Time for a Woman President: Ann Coulter By Mrs Vera West

     While JFK and Clinton were sex maniacs in the White House, Trump is being roasted by the desperate Dumocrats for having an encounter with a porno actress. Yes, we know he did, but that is just what powerful men with heaps of money, and time on their hands, do for entertainment. And, he has never pretended to be a Christian. It is all disgusting, but politics and big business is disgusting too, and that sort of stuff goes on while we speak. Just look at Hollywood, and that is by the Left:

     Nevertheless, it may be time for a female president, and I have long admired firebrand journalist/lawyer, Ann Coulter. She is stronger than the Trump that went into the election, she has written best-selling books about all the issues that concern us, and she is far smarter than Trump. There will be no porno scandals with her. Also, she will not back down. She constantly destroys liberals in debates. Yes, Ann Coulter for president 2020. And, here is her latest lashing out at Trump:

Hypersonics By James Reed

     Russia and China are both busy in their build up to World War IV, or will be V by now, if we count the Cold War, and War on Terrorism? The battlefields will see hypersonic weapons which are apparently unstoppable:

“During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing last week, Gen. John Hyten, the head of U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM), suggested current ballistic missile defense systems employed by America are unable to stop such weapons, known as hypersonic, which refers to missiles that can fly more than five times the speed of sound. To prevent a hypersonic missile strike, the U.S. would have to rely on nuclear deterrence, or the threat of a retaliatory U.S. strike, reports The Hill. Gen. Hyten told lawmakers: We don’t have any defense that could deny the employment of such a [hypersonic] weapon against us, so our response would be our deterrent force, which would be the triad and the nuclear capabilities that we have to respond to such a threat.…

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Who Benefits from the Fall of Europe? By Paul Walker

     A good test of finding out who is attempting to destroy you is to ask: who benefits? This issue was recently addressed by Russian nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky who had some insights to share:

“Western nations need the current conflict with Russia to consolidate the region in the face of the migrant crisis and looming collapse of the European Union, the leader of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party has said. “The European Union is falling apart. How can they prevent this without an external threat? They need some fear factor,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky wrote in his Telegram messenger on Tuesday.

“They are no longer afraid of the Islamic world, there are millions of refugees from Arab nations and Africa living in Europe anyway. China is too far. Russia is all that they are left with,” he explained. “Besides, the USA benefits from this whole situation. If Europe remains unstable, funds from the whole world would pour into the United States. A similar effect was recorded in the time of World War II, which was mostly waged on European territory,” the Russian politician noted.

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Letter to The Editor - The Wanton Worship of Woody Weeds

     Greens worship woody weeds. Their proposed tree-clearing bans in Queensland are the latest salvo in a long war favouring trees and damaging grasslands and pastoralists.

     For millennia Australia’s open forests and treeless plains have supported our national emblems – the kangaroo and the emu, which in turn sustained aborigines, eagles and dingos. Australian grasslands also nurtured now-endangered species such as bustards, quail, pigeons, finches and grass parrots.

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The Coming Caravans: Invasion USA By Charles Taylor

     The US is facing a “caravan,” or mob of illegal migrants from central America who intend to invade the US and be given the red carpet treatment by bleeding hear liberals:

     Trump is aware of this, and basically intends to do nothing, but make big man talk and pass the buck. You would think that he is as powerless as you or me:

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Trump the Traitor By Charles Taylor

     It is good that American conservatives are at last starting to unload on Trump, since he has failed to built the wall, and will not, and has wound back on every electoral promise.

     Other countries, like China and Israel, take their border security very seriously, and rightly so:

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Maybe Some Guts from Low Energy Trump By Charles Taylor

     If you do not fight, them it is certain that you will lose. In a rare show of grunt, Trump said that the US would resist the caravan of illegal central American migrants who had been organised to invade the US, so that bleeding heart libtards could fall all over them and give them keys to the city, in fact, everything. Trump toyed with putting the army along the border, which is something proud nations like China, Russia and Israel have no problems doing, and which they are right in doing. He also threaten Mexico with money retaliations via NAFTA if it did not do the right thing. And bingo, the caravan is stopped. It happened so quickly that the article written yesterday by yours truly hasn’t even been published here yet. If you don’t fight, you lose.

