Hydrogen Hype By Viv Forbes

     Dr Finkel (Australia’s Chief Scientist) is wrong - hydrogen will never be a “hero fuel source”. Australia has no gas wells producing hydrogen – every bit of hydrogen we use must be generated by electrolysis of water or manufactured from natural gas or coal. These processes consume energy some of which could be recovered by using the hydrogen as a fuel to power cars or generate electricity. We could use solar or wind energy to generate hydrogen, but then they cannot generate electricity for consumers, industry and the millions of electric cars our political scientist also supports. Burning hydrogen fuel is not even a zero-sum energy game – it is a negative-sum game, Dr Finkel. We can never get back the energy used to make the hydrogen. And as for using hydrogen as a fuel for long distance trucks how does he propose to confine this dangerous, elusive, hard-to-handle, explosive gas without a complete replacement of everything in our massive diesel-powered transport industry including service stations, fuel lines, tanks and motors? It will create jobs, but only while the sucker cash lasts. Hydrogen is the fuel of the sun, but not a net source of energy for Earth.

The Elderly Migrant Tsunami By Peter Bennett

     Dr Bob Birrell predicts a flood of elderly migrants to Australia. Good grief, what next!

“An alarmist headline? Not really. This judgement follows from an analysis of Labor’s proposed temporary visa for parents of existing migrants, entitled, a ‘Fairer Long stay parent visa for Australia’s migrant and multicultural communities’. The proposal was announced on 22 April, 2019. Labor’s proposal is for an uncapped, low cost, temporary parent visa open to all migrant families who are citizens or are permanent residents. It will cost $2,500 for five years regardless of sponsors’ income or capacity to provide for their parents. All four parents in each household can be sponsored. The children eligible to sponsor their parents include all those who are permanent residents or citizens of Australia. The visa will be renewable thus enabling parents to stay in Australia for ten years without having to leave. This means it is a de facto permanent entry visa since, as sponsors will know, it is highly unlikely that parents who have lived here for a decade will be required to return home. Labor’s ‘temporary’ parent visa is an unprecedented offer. No other western country provides any similar parent visa. The trend across Western Europe is to tighten already stringent rules on parents’  access to obtain permanent residence status. The US, though it allows adult migrant children to sponsor their parents, has many hurdles, including that the sponsor must be a citizen and must meet financial capacity guidelines. Even Canada, the most overtly welcoming migration country in the west, has an annual cap of 17,000 on parent visas and, as with the US, sponsors must prove that they can meet stringent financial capacity criteria. As we will see, Labor’s parent proposal dismantles all the careful rules successive Australian governments have, over thirty years, put in place to control parent migration. The door is now wide open for parent sponsorship. This is an especially attractive prospect of Australia’s more recently arrived Asian and Middle-Eastern communities. And here it should be noted that Australia’s Asian-born population (at just over 10 per cent) is higher than any other western country.

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African Genocide of Christians By Michael Ferguson

     Africa is certainly becoming a dark continent as far as Christians are concerned, with rising levels of persecution:

“Christians are experiencing “genocidal, religious-based violence” in many parts of Africa as Islamic terror groups gain greater traction on the continent, according to Save the Persecuted Christians, a U.S.-based charity. The West needs to come to terms with the fact that what is going on in Africa is “genocidal, religious-based violence, enacted against Christians by Sharia supremacist extremist groups,” said Dede Laugesen, executive director of Save the Persecuted Christians, in an interview published Wednesday with Crux, an international Catholic news outlet. “They must also come to terms with the fact that the Islamic State has not been defeated, but has merely moved to new territory in Africa and is a growing threat not only there but, if allowed to flourish, to the interests of the United States, Europe and the world,” Mr. Laugesen said. Several factors are contributing to the increase of Christian persecution in Africa, he said, not least of which is the steady growth of Christianity itself. “Because Christianity is experiencing its greatest growth in Africa, Christians are increasingly seen as a threat to Muslim-dominated lands and governments,” Laugesen said. “Mass territories of uninhabited, ungoverned regions provide easy cover for Islamic terror group activities.”

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Academics Think that People Like Us are “Vermin” By Richard Miller

     Academics have a low opinion of us, and we should likewise reciprocate the feeling:

“Cardiff University lecturers have been criticised by students for suggesting people who vote Conservative are “vermin” and lack a “social conscience”. The Cardiff University Conservative Association, a student society, has spoken out against the comments by academics, saying is a “real shame” to see young Conservatives being “attacked” by senior lecturers. The students are calling on the university to ensure classes are taught in an “impartial manner”. It comes after Dr Andy Williams, senior lecturer at the university's school of journalism, media and culture came under fire for branding Conservative voters “vermin” after the general election. Dr Williams referred to polling data suggesting that men and older voters were more likely to back Conservatives. He tweeted: “British men & boomers [are] statistically more likely to be vermin than women & the young.”

