Canada’s Proposed Bill C-6: Lethal By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is obviously a test case by the globalists of the next level of tyranny and oppression, using the race weapon that has been cultivated since the end of World War II. Canada's proposed Bill C-6, will give a life prison sentence for anyone who commits a specific offence, if the offence is motivated by "hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, color, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression." In other words, all the protected categories of the new regime. People may make a complaint of "hate" and if the case is successful, receive a maximum of $ 20,000. Thus, the state will be encouraging all sorts of bogus complaints by people eager to capitalise on the race baiting industry.

This move seems very unwise, since if these acts are now to be treated like murder, what now have accused people to lose?

"This is not satire. This is real life 1984.

Proposed bill C-6 says:

"Everyone who commits an offense under this act or any other act of Parliament, if the commission of the offense is motivated by hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, color, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for life."

It gets worse.

The new bill BRIBES citizens to snitch on their fellow Canadians.

The Highwire reported:

"It [C-6 bill] allows someone to make a complaint of a discrimination anonymously … if that hateful complaint is found legit, a maximum of 20,000 [Canadian] dollars goes to that person."

Think this can't happen? Similar legislation to define and crack down on in-person and online "hate" is being pushed across Europe.

Just recently, in Belgium, former Flemish parliamentarian Dries Van Langenhove was sentenced to one year in prison. The reason for this sentence was for sharing supposedly "racist memes" in a private group chat. 



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