The Woke Pope Grovels Over Fraudulent “Offence” By Peter West

Jared Taylor does a good job covering how the woke Pope went to Canada to apologise on bended knee, difficult for someone with bad knees. The issue was the controversy over native children who were apparently genocided/murdered by Catholic school authorities. The entire woke system went into overdrive on this … only thing … the claims of mass graves have been debunked. But, that matters not, as the woke system is so insane that facts do not matter now, only the frenzy to punish whites. With hind sight it was probably a bad idea to found the schools in the first place.

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China Ready for War … Pretty Cocky Eh? By James Reed

China is getting cockier by the minute in its war preparations. They are confident of beating the US, and maybe the rest of the West, presumably without even being crippled themselves. Or, so the CCP thinks. But, I think the situation is now much like 1939, and the threat, almost as severe. It may be necessary to fight, even if defeated, because it is better to perish in a nuclear holocaust, than to be treated like the Uighurs, our likely fate. Anyway, as Christians we will go to Heaven and the communists, well …

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It has Come to This: Locking Up the Spam! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

My Aussie friends, just imagine if you popped down to Woollies, I think you call it, to get a big jar of Vegemite, only to find that the jar was inside a prison, a personal one, like a rat cage. Well, that is what people are finding now in New York, as lowly items such as the ever-salty Spam, are imprisoned to try and prevent people stealing it. The war on food, and runaway inflation has led to this. Imagine the social angst when beer is chained up to the fridge in bottle shops!

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Steve Kirsch Puts His Money Where His Mouth is Re Covid Controversies By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch is not only a leading Covid vax critic (he got vaxxed himself before seeing the light), but has money as a successful business person. He has one law suit going, and could well win it against Big Tech censorship, so we wish him well. The rest of this material in this post relates to his $ 1 million bet against first, those who deny that SARS-CoV-2 even exists (not to say that the virus if it exists does exactly what the mainstream says it does), and another bet relating to Covid origins, if those who champion the natural origin hypothesis can support this. He sees it, I think rightly so, as a lab creation. Overall, it shows what one can do with some money. If you read this Steve, we would be glad for a transfusion of that magic liquid too to keep the fight on the local front going!

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Does a Mocking Oath Invalidate Appointment? By James Reed

The issue I find interesting is does the mocking “oath” by Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe, invalidate her appointment? After all, it is arguable that the oath was made mockingly, and thus insincerely. Should this be taken up as a point of law? Nope, no-one has the energy anymore to pursue such points, too many other epic battles drain energies of conservatives. Anyway, that is the Greens for you, a so-called climate apocalypse according to their paradigm, but political correctness and radical Leftist agendas trump even climate bs.

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Brain Injuries and the Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

While much attention has been devoted by Covid vax critics to heart and general circulation, there has been, at least in the US, as shown in data from the main US adverse vax reporting organ, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System), increasing numbers of cases of brain injury caused by the vax. More people have suffered brain injuries from the Covid vaxxes than from all other vaccines in the past 30 years, combined: VAERS received over 1,092 cases of brain injury related to the vaxxes from December 2020 to May 13 2022, an average of over 64 cases per month. But, for the previous 30 years there were only 1,068 cases of brain injury associated to all other vaccines, an average of less than three per month. Clearly, on the basis of statistics alone, something must be problematic.

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More Fraud in Medicine By Chris Knight (Florida)

It really does not look good as an argument for accepting the experimental mRNA vax technology, given that so-called secure aspects of medicine are coming under scrutiny for fraud. One honest whistle-blower researcher in the field of Alzheimer’s drugs has said that she believes that another researcher may have doctored images to butter up results for an Alzheimer’s drug, the research being published in a leading generalist science journal, Science. If this proves to be correct, it is just one more case of seemingly safe foundations being shown to be of feet of clay. If so, or the more reason to be highly suspicious about the mRNA vaxxes  which proceeded  
at “warp speed,” without long decades of testing, beginning with animal studies.