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Obama is Sexist! By Mrs Vera West

     Former US president B. Hussein Obama, being Black, was given a joyful run by the woke media, but there is case against him at least from a logical point of view: he made sexist statement!

“If women ran every country in the world there would be a general improvement in living standards and outcomes, former US President Barack Obama has said. Speaking in Singapore, he said women aren't perfect, but are "indisputably better" than men. He said most of the problems in the world came from old people, mostly men, holding onto positions of power. He also spoke about political polarisation and the use of social media to spread falsehoods. Speaking at a private event on leadership, Mr Obama said while in office he had mused what a world run by women would look like. "Now women, I just want you to know; you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you're better than us [men]. "I'm absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything... living standards and outcomes."

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The Great Uprising By Charles Taylor

     With the US Democrats getting ready to have their legal thugs going door to door, kicking down doors to take guns, it is good to see that a gun sanctuary movement is growing, like a healthy tree:

“Stirred awake by Democratic proposals to take, register, and possibly seize their legally obtained weapons, Virginia gun owners in just 43 days have pushed 90% of the state’s counties to become gun “sanctuaries,” the latest three on Monday night.Since the Nov. 5 election that gave Democrats control of Richmond, an “organic,” pro-gun movement has prompted the governments of 86 of Virginia’s 95 counties, as well as 15 towns and cities, to adopt some type of sanctuary language, putting Gov. Ralph Northam and other liberals on notice that their gun control plans aren’t welcome. “I did not think it would be that high of a number,” said sanctuary advocate and Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins. “It’s an organic thing that just took off after Election Day. Elections have consequences, and this is the result. This has truly rocked the conservative, libertarian group's core. It has really shook a lot of them awake. They are fully awake,” he told Secrets. Remarkably, the effort has not seen a big push from the National Rifle Association. Local groups, notably the Virginia Citizens Defense League, have led the campaign that has brought thousands of gun-rights advocates to county board meetings. It has also become the national model for the movement that has now reached Illinois, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, New Jersey, Florida, and Tennessee. Illinois is credited with starting the movement.”

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Do Not Burn the Flag! By Charles Taylor

     A US man gets at least 15 years in prison for burning the LGBT flag! What does that tell you? Let us investigate more:

“A US judge has handed down a sentence of at least 15 years to a man who stole an LGBT pride flag from a church and burned it outside a strip club. Adolfo Martinez, 30, admitted to the media that he took the flag from Ames United Church of Christ due to his animosity towards homosexuals. He was found guilty last month of hate crime harassment, reckless use of fire and being a habitual offender. The incident occurred around midnight on 11 June in downtown Ames, Iowa. Police say the crime spree began at Dangerous Curves, a strip club, when police were called because a man was making threats. By the time they arrived, he had already been kicked out by bar staff. After leaving the club, Martinez then travelled to the church and ripped down its flag. He then returned to the strip club where he used lighter fluid to burn the flag in the street. He also threatened to burn down the bar. He was arrested later that day, and told local media in a jail house interview that he was "guilty as charged". "It was an honour to do that. It's a blessing from the Lord," he said, explaining that he did it because he "opposed homosexuality". "I burned down their pride, plain and simple," he told KCCI-TV. The interview was entered into the trial as evidence against him. Church pastor Eileen Gebbie, who identifies as gay woman, says she agrees that Martinez' actions were motivated by hatred. "I often experienced Ames as not being as progressive as many people believe it is, and there still is a very large closeted queer community here," she told the Des Moines Register when he was convicted in November. "But 12 people that I don't know, who have no investment in me or this congregation, said this man committed a crime, and it was a crime borne of bigotry and hatred." Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds said Martinez was the first person in the county's history to be convicted of a hate crime. "The hard reality is there are people who target individuals and commit crimes against individuals because of their race, gender, sexual orientation," she told the Ames Tribune. "And when that happens it's so important that as a society we stand up and people have severe consequences for those actions."”

