Cancer and the Covid Vaxxed By Brian Simpson

Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified and expert pathologist trained at the Mayo Clinic, has said that Covid mass vaccination programs are based upon unscientific policy decisions that will lead to epidemics of cancer. According to Dr Cole, the mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines suppresses the immune system and “all sorts of cell cycle pathways.” This in turn down-regulates “little pattern receptors” that are responsible for communicating with the immune system, and keeping cancer in check. With this down-regulation, cancer can develop more readily. As well the mRNA spike proteins  in the COVID-19 vaccines, and produced by the body, can bind to the body’s genes, including genes that are related to cancer and tumours, such as P53 genes. This family of genes are known as tumour suppressor genes, and if suppressed, a person’s risk of developing cancerous tumours increases. “So, that’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what the spike protein can do,” warned Cole. “The other huge problem is the fact – and this was a study out of [Stanford University] … in the journal Cell – the synthetic mRNA can persist in the body, we know, for at least 60 days. That’s the point at which they stopped their study so they could publish.”

It is not known what effects could be produced from the endless vaccines proposed by the mainstream Covid authorities.

“America’s mass Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programs are poor and unscientific policy decisions that will lead to surges in cancer rates among the vaccinated.

This is according to Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified and expert pathologist trained at the Mayo Clinic. Cole was among the first physicians in the United States to openly warn about how the COVID-19 vaccines may be associated with serious health risks, such as an elevated risk of developing cancer, which he observed in his patients.

During an interview with journalist Veronika Kyrylenko of the New American, Cole said the mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines suppresses the immune system and “all sorts of cell cycle pathways.”

Cole explained that cells have “little pattern receptors” that are responsible for communicating with the immune system. The mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines downregulates these cells – meaning the number of surface receptors they have decreases.

When more and more of a vaccinated person’s cells experience downregulation due to the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines, their risk of cancer spikes upward.

“A couple of these downregulated receptors are responsible for keeping cancer in check,” said Cole.

This is just one way the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for increasing cancer rates among the fully vaccinated. Cole further explained that the spike proteins in the COVID-19 vaccines can bind to the body’s genes, including several genes that are related to cancer and tumors.

For example, when the spike proteins bind to P53 genes, a family of genes known as tumor suppressor genes, a person’s risk of developing cancerous tumors increases. When the spike proteins bind to BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, the risk of women developing breast or ovarian cancer increases.

“So, that’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what the spike protein can do,” warned Cole. “The other huge problem is the fact – and this was a study out of [Stanford University] … in the journal Cell – the synthetic mRNA can persist in the body, we know, for at least 60 days. That’s the point at which they stopped their study so they could publish.”

COVID-19 vaccines alter the immune system

At every opportunity that is available to him, Cole speaks out against the COVID-19 vaccines and about how they are responsible for the alarming uptick in cancers that the U.S. is currently experiencing.

“We’re seeing an alteration of the innate immune response,” said Cole. He added that scientists all over America are also witnessing this and that the uptick in these strange immune responses coincides with the rollouts of COVID-19 vaccines.

Some of the strange medical phenomena Cole has witnessed include the appearance of a childhood disease in adults and the uptick in rare cancers.

All of his observations have also been echoed by other physicians, but rigorous studies are not being conducted because of a lack of funding and because mainstream scientific institutions are unwilling to study these phenomena.

“You cannot find that for which you do not look,” he said.”

“A recent study by a distinguished team of Danish researchers found no statistically meaningful evidence that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) reduce all-cause mortality. In fact, the number of deaths from other causes like heart attack is greater for vaccinated individuals, outweighing whatever benefits the vaccines are said to provide.

In comparison, the study reports that adenovector-based vaccines (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) showed more favorable results than mRNA vaccines and suggested that public health authorities should have favored the former over the latter. The study led by University of Southern Denmark‘s Christine Stabell-Benn has not been peer-reviewed.

The study’s preliminary results stand in sharp contrast to the message relayed by public health agencies and governments worldwide that the vaccines reduce the likelihood of getting symptomatic COVID-19 infection.

“I have been in this game for now almost 30 years, studying vaccines and finding these non-specific effects which have been very controversial. There are strong powers out there that don’t really want to hear about them,” Stabell-Benn said.

Pfizer admits 1,223 deaths logged just three months after rollout.

The results of the study seem to align with real-world data collected by Pfizer in the early goings of the vaccine rollout.

The pharmaceutical giant admitted to have received 1,223 reports of deaths occurring after just three months of the vaccine rollout. This should have been enough to completely halt the vaccination program.

Pfizer also listed a staggering 42,086 cases of adverse reactions, representing a total of 139,888 adverse events. Over 25,000 of the reported events were nervous system disorders. These pieces of information can be found in the first batch of documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency.

Investigative journalist Celia Farber made a list of the adverse reactions based on the document. These include acute respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, dermatitis, Bell’s Palsy, skin allergies, paralysis, kidney and liver problems and other life-threatening side effects.

Dr. Vernon Coleman, an English novelist and author of over a hundred books, presented hard evidence proving that Pfizer and the FDA knew that the mRNA shot would kill thousands of healthy people.

Coleman reminded the public that Pfizer is one of the world’s most fined companies, yet it made billions of dollars during the pandemic. He noted that Pfizer has paid hefty fines for making false claims, paying kickbacks and committing other unlawful acts over the years – all of which proving that dishonesty is not foreign to Pfizer’s business practices.

“Governments have deliberately and systematically created fear to terrify and manipulate and virtually force people to accept a jab that doesn’t do what most people think it does,” said Coleman. “The word genocide can no longer be considered hyperbole.”






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