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Imagine China War Over Nancy Pelosi; Helen of Troy Would Be Amazed! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Personally, I do not care too much if Nancy Pelosi is prevented from going to Taiwan; it is not clear why she needs to do such an inflammatory thing in the age of the internet. And, if the plane that the old lady is in gets shot down, or is involved in an accident, one would expect war over this, but I have my doubts now whether the US has the guts. The strategy seems to do everything to waste the country away, until war for defeat is not even necessary at all. China, I imagine would just walk in a Red Dawn scenario. Same for Australia after your Labor government destroys the economy with climate change nonsense and woke politically correct agendas, such as the “Aboriginal voice.” Looking at your country from the US, I see you on the same path to destruction as us.


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Joe Biden has Covid Yet Again, and Again! By Chris Knight (Florida)

It seems like only yesterday that false President Joe Biden, fully vaccinated had Covid-19. We recall his rambling speech where he said that if you get vaccinated you will not get Covid; it may still be up on YouTube. And now he has “rebound Covid” which supposedly happens after supping on the nectar of the new Big Pharma drug, PAXLOVID. As my uncle used to say, bs baffles brains.

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“Big Guy” Joe of the Biden Crime Family By Charles Taylor (Florida)

More evidence emerges of the involvement of Joe Biden, as vice president, in the wheeling and dealings of Hunter Biden. The now president denies that he had any involvement or received money, but emails reveal that Joe Biden is the “Big Guy,” with an email to Hunter, by his partners on May 13, 2017, outlining an equity breakdown in which 10 percent of the CEFC joint venture would be held by Hunter “for the big guy.” In any half decent society, and certainly if the roles were reversed, and this was Trump’s son doing all of this, the grand jury investigation would have been extended to include the president, who should not be above the law. My guess, just like the open insider trading that has brought massive fortunes to many Democrats, it will not be investigated, because under the Left, crime does pay, and pay handsomely.  


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The Collapse, Again, of Argentina By Juan Moreira (Austin, Texas)

I got out of Argentina just before the last “collapse,” which basically began around December 20, 2001. As an accountant who worked for a firm with a US branch, I could see the big one coming, and not having much by way of family, quite unusual for this part of the world, I painlessly left before the chaos. Yes, economic collapse, the freezing of bank accounts, as if money was worth anything, the starvation of children whose parents were unable to buy food for them, looting, riots, and the lasting legacy of large parts of my former home, Buenos Aires, becoming, to say it in Spanish, “Zona Liberada,” no-man’s lands ruled by gangs, something that continues to this day. Now this same process, only deeper seems to be happening again, perhaps faster and more intense, as the riots begin and the country plunges deeper into chaos.

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In the Netherlands; Farmers Out, Migrants In By Richard Miller (London)

Niek Beenen Netherlands Flevo member of parliament, has released a document dealing with the province of Flevoland regarding space in the Noordoostpolder  The document reads, in part: “The province of Flevoland has bought nitrogen space in the Noordoostpolder. With the nitrogen space that has been freed up, the province can help a number of PAS claimants in the Noordoostpolder. This opportunity has arisen because the government has bought an agricultural business in the Noordoostpolder. The government wants to set up a registration centre for asylum seekers at the location of the farm.”

Thus, Dutch famers are being cancelled and replaced, in favour of waves of migrants. No doubt, all will starve together in the New World Order famines to come.

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The Environmental Hazard of Environmentalism By James Reed

Daniel Greenfield does tremendous work debunking the myths of the Left, especially environmentalism. At present the climate change agenda is in full swing, intensified now as it is being directed against key aspects of ordinary life, such as eating meat, and driving cars, and as well, most dangerously, a full-scale attack upon energy resources. This alone will undermine Western industrialism, what remains of it. The so-called replacement is renewable energy such as solar and wind, and electric cars, of course. However, there are enormous environmental costs associated with all aspects of the renewable energy fanaticism. For example, wind turbines take an enormous quantity of energy and resources such a steel to construct, do not last very long, and do not generate enough energy over their life time to even match their environmental costs. And, there is the major problem of disposal of the turbines and blades when their life ends. But, this Green illusion is being used to shut down Western industrialism, while China builds coal-fired power stations like there is no tomorrow.