Letter to The Editor - Squander millions of dollars of taxpayers' money on dubious claims

To The Age         The Victorian Government is entering areas more appropriately left to the federal government ("State flags new native title deal for spiritual loss", 15/2). The business of treaty-making is properly left to the national government, representing all Australians, all of whose interests are at stake. Operating at state level, as the Andrews government is doing,  is potentially divisive for Australia in a most serious way. One suspects that state governments are acting this way simply because they know a Coalition federal government will not inappropriately squander millions of dollars of taxpayers' money on dubious claims about "spiritual loss" or in other unjustifiable ways.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - In this respect the past is a closed book

To The Australian        Marcia Langton correctly states ("Ancient cultural 'belonging', more than race, is the issue", 15-16/2) that "a cultural and historical view of indigenous peoples, their antiquity and their belonging, is key to getting constitutional issues right." This is true, but leads to a conclusion different from those she draws. No living Australian has been here for 65,000 years or carries within himself or herself the dignity of the whole of Aboriginal history and culture. Constitutional matters can and should only deal with present-day and future Australians, not "the Aboriginal people or peoples" (abstractions). In this respect the past is a closed book. Moreover, the law should firmly recognise that every living Australian citizen should be regarded as an Australian first, before his or her ethnicity is considered. This means that, as regards proposed constitutional reforms of any kind, citizenship should be the primary aspect considered, not ethnicity, nor the longevity of the existence here of some of one's ancestors. The current three-part definition of an Aboriginal person may have "worked well as an administrative guideline" but should not be inappropriately applied in constitutional contexts to the detriment of "non-indigenous" citizens.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

The University Degree and Debt By James Reed

     We do not get searching critiques, at least from economists, of the Australian university system, perhaps because the universities’ main role here is to bring in migrants for the Great Replacement, as I have argued in previous articles, so immigration has become a sacred cow of the anti-us system. Anyway, in the US context:

“The unjustifiably high cost of college tuition in the US has dragged a whole generation into debt slavery. The average cost of a 4-year degree in the US is 3x higher than it was in 1990. Even tuition at in-state schools is climbing more quickly than incomes. As more people are forced to go into deep levels of debt to afford an education, more would-be students are being forced to take a hard look and reevaluate the ROI on a college degree. And as college tuition continues to outpace wage growth, for a growing number of people, the answer to 'is college worth it?' is going to be no. A reporter at Clever.com did some digging, and tabulated the ROI on different types of degrees: the bachelor's, master's and doctorate. Generally speaking, people with at least a bachelor's degree typically earn more money over their lifetime than those who never attended college, and it's also easier to get a job with a degree. But while Americans with a bachelor's degree might be on to something, those who earn a Master's and PHD-level degrees can't say the same. While nearly half the population has a bachelor's degree, only 13% of Americans have a master's or Phd-level degree. And according to Clever's analysis, many higher-level degrees may not be worth the time and money that students spend. In fact, the longer someone spends in school, the more the value of their degrees diminishes. Of course, ROI changes depending on the subject that an individual studies. Clever found that the best bachelor's degrees, unsurprisingly, tend to be in the STEM area: operations research, petroleum engineering, biological and physical sciences, biopsychology and gerontology.”

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Is Quantum Computing Racist? By Brian Simpson

     Quantum computing is the leading edge of computing, set to put humanity rightly or wrongly on the road to thinking machines. That is a matter for debate, but today we are concerned with the claim that quantum computing is racist, or some expressions about it, the latest in the crazy claims that parts of science are racist:

“The ultimate in “woke” just may have waited until the very end of the year to reveal itself. A cadre of academics is not happy about the journal Nature using the term “supremacy” in an article about quantum computing.
Titled “Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor,” the October piece deals with, well, just what it says: the superiority of computers using quantum processors versus so-called “classical” ones.
But 16 scholars say “supremacy” is for … racists. They want the phrase “quantum advantage” to be used in its place. We consider it irresponsible to override the historical context of this descriptor, which risks sustaining divisions in race, gender and class. We call for the community to use ‘quantum advantage’ instead. … In our view, ‘supremacy’ has overtones of violence, neocolonialism and racism through its association with ‘white supremacy’. Inherently violent language has crept into other branches of science as well — in human and robotic spaceflight, for example, terms such as ‘conquest’, ‘colonization’ and ‘settlement’ evoke the terra nullius arguments of settler colonialism and must be contextualized against ongoing issues of neocolonialism. Surprisingly, all 16 who signed the complaint are associated with the hard sciences.

