines, and stating that all of the vaccines have not received adequate clinical testing.

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Woke in Space! Star Trek at Your Heart Out! By Brian Simpson

NASA too is into the diversity mania, and rather than focus upon pure science, is going woke. Where will this lead do you think?

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Great Aussie Sense on Climate Change Existential Alarmism! By James Reed

Great work by Sky News Chris Kenny, for opening up on Beijing Biden’s climate change hysteria, not that the grinning senile old sod with the great teeth would know what he is doing, but the New World Order spiders behind him sure do. The plan is to de-industrialise the West, elevate China to supreme super-power, forever, because … they are not white. But, that all assumes that nuclear war does not occur. Since there is already a nuclear cultural-race war going on, it does not really matter much to me. This world is rotting and we really should pray for  God to put an end to it all, in accordance with the last book of the Good Book. My personal view, only from someone with probably only a few years, if not months, left.

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The Left Eating Each Other Now! By Chris Knight

The Democrat grand plan to eliminate traditional America in favour of a multicult Leftist cesspool, may have problems, since now that war has been declared openly upon Whites, nothing stops the Democrats from being hoisted by their own petard. The Left ultimately cannibalise each other, politically and maybe even physically at the end, as we have seen in all other communist regimes. It is built in to the DNA of the Marxist monster!

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Looks Like Meat, No Climate Change, is Back on the Menu Boys! By Charles Taylor

After the Covid tyranny, the next Big Thing is actually the last big thing, climate change. The Biden regime is leading the charge on this, which will involve dismantling US industries. Well Trump let us down for whatever reason he had to cuck out, whatever the Deep State had on him, or just from personal cowardice and subservience to Jared his master, and America faces the apocalypse now. Curses be upon every mouthful of high cholesterol food he swallows down his fat gullet. And, may his golf balls be magically transformed into eggshells, like the egg eternally on his face!

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Let Knife Fights by Teenagers Flourish! By Charles Taylor

So, not only are the jails to be emptied, criminals not prosecuted if they are non-white, but knife fights among teenagers should just be allowed without police intervention. Ok, sounds like sound social policy. Also issue teenagers with an array of medieval weaponry, including battle axes and spears, just to add variety!


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Jury Intimidation, or What? By Chris Knight

Common sense alone would indicate bias in the Chauvin trial given the level of media propaganda, all proclaiming his guilt. But then there were threats of violence that the riots of 2020 would be intensified. That alone should indicate that no fair trial could haver been conducted. Consider as well, these comments from an alternative juror.

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How the Elites will End Bitcoin By Brian Simpson

The financial elite do not like a decentralised cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, which has given people more freedom, especially the politically incorrect, who have been made financial non-persons. But the system uses heaps of energy, via mining, and that is its weak point. It will be attacked via the climate change tyranny, which is now back into full swing with the Beijing Biden regime.

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Even Murders are Victims in Woke Land! By James Reed

People of colour who murder have been considered as victims, mainly of ‘intergenerational trauma.” This, along with defunding the police, is yet another step in anarcho-tyranny where ultimately, the jails are emptied and open season declared on whites, and middle class Blacks by criminals, including the political class.

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A Green Virus is being spread by the World Climate Conference – they must be gagged for our safety. By Viv Forbes

The Biden-Boris green virus which infects most of the west has become a danger to Australia. PM Morrison has promised one billion dollars for “hydrogen, CCUS (carbon capture usage or storage), batteries and critical minerals - all to achieve “net zero”.


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Princess Greta on Vaccine Equality By James Reed

I must agree with Greta Thunberg on this one, the poor nations should not go without the Covid vaccines while the rich gobble them all up. Yes, send my vaccine to some poor African. It would be racist not to do so. Say, will Marvel be making a Greta super hero? They should you know.

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Stop Press: The 2020 Election was Stolen, People Believe By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The majority of voters believe that cheating affected the results of the US election. Fine, but what is going to be done about it? We should be seeing protests to dwarf BLM, but nothing. The population just wants to be slaves. Really, I don’t care anymore if Vlad Putin decides to use this place as nuclear target practice! What does it matter, it will only hammer down the final nails in the coffin of America, a dead man walking.

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