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Victor Davis Hanson: The Left have Their Man in Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While the establishment is getting nervous about Biden’s performance, Victor Davis Hanson makes the point that Biden has given the Left everything that they want, short of total communism. In particular, the Biden administration has declared war upon conservative white America, and opened the southern border to beef up Democrat voters, just in case electoral fraud is not enough. In particular the Biden administration has destroyed the economy through inflation, and that excites the left most of all, so long as they do not suffer, and can sit back in academic offices, funded by the state, and enjoy the collapse.

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Covid Vaxxes were Never Going to Protect Against Infection: Trump’s Advisor Deborah Birx By Chris Knight (Florida)

Now that the majority of people have been vaxxed, the elites are relaxing and letting out truths, gloating. Deborah Birx, the White House COVID-19 response coordinator under former President Donald Trump, said on Fox News, “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines. And it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization.” But at the time she said: “This is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infectious disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the vaccine.” So, she lied, nothing new about that. But, Trump, who let all of this happen, has said nothing about these revelations. Well, as least he has gone quiet promoting the goo.


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More Proof of Total Government Corruption of the Rule of Law By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Allegations have been made by Republican representative Jim Jordan that the FBI, a highly politicised Left-wing organisation, is giving orders to officers for crimes to be reclassified as domestic terrorism, even when there is no or little evidence for this. It is all part of the Satanically evil Democrat plan to treat Trump voters, and all who oppose them, as enemies to be destroyed by the power of the state. Genocide, impure and simple. The time for the breakup of America is long over-due.

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Opposing Shooting Up Infants to Four years By Mrs Vera West

Vaccine critical groups in both Canada and Australia have openly opposed the vaccine roll out for young children. Here in Australia, good work has been done by the  Australian Vaccine-risks Network (AVN), who have sent an open letter to the secretary of Australia’s Department of Health and Aged Care, giving the case against the vax roll out. The main reasons are:

  1. “Children don’t need COVID-19 vaccination because they are at extremely low riskof COVID-19.
  2. In any case, the mRNA shots don’t work well.
  3. The potential harm from the mRNA shots outweighs the benefits for young children.”

All good points, but offering reasons to a fanatical cult will not work as we have seen. And, the problem is that this has not ended, for new pandemics will give as a repeat of al that we have experienced, probably ramped up many levels. It is the greatest battle of all time, the fight for being even human; a battle of Biblical proportions, for the soul of man.

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And Now (Drum Roll) … Cannibalism! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the latest trendy nonsense from The New York Times, a highly favourable review of rubbish books dealing with human cannibalism. At first, I passed over this, but came back to the story as I remembered the punchline of the movie Soylent Green (1973), starring the great Charlton Heston. That movie zeroes in on an over-populated world, where the elites have tasty food like strawberry jam, but the ordinary people eat Soylent Green, which we find out late in the movie is re-processed people. With the Great Reset push to eliminate animal meat, expect cannibalism to put meat, back on the menu, boys!

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Abortionism: An anti-Christian World View By Mrs Vera West

Daniel Greenfield goes into detail about the philosophical foundation of the abortion ideology. It is not about women’s choice, for the issues go much deeper, being linked to Darwinist ideas of human nature and worth. Such a philosophy, seeing humans as nothing more than biological organisms, readily justifies abortion, since there is nothing divine about man, and hence nothing sacred about the foetus. Hence, from this material perspective, the idea of the sanctity of life is nonsense. As shown by Greenfield this view point, part also of Marxist ideology, is completely non-Christian. This explains why the American Leftists are targeting churches with urban terrorist tactics.

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Going Easy on Ghislaine Maxwell By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Just as I predicted, Epstein’s madame groomer for the paedophilic rapes, Ghislaine Maxwell will be moved to a luxurious prison, with lots of fun things. It probably arises as she has the dirt on the elites who visited the paedophilic  Island of Epstein. I expect that she was smarter and ensured that if she got murdered in jail like her lover boss, someone out there would feed names to the media. Anyway, given a few years, when everyone has forgotten about this, she will conveniently escape or “die,” and will head back to the people who set this operation up. For the elites, crime always does pay.


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