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A Reading Guide to the Great Replacement By Chris Knight

     This is a very useful article at American Renaissance, a journal which some of us here love and others (Brian Simpson), hate. It gives a reading guide to the Great Replacement of whites:

1.    Brown Is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority, by Steve Phillips
2.    The Latino Wave: How Hispanics Are Transforming Politics in America by Jorge Ramos
3.    The Emerging Democratic Majority, by John B. Judis and Ruy Teixeira
4.    Red, Blue, and Purple America: The Future of Election Demographics, by Ruy Teixeira
5.    The Continuing Demographic Transition, edited by G. W. Jones, R. M. Douglas, J. C. Caldwell, and R. M. D’Souza
6.    From Grey to Silver: Managing the Demographic Change Successfully, edited by Sven Kunisch, Stephan Boehm, and Michael Boppel
7.    Latino America: How America’s Most Dynamic Population is Poised to Transform the Politics of the Nation, by Matt Barreto and Gary M. Segura
8.    Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority, by Tim Wise
9.    The End of White Christian America, by Robert P. Jones
10.   Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America, by William H. Frey
11.   Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities, by Eric Kaufmann
12.   The Politics of Immigration: Partisanship, Demographic Change, and American National Identity, by Tom K. Wong
13.   Barren States: The Population Implosion in Europe, edited by Carrie B. Douglass Books that address this issue from the Right are still of considerably greater value:

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Scientific Journal Nature on On-line hate By Brian Simpson

     Long ago the scientific journal Nature published the ground-breaking paper by Watson and Crick outlining the nature of DNA:

     Fast forward to modern times, and we find strategies for combating online hate:

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A Path to Civil War 2.0 By Chris Knight

     The US Democrats have been pushed to show their true colour, commo red, by President Trump, perhaps the only useful thing this president has done for America, although he has done much more for foreign powers. In particular, the Democrats are now, to a man, woman and transgendered person, determined to take away guns from the ordinary people, while setting up a totalitarian police state, to keep the peasants in line, as if they need to:

““Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15,” declared “Beto” O’Rourke at a Democratic party presidential candidate debate in September. Compelling Americans to surrender their so-called assault weapons is “the newest purity test” for Democratic presidential candidates, according to the Washington Post. O’Rourke and other Democratic presidential candidates, including Cory Booker, Kristin Gillibrand, and Bill de Blasio (now withdrawn from the race, as are Gillibrand and O’Rourke) have all endorsed mandatory buy-backs of assault weapons. Though such proposals are momentarily politically profitable, they could start a cascade of public-policy dominoes that ends in civil war. When Australia and New Zealand mandated buy-backs of assault weapons, most gun owners ignored the decrees despite politicians repeatedly ratcheting up their threats. Similar noncompliance to laws requiring surrender or registration of assault weapons has occurred in California, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and elsewhere. Congress passed an assault-weapons ban in 1994 that lasted for a decade. The original assault-weapons ban protected Americans from being shot with rifles that included features such as grenade launchers, bayonet lugs, or other detailing whose primary impact was to fuel the phobias of gun haters. Shortly after the 1994 ban was passed, a Washington Post editorial admitted, “Assault weapons play a part in only a small percentage of crime. The provision is mainly symbolic; its virtue will be if it turns out to be, as hoped, a stepping stone to broader gun control.” Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, in an article headlined, “Disarm the Citizenry. But Not Yet,” explained the “real logic of the ban”: “Its only real justification is not to reduce crime but to desensitize the public to the regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation.” Krauthammer, who was revered by much of the nation’s mainstream media, trumpeted his support for “real steps” on gun control including “the banning of handguns.”

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Another Day in Coronavirus Land and Still No Non-Chinese Deaths By Brian Simpson

     The coronavirus death toll has now hit 902 cases, surpassing SARs (813) in only three weeks. The number of confirmed cases in China is 40,171, and offshore, 382. According to the WHO Director-General, this may be only the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, one exiled Chinese billionaire, Guo Wengui, based on leaked information from Wuhan, and we know they these guys know everything, for how else could they be so rich (?), thinks that the death troll is about 50 thousand, with 1.5 million infected.

     As reported at vDare.com, there have not been any deaths of non-Chinese from the coronavirus epidemic yet.