The Deep State Exposed By Chris Knight

     It looks like at least some Americans are waking up to all the mischief that the Deep State gets up to, and they are angry:

     Wow, I looked at this site about an hour ago, and now a kind message from whoever it is that controls the internet, tells me that the post has been removed. So, I waited some time, and bingo, the site was magically back up. Thus, hobbits we need to move quickly now and cut ‘n’ paste the essence before it is lost forever:

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The British Nerve Gas False Flag By Peter Ewer

     The narrative behind the alleged Russian nerve gas attack in Britain last month seems to be falling apart, with new revelations from a Russian relative of the two Russian agents poisoned in the attack:

“A 45-year-old Russian accountant and relative of the two Russians poisoned in a nerve agent attack in Britain last month said in an interview late Thursday that she was “scared” for them, calling the British authorities untrustworthy and casting doubt on their version of events. In the interview in Yaroslavl, Russia, where she lives with her husband and her two children, the accountant, Viktoria Skripal, who has been thrust into an escalating confrontation between Russia and the West, also said that she doubted that Britain would grant her a visa that would allow her to see her relatives. The relatives, Sergei V. Skripal, a former Russian spy, and his daughter, Yulia, have been hospitalized in Salisbury, England, since the attack on March 4.

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This Sorrowful Police State By Charles Taylor

     American politics needs to be studied by us all because it is revealing in the most candid way of the machinations of the Deep State, and the elites who rule over us. President Trump is significant, because, even though he is ultimately doing the Deep State’s bidding, he is a symbol of resistance, so, while the elites use him, they also abuse him, as they take him down, to teach the deplorables a lesson, that they are to be slaves until genocided.
The latest storm is the raiding by the FBI of his lawyer’s office, claiming to be investigating the lawyer, but also on the lookout for anything incriminating on the Trump/Stormy Daniels affair.

     Well, as immoral as it may be to us, there is nothing illegal about Trump having sex with a porno queen. Look what Bill Clinton got up to! Never mind, it will do to cover the US getting ready to provoke war with Russia over the latest chemical attack false flag: which the US says they have no evidence for, but will act on anyway. Trump is very much a hostage president. Can he get a message to the outside world that he is being held captive and fed mind control drugs? Nah, he was controlled from the beginning, and who know what dirt the Deep State has on him. 

Trump Shows His True Colours By Charles Taylor

     Both Russia and Syria were talking abut another false flag gas attack, and then, bingo,  it happens, according to the Deep State plan:

     Then we have Deep State puppet Trump getting back into the let’s blame Russia/Assad mode:

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Ha, Ha, George! By Peter West

     We can suppose that the bags under George Soros’ eyes got even bigger from lack of sleep following the results of the Hungarian election, where after spending millions to try to defeat anti-globalist Viktor Orban, Orban was returned to office with 70 percent of the vote. 

     Unlike Trump, Orban has built his wall to keep out migrants, and he has stopped the flood of migrants, showing the West that it can be done. Hence, the need for the likes of Soros to bring him down. But, this time, George lost.

China’ New World Order By James Reed

     You guessed right; China really does want to rule the world. Surprise, surprise:

“Chinese communist leader Xi Jinping met United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in Beijing this weekend and reportedly urged the leader to further promote “global governance” to solve the world’s problems. Xi has explicitly expressed a desire to see China become the “keeper of the international order,” defining and enforcing international law.”

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The FBI Abandons the Rule of Law: Instead, Rule of Political Correctness By Ian Wilson LL.B

     Here is a very good article, one which speaks for itself by leading US law scholar, Alan Dershowitz, about the invasion of the FBI into Trump’s lawyer’s office, searching for dirt on the latest Trump scandal. The learned professor, tells us here about the constitutional consequences of the raid, and the relationship between the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments. To briefly explain: the Fourth  Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures; the Fifth Amendment protects  individual’s against being witnesses against themselves, and the Sixth Amendment deals with rights in criminal trials, such as the need for a speedy trial. 

“The Fifth Amendment is an exclusionary rule. By its terms, it prevents material obtained in violation of the privilege of self-incrimination from being used to incriminate a defendant – that is to convict him of a crime. But the Fourth and Sixth Amendments provide far broader protections: they prohibit government officials from in any way intruding on the privacy of lawyer/client confidential rights of citizens. In other words, if the government improperly seizes private or privileged material, the violation has already occurred, even if the government never uses the material from the person from whom it was seized. Not surprisingly, therefore, firewalls and taint teams were developed in the context of the Fifth Amendment, not the Fourth or Sixth Amendments.

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There are No Liberals Quite Like Crazy Liberals By Charles Taylor

     This story is interesting as it shows the lack of objectivity of liberals:

“A poll shows that President Donald Trump’s approval rating has spiked since April 27 — prompting the Reuters/Ipsos polling team to quarantine their data. “Every series of polls has the occasional outlier and in our opinion this is one,” the pollster announced. “So, while we are reporting the findings in the interest of transparency, we will not be announcing the start of a new trend until we have more data to validate this pattern.”

