Castrate All the Wounded? Now why Would the “Good Guys” Do That? By Richard Miller (London)

There is apparently a great castration controversy, with the head of the Ukrainian military’s medical service allegedly stating that “strict orders” were given to Ukrainian soldiers to “castrate all the wounded” Russians who are captured. This is according to Gennadiy Druzenko, formally with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), who is alleged to have said Russians “are cockroaches, not humans,” and thus deserve to be castrated. He denied that he said this, and who know what is true here; maybe it is false news.

 Still, let’s run with it. How would one castrate a cockroach? I caught one of the giant London types, they measure almost three or so inches in length, wearing of course, six pairs of rubber gloves, and wearing my ever-handy Covid mask had a good look at it using a magnifying glass. I could not for the life of me see how one would castrate such as creature, assuming that I caught a male in the first place. How does one determine the sexes of cockroaches anyway? But I guess if the good doctor had used a mammal metaphor, like the male bear, that would have lost impact; far too masculine. Far better to say things that make one look like a goose!

The head of the Ukrainian military’s medical service has stated that “strict orders” were given to Ukrainian soldiers to “castrate all the wounded” Russians who are captured during the ongoing conflict in the Eastern European country.

According to Gennadiy Druzenko, who used to work for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Russians “are cockroaches, not humans,” and thus deserve to be treated as such. This is full-on Nazi eugenics in action, and it is being celebrated not only by Druzenko but also by some in the Western media, including CNN.

“Not all fascists wear Swastikas or Wolfsangels,” wrote filmmaker Dan Cohen of Mint Press News in a Twitter post about Druzenko’s statements during a recent Channel 24 interview.

The United States government continues to tell Americans to “support Ukraine,” but this is what they are supporting when they do so: anti-Russia hatred and racism coupled with violence and genocide. Is this what we should be reporting just because Vladimir Putin is supposedly the “bad” guy?

“Druzenko is closely tied to the U.S. government,” Cohen added. “He’s had stints at USAID/Chemonics and the Wilson Center.”

Ukrainian TV host says he embraces the “doctrine” of Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann

Not long after Druzenko made these heinously racist statements, which, if true, amount to war crimes, he claimed that they were “taken out of context” and were just “emotions.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, still denying that he did anything wrong. “We are saving lives. Period.”

Druzenko’s tune changed after he claimed he received a message containing his personal data, including phone numbers and address, along with a promise that the anonymous person would “come unannounced” to “cut off [his] balls.”

Apparently, Druzenko does not want to get castrated himself, so he decided to issue a statement denying what he said and hoping for the best. It remains to be seen if that will be enough to stave off the ire over his blatant admissions about anti-Russian eugenics.

Fahruddin Sharafmal,  a Ukrainian TV host, would seem to agree with Druzenko’s sentiments against the Russian people. He stated on air that he is adopting the “doctrine” of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, adding that he will “do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth.”

“The reasoning cited by Sharafmal, who is of Middle Eastern origin, was that by mass-murdering a nation’s children, one could eliminate the nation itself,” RT reported.

Like Druzenko, Sharafmal later backtracked and “apologized” for advocating genocide against the Russian people. He said he regrets saying what he did, not because it was wrong, but because it might damage the reputation of Ukrainian troops.

Interestingly, Sharafmal used the same language as Druzenko, blaming “emotions” for his pro-genocide statements. Sharafmal added that because he supposedly lost a friend due to the conflict, he feels much aggression and hatred towards the Russians, though he claimed he will “never be inhuman, unlike the Russians.”

Both Sharafmal and Druzenko are now under investigation in Russia for possible crimes against humanity.

“‘Those were the emotions. I’m sorry. We are saving lives. Period.’ – Dr. Mengele followed ‘the science’ and wanted to save lives, too, but only of the ‘worthy’ like Druzenko does,” wrote a commenter in response to the news.

“This doctor must be arrested and brought before justices,” wrote another. “He is a real danger. Russia is right about Ukraine: there are too many Nazis living there.”


“A Ukrainian doctor who claimed during a live interview that he had ordered his volunteer unit to castrate captured Russian soldiers has stated that his words were not true. In a short post on his Facebook page on Monday, Gennadiy Druzenko said he and his fellow frontline medics do not castrate anyone and have no plans to do so.

“Those were the emotions. I’m sorry. We are saving lives. Period,” the post said.

The doctor added a screenshot to the post, which appeared to be a threat addressed to him. It cited what was presumably his personal data, including phone numbers and an address, and a promise to “come unannounced” and “cut off [his] balls.”

Druzenko, a well-known volunteer medic, had been talking to many Western media outlets about his unit’s work in Ukraine amid the Russian attack on his country, and had made his incendiary claims about Russian POWs in an interview with Ukrainian TV on Sunday.

“I gave my doctors … a very strict order to castrate all men, because they are cockroaches and not people,” he had claimed.

 Ukrainian frontline medic claims he’s ordered castration of all Russian POWs


The credibility of the threat against Druzenko remains unclear. During the interview, he claimed his home in Kiev was unlivable due to the conflict, and that he was mostly spending his time at bases of the unit he commands.

The swift U-turn echoes that of a Ukrainian TV host who, addressing the Russian people, declared on air that he was adopting the “doctrine” of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann and would “do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth.” The reasoning cited by Fahruddin Sharafmal, who is of Middle Eastern origin, was that by mass-murdering a nation’s children, one could eliminate the nation itself.

After a public outcry, Sharafmal apologized for having advocated genocide, and said he was sorry if his rant had damaged the reputation of Ukrainian troops. His words had spilled out “due to emotions” stemming from having lost a friend to the conflict, he said. He stated that Ukrainians would “never be inhuman, unlike the Russians.”

Both Sharafmal and Druzenko are being investigated in Russia for possible crimes related to their respective remarks.”

Who knows what is true here?




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