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Zombies “R” Us By James Reed

     A bit of a slow news period, but, we still have to churn out material. I recall Aussie comedy legend, Graham Kennedy who did a news show in the 1980s or was it the 1990s (?), facing a slow news day and saying: well, do they expect us to go out and make news! Anyway, at the ever-interesting Unz Review, I find buried under layers of other interesting material, a little article dealing with zombies, which puts the point that this may be a better metaphor for the inert masses than sheeple. After all, sheep have a bit of life in them:

““I have always liked the ‘monster within’ idea. I like to think of zombies as being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.” – George Romero
Another essential quality of the zombie is its unquenchable hunger. No amount of flesh and blood seems able to quench the longing to consume live human flesh. Modern man has a similar problem- no amount of money, sex, gadgets, job titles, drugs, entertainment, pornography, art, religion or gurus seem able to quench our thirst. We live in constant hunger. If we equate the zombie ‘hunger’ for flesh to the human desire for money, the comparison becomes almost uncanny. Most adult humans spend most of their day either making money or spending it while being constantly bombarded with propaganda/advertising to keep them hungry. From the most humble street vendor to the billionaires on CNBC, no one seems to ever have enough money. Zombies need to eat live human flesh and money is at its core, human labor. Our craving for money is really the craving for the work of others, for the sweat and blood of millions to furnish us with unlimited amounts of food and consumer goods. The vast majority of Westerners have ceased to create anything tangible. Only one in five Americans actually produce anything. Eating what one produces on a farm or trading manufactured goods for food connects us to life. But when people spend ten hours a day in an office looking at a computer screen and two hours in traffic, somehow eating, and living, become abstract. What are we actually doing to create the food, heat, and the shelter we need? Our hunger for food and things far outstrips our practical needs and has become the cause of our ever more obese, angry, unsatisfied society while our spiritual hunger leaves us addicted, chasing empty consumer thrills. There is no end to what can be consumed and there is never enough for even those with billions; we always need more.”

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Open Borders USA; More Refugees for Cultural Vibrancy and Diversity! By Chris Knight

     The mass immigration lobby has gone in recent times from being cautious not to reveal its open borders agenda, to now, in the time of Trump to going all -out on the Great Replacement:

“Nearly 100 mayors across the United States are begging President Trump to import as many refugees to the country as possible in order to “bring cultural vibrancy and diversity” to American communities. In a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last month, about 88 mayors — from Denver, Colorado to Columbia, South Carolina — urged Trump to end his latest executive order that gives American communities more veto power over whether they want refugees resettled in their communities. The mayors said that more refugees are needed to bring about “cultural vibrancy and diversity” to their often small towns, though they admit refugees are an initial tax burden on their taxpayers. According to the letter: We write to urge the Administration to rescind the September 26 executive order and return this year’s refugee admissions to previous annual levels. U.S. cities have long benefited from the annual arrival of refugees. Once they are resettled, refugees learn the new language, adjust to the different culture, and strive to establish a new life. In the process, they also enrich and bring cultural vibrancy and diversity to their local communities. [Emphasis added] Refugees contribute meaningfully to our economy as earners and taxpayers. While they receive initial assistance upon arriving in the United States, they see significant income increases in subsequent years. [Emphasis added] As Breitbart News reported, Trump is set to continue cutting refugee admissions next year by reducing former President Obama’s refugee inflow by at least 80 percent. This reduction would mean a maximum of 18,000 refugees can be resettled in the U.S. between October 1, 2019, to September 30, 2020. This is merely a numerical limit and not a goal federal officials are supposed to reach. The mayors join the national security establishment, Republican and Democrat lawmakers, as well as the Koch brothers‘ network of GOP donors to demand that Trump increase refugee resettlement to the country.”

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Surveillance Capitalism: An Assault on Human Autonomy By Brian Simpson

     I have been saying this for years in my critique of technology, but it is good to hear a different voice for today:

“It’s a beautiful day on Hampstead Heath, the last weekend of summer – parliament is still prorogued. In a festival tent at the HowtheLightGetsIn festival, Professor Shoshana Zuboff is talking about her recent book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. Zuboff stands on a low stage, making eye-contact with her audience. She spies someone who seems unconvinced, invites them to raise their concerns. “When this book was published in January, I left home for three weeks on the road,” she says. “I’m still going.” The audience laughs. Because The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – a 700-plus page sociological analysis of the digital era – has become an epoch-defining international bestseller, drawing comparisons to revolutionary works such as Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. Naomi Klein has urged everyone to read it “as an act of digital self-defence”. It describes how global tech companies such as Google and Facebook persuaded us to give up our privacy for the sake of convenience; how personal information (“data”) gathered by these companies has been used by others not only to predict our behaviour but also to influence and modify it; and how this has had disastrous consequences for democracy and freedom. This is the “surveillance capitalism” of the title, which Zuboff defines as a “new economic order” and “an expropriation of critical human rights that is best understood as a coup from above”.