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Aztec Multicult Enrichment By Charles Taylor

     There has been a storm of controversy over a school  mural painted by artists  in Chula Vista, California, who painted an Aztec warrior carrying the severed head of President Donald Trump on a spear. The warrior also carried a human heart, which alluded to the well-documented Aztec ritual of human sacrifice and cannibalism:

     Surely it is racist to object to such a mural, for it is an expression of cultural identity. If a group of people feel the need to depict the leader of their country disembowel, then who are we to object to this? It is good to know what kid folks think of us and the president. Having allowed the multicult to be created, enjoy it we must, in all its splendour. Oh, didn’t the Aztecs get whipped by Cortes? Any murals forthcoming on that one?

Open, In-Your-Face Chinese Colonisation By James Reed

     Back in the early 1990s the Australian elites were falling over themselves licking Japanese boots in the hope of the Japanese building a high tech city in Australia (ultimately in the polluted swamp lands of Gillman, Adelaide), believing that all sorts of riches would be given to them. Oh, how the academics went along for the ride on that one, hanging out of the politically correct train and screaming “racism” to critics, their puny chest’s puffed up with moral superiority. Then, the scheme all fell apart, wasting millions of dollars, and the Gillman land was sold off in a fire sale:

A big book could be written about the whole sorry mess, but it would probably be a waste of time since things have moved on. China is now fast colonising us, and is now at the level of building cities in Australia:

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Trump’s Immigration Failure By Charles Taylor

     Like the character Mulder from the TV show The X Files, Alt Righters just “want to believe,” that President Trump will do something about immigration. An example is the “caravan’ of South Americans, that globalist groups engineered to storm US borders and show the world how impotent the US is at stopping a Camp of the Saints flood of migrants. And, despite all the Tweets from Trump, the caravan is now in the US, and liberal lawyers are working overtime to keep every one of the illegals here, and to bestow upon them untold riches, which no doubt they deserve for their untiring effort.
For the record, as if it matters, here is what Dep State puppet Trump said:

Donald J. Trump

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The Betrayal of Rhodesia By Nigel Jackson

     A report in The Australian (12-13 May) headed ‘Mission to kill Mugabe foiled’ provides further insight into the internal treachery that led to the downfall of Rhodesia and the subsequent despotism of Robert Mugabe. Earlier Ian Hancock and Peter Godwin in Rhodesians Never Die (Pan Macmillan, 2007) dealt extensively with the critical role played by Rhodesia’s head of intelligence, Ken Flower, who was secretly disloyal to Ian Smith and the Rhodesia Front government of 1965-1977. The Australian’s report by Valentine Low, originally published in The Times in London, claims that attempts in 1979 by the Rhodesian SAS to assassinate Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo, leaders of the two main African nationalist parties (or terrorist organisations, as some would say), were foiled by internal leaks to the British, who then tipped the targeted men off in time for them to escape the assassins. 

     Low is quoting a new book, We Dared to Win: The SAS in Rhodesia by Hannes Wessels and Andre Scheepers. David Owen, British foreign secretary in 1979, is said to have confirmed the story thirty years afterwards, including the role of Flower. His justification – that ‘Mugabe was at that time… the genuine choice of the Rhodesian people’ – is highly suspect. Would Mugabe have needed to resort to bestial acts of terrorism if that was the case? Despite the scepticism of Hancock and Godwin, I think that The Australian League of Rights was correct to support independent Rhodesia in those crucial years. The tragic history of that nation merely confirms the ongoing truth of Saint Paul’s famous statement that Christians are opposed to hidden evil in high places. Australia at the present time appears to be being white anted as was Rhodesia then.

Gun Rights: From God, Not Man By John Steele

     In general, President Trump is pretty pathetic, but he is a good player and can make the right sounds when he needs to. Thus, at the NRA convention he said everything that needed to be said, although actions always speak louder than words. Anyway, Trump was right in saying that gun rights, the right to a meaningful form of self-defence, come from God not man, that is, a natural right:

“Trump said, “The people of his hall have never taken our freedom for granted, ever, and you’ve never stopped fighting for our constitution.” He talked of NRA members’ commitment to fight for “our sacred rights, given to us by God.” He said, “Your second amendment rights … will never, ever be under siege as long as I am president. … We believe that our liberty is a gift from our Creator, that no government can ever take it away.” Trump stressed his love for country, saying, “We have pride in history, and respect for our heritage. We put our hand on hearts for the Pledge of Allegiance and we all proudly stand for the National Anthem.”

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