Canada Cucked By Mrs Vera West

     Which Western country is the most cucked, with the weakest globalist infected leaders? Sweden is a prime candidate, but some might say Canada, the birthplace of the evil concept of multiculturalism, is a strong contender:

     Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told CBC in January 2016 that “Islam is not incompatible with Western secular democracy.” No proof was offered. But, it does not stop there with other comments by Trudeau being that we need to “rethink concepts as basic as space and time” and  that China’s “basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say “we need to go green fastest.’” 

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Homesteading 101: Prepping and Beyond By John Steele

     In articles to come I will be dealing with the Plan C, or is it Plan D (?), strategy of prepping for coming disasters, collapses or just the Spenglerian processes of social entropy that have taken down all previous civilisations. I know that the great majority of us expect that the world which we see today, and enjoy with its technological creature comforts will continue into the future, forever. Yet, it may not, and breakdown in some places of the world has been rapid, and there is even argument that the fall of Rome was quicker than most scholars think, due to migration and barbarian invasions, rather than just some particular economic libertarian reason like more taxes:

     The strategy of many has been to go “off grid,” and to homestead, trying to be a self-reliant, if not self-sufficient as possible. The American sites celebrate this, but often are too preoccupied with firearms questions to produce in depth discussions of just how hard it is to do this, even to grow one’s own food. I have sorted through a long list of internet sites to now cite some realistic appreciations of these difficulties:

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Finland and Italy Show the Way! By James Reed

     Fortunately it is not all bad news, and there are little rays of hope to keep up possibly sagging spirits.: 

“ It appears Europe’s dream lives another day. As we predicted, Pekka Haavisto has conceded defeat against the incumbent Finnish President Sauli Niinisto in the Finnish election vote, with “Trump-lite” Huhtasaari garnering 6% of the vote. The incumbent was on 64.4 per cent of the vote, trailed by the Green Party’s Pekka Haavisto, who came in at 11.2 per cent. Laura Huhtasaari of the populist-nationalist Finns Party and veteran Centre Party politician Paavo Vayrynen, who ran as an independent, garnered 6 per cent of the vote respectively. The results were based on a tally of ballots cast in advance voting. Election officials said 36 per cent of almost 4.5 million eligible voters had exercised that right.

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The Treason of Trump: Immigration By Chris Knight

     While voted in to save Whites in America, Donald Trump has done exactly the opposite and has worked to transform America more rapidly into “Mexamerica”:

“President Trump’s amnesty plan would potentially give a pathway to U.S. citizenship to an illegal alien population that is roughly six times the number of illegal aliens that were given temporary amnesty under former President Obama. An almost final draft of the White House’s expansive amnesty plan obtained by Breitbart News reveals that the Trump administration would be expanding Obama’s federal, temporary amnesty—known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program—to six times the number of illegal aliens who are enrolled in the DACA.

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Objective University Research! By Mrs Vera West

     Now that’s objective university research for you:  shutting down research which does not support the politically correct status quo: 

“A researcher barred by Bath Spa University from studying people who regret having undergone gender reassignment says the university is trying to “bully” him out of taking it to court over the decision.
James Caspian, a psychologist specialising in therapy for transgender people, was told his subject was “potentially politically incorrect” and risked triggering attacks on social media. Caspian said he tried to challenge the December 2016 decision in court, but was advised to use the university’s complaints procedure first.

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Letter to The Editor - The essence of academic freedom within the field of history is the right to challenge previously asserted facts and opinions

To THE AUSTRALIAN          You have published an editorial titled ‘Holocaust must not be denied.’ As you have not published any editorial claiming that the divinity of Jesus must not be denied, or the authority of the Koran, I am wondering to what power you are bending the knee in making this sweeping claim. It is astonishing that, as a newspaper given to defence of free speech, you quote the comment of the Israeli prime minister denouncing the new Polish law as ‘an attempt to rewrite history’ without condemning it.

     The essence of academic freedom within the field of history is the right to challenge previously asserted facts and opinions. Glibly you assume that ‘Holocaust denial’ in any form is wrong. Surely you know that in fact the nature and extent of German wrongdoing during World War Two has been extensively debated by many highly intelligent dissidents whose revisionist interpretations cannot be ignored, let alone dismissed, without dishonour. The very term itself is not immune to intellectual challenge.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Rape Genocide: Destroying the Swedish Bloodline By Mrs Vera West

     The assault upon Nordic Europe continues, with news that one in eight Swedish women can be expected to be raped over their lives:

“The Swedish bureau of statistics (BRÅ) has released new shocking data: In 2017  7,320 rapes was reported. That is a 10 percent increase in just one year. There are 5 million women living in Sweden. Taking into account an average lifespan of 84 years this means that 607,320 women will be raped during a woman’s lifetime. In other words, there is a risk of 12 percent – or 1 in 8 – that a female will be raped during her life.”