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Nasty Climate Change Mafia By James Reed

     It began with academic critical of the Left/communism in the 1950s, then extended to race theory, and then gender relations, and immigration, but essentially any academic who opposes the globalist aged of the status quo gets smashed. Well, I guess it is slightly better than being shot in the back of the head, USSR style, since the attempt to starve one to death still leaves the option of eating bush food, weeds, dumpster diving, begging and other scrounging, while working in the community library until closing time of 5 p.m.

“A climate advocacy group called Skeptical Science hosts a list of academics that it has labeled “climate misinformers.” The list includes 17 academics and is intended as a blacklist. We know of this intent because one of the principals of Skeptical Science, a blogger named Dana Nuccitelli, said so last Friday, writing of one academic on their list, “if you look at the statements we cataloged and debunked on her [Skeptical Science] page, it should make her unhirable in academia.” That so-called “unhirable” academic is Professor Judy Curry, formerly the chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech, and a Fellow of both the American Geophysical Union and American Meteorological Society. By any conventional academic metric, Curry has compiled an impressive record over many decades. The idea that she would be unhirable would seem laughable. But there is nothing funny about Skeptical Science. Today, Curry should be a senior statesperson in the atmospheric sciences community. Instead, she is out of academia. She attributes that, at least in part, to being placed on the Skeptical Science blacklist and its use, as expressed by Nuccitelli, to make her “unhirable.” I asked Professor Curry about this situation. She explained, “In 2012 I was informed by my Dean that the administration wanted me to step down as Chair. While there were several reasons for this, one obvious reason was extreme displeasure by several activist climate scientists who had a very direct pipeline to the Dean.” So Curry stepped down and started looking for administrative positions at other universities, “At the time, I was getting numerous inquiries from academic headhunters encouraging me to apply for major administration positions, ranging from Dean to Vice Chancellor for Research. I applied for several of these, and actually interviewed for two of them. I did not make it to the final short list.”

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A Philosopher Wants to Save the Planet by Letting Humans Die Off (Her, First!) By James Reed

     I first saw this item about a philosopher, that is someone employed as a philosopher in a university, not to be confused with general lovers of wisdom, at the great Technocracy site, but then I was curious about what else I could find about someone who wants to deal with climate change, by seeing the human race pass into the eternal night. Whooaha! There was not far to search, including an occult connection:

“On January 23, 2020, Bloomsbury Academic published a call to action for all those who care about “climate change.” The Ahuman Manifesto: Activism for the End of the Anthropocene by Patricia MacCormack, a professor of continental philosophy at Angelia Ruskin University, cuts to the chase and advocates for the ultimate solution to global warming: The end of the human race. For MacCormack, “Extinction Rebellion” has a whole different meaning. MacCormack admits to being an “occultist magician.” She has actually given lectures—often in a get-up that is either supposed to be emulating a witch and bearing an eerie resemblance to the costumes we see frequently at Drag Queen Storytime—on the “invocation” or “convocation” of demons, which she says is an important feminist or queer practice. Invoking demons, she says, is not entirely risk-free, because “madness is as likely as ecstasy.” She says all of this entirely unironically. MacCormack is not the sort of weak-kneed climate activist who believes that we should save the planet for our children. In fact, she doesn’t think there should be any children. A researcher who has “published in the areas of continental philosophy…feminism, queer theory, posthuman theory, horror film, body modification, animal rights/abolitionism, cinesexuality and ethics,” MacCormack once argued that animals are equal to human beings. Now, she’s arguing that humans should get out of the way entirely. The abstract for her book describes her thesis thusly: “Collapsing activism, artistic practice and affirmative ethics, while introducing some specifically modern phenomena like death cults, intersectional identify politics and capitalist enslavement of human and nonhuman organisms to the point of ‘zombiedom’, The Ahuman Manifesto navigates the ways in which we must compose the human differently, specifically beyond nihilism and post-and trans-humanism and outside human privilege. This is so that we can actively think and live viscerally, with connectivity (actual not virtual), and with passion and grace, toward a new world.” All of that nonsense, roughly translated, is that the culmination of human progress should be human extinction. What MacCormack is trying to do is to present “the apocalypse as an optimistic beginning,” but for other species, who will do much better once we’re all dead, an eventuality she finds positively wonderful to consider. Her book, according to the Cambridge News, “argues that due to the damage done to other living creatures on Earth, we should start gradually phasing out reproduction.”

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