Can Australia Become Even More Corrupt? By Pyjamas Reed

     Wow, the joys of mental decline; typing my name now, I ended up with “Pyjamas,” following Word’s suggestions, but I like it and will stick with it for today. Now that leads me to the issue of the corruption of Australian society, and it seems that Oz is getting even more rotten:

“Australia is becoming more corrupt because successive federal governments have failed to create an effective national anti-corruption body similar to the NSW Independent Commission against Corruption, a leading jurist has argued. Writing in support of a national anti-corruption body, David Harper, a former Court of Appeals justice at the Supreme Court of Victoria, noted that in 2012 Australia ranked seventh in Transparency International’s global corruption index, but that today we were ranked 13th. “The lack of a federal anti-corruption agency remains a reason why we have never come close to being corruption-free,” he has written in an opinion piece for the Herald. Mr Harper writes that the lack of an effective federal anti-corruption watchdog had allowed corruption to flourish undetected and, in turn, allowed federal politicians to hide behind the myth that the federal sphere is free of corruption.”

     Yes, but the question could still be asked even if we had such a body; who watches the Watchmen:  Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?



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