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America’s Revolt Against Immigration By James Reed

     Keep in mind the Reduce Immigration Write-on, whenever you vote, or whenever the issue of immigration comes up:

     Do not give up! A recent US (and we are usually just behind the American wave),  Harvard-Harris poll found that more Americans now support zero, repeat, zero legal immigration each year than support current legal immigration levels of about 1 -1.5 million migrants per year. The majority of Americans, which is a staggering 81 percent, wanted immigration levels reduced to less than one million migrants per year, while 9 percent wanted zero immigration and 7 percent were happy with the present levels: 

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The End of Liberal Democracy By James Reed

     Back in 1992, Francis Fukuyama proclaimed that history was over with the victory of liberal democracy and consumer capitalism, in his book, The End of History and the Last Man:

     He did not anticipate the radical jihadist challenge, mass migration and white genocide, or the populist revolt against these things: 

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Say Goodbye to the Soy Boy! By Mrs Vera West

     Young men are told to drink their soy, and to dilute their “toxic masculinity,” because women like weak, sensitive guys. There is even a move to promote “cuckolding,” as part of the new politically correct gender relations for the last remaining heterosexual males:

     The problem is that women do not like these soy boy males, but instead, go for the traditional John Wayne style man:

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Spermageddon By Mrs Vera West

     I have discussed this some time back, but the topic is important enough to revise: the decline in the quality of sperm throughout the developed world: 

“Last summer, scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found that male sperm counts had fallen by almost 60 per cent in 40 years. In what was the largest study of its kind, they analysed data from 43,000 men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, taking in 185 studies from 1973 to 2011. Its lead author, Dr Hagai Levine, decreed the result an ‘urgent wake-up call’.”

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Fake News; Fake Boos By Charles Taylor

     Want proof of fake news? Well, here it is:

“German public broadcaster ARD has been blasted after admitting it “boosted” the sound of booing at the speech given by U.S. President Donald Trump late last week.
President Trump gave his speech at Davos on Thursday, again delivering sharp criticism to the mainstream media. He stated: “it wasn’t until I became a politician that I realized how nasty, how mean, how vicious, and how fake the press can be.”

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Blood in the Streets of Europe By Mrs Vera West

     Everyday various internet sites report on violent attacks/sexual assaults in Europe, with a focus on recently arrived migrants: 
     (Warning, this one has a shocking photograph, graphic.)

     These attacks have led to a massive rise in small arms sales in Germany: 
which I was surprised to read given the generally strong anti-gun nature of socialist Europe. Nevertheless, the fear is out there.

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Social Construction, Social Destruction By Mrs Vera West

     Another day, and like everything else, the power elites march ahead relentlessly with the gender agenda. As an example, the terms “husband” and “wife” are now being red-flagged even in Catholic universities, even with gay marriage, which is a sign of the times:

     This worldwide trend has not been without criticism, with critics seeing it as the product of an “intellectual disease,” with the hatred of the West being the new “cool”:

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Learning from Israel By Charles Taylor

     There has been much angst here from the Left about Trump building a wall, but Israel has built a wall which has been successful in keeping unwanted people out, and good for them: 

     It is not widely known, walls are being built by various South American countries for the same reason Trump wants one, namely to keep people out:

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Warriors of Hope? By Peter West

     Here we go again, with the commo Pope:

“Pope Francis flew to Bologna, Italy, Sunday and met with a large group of migrants and refugees, calling them “warriors of hope” while insisting that nations open broader avenues for immigration. During a full day in Bologna, Francis spent an hour meeting hundreds of migrants personally while posing with them for selfies under light drizzle. Later, the pontiff hosted a luncheon for asylum-seekers and prisoners in the St. Petronius basilica. He even donned a yellow plastic ID bracelet used by asylum-seekers to express his solidarity with them. “Do you know what you are? You are ‘warriors of hope’!” Francis exclaimed during his address to the many migrants present, urging them not to give in to disappointment or despair.”

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Bill Gates On the AI Future By James Reed

     I guess it is real easy to be optimistic about the future when you have so much money that you can just throw bags of it away, to suitable beneficiaries, as Bill Gates does. Now, he is telling all who will listen that the AI revolution will take away all jobs, but, not to worry, all will be well:

     People, he believes, will be able to focus on leisure. Now in principle social creditors have no objection to this because the purpose of life is not to work, work presently being a means to an end. But, for all of this to happen, with the sort of unemployment levels Gates is contemplating, there must be a rethinking of the economy along social credit lines. Merely tinkering around the edges of the system will not do, as the experts have shown: 

Where to Go at World’s End By John Steele

     Here is an interesting article for Plan C people, who like me feel that things have gone so far, that we will be down to survivalist strategies in a post-collapse world:
The possibility of economic collapse, let alone breakdown from war and nuclear strikes, is a realistic threat today:

     Rural areas will not have the problems associated with high density population centres, which would quickly become disease pits after only a few days of collapse of essential services, such as electricity, rubbish removal and sewage management. However, as the article notes for the US, and this is applicable in Australia too, most rural towns are under-funded and not prepared for any grid down situations. This is so especially in Australia, where rural townships have been economically gutted, so that foreigners can buy up land cheaply, thanks to our local traitorous elite. Nevertheless, one will still be safer in the country than the city, for no other reason than that the cities have been basically lost.

What’s New in the Church of England? By Peter West


“The Church of England has rejected a proposal for a new service to mark a congregant’s sex change – but has given the nod to using an existing ‘reaffirmation’ baptism service, instead. The decision by the Anglican House of Bishops to reject proposals for the development of a new special service to mark gender transitions was criticised by LGBT activists within the church. The ruling, revealed on Sunday, comes after the General Synod voted overwhelmingly in favour of introducing such church services in July.

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The Battle for Australia By Paul Walker

     Following on from the usual politically correct outbursts over Australia Day, we have the first indication of movement at the front. Labor Part elites are suggesting that a referendum be held on January 26 on the Republic and Aboriginal recognition: 

“Anthony Albanese has called for referendums on the republic and indigenous constitutional recognition to be held on a January 26, as a way of creating a national “platform of unity’’ and ending ¬divisions over the date of Australia Day. Mr Albanese, who was deputy prime minister in the second Rudd government and rival to Bill Shorten for the Labor leadership after the party lost power in 2013, used a speech at a citizenship ceremony in his Sydney electorate of Grayndler to suggest how January 26 could be kept as Australia Day, with the support of indigenous people, by holding ballots on two major issues confronting that ¬national identity.

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