Britain and the West: Dark, Zombie Apocalyptic Waste Lands By Peter Ewer

     The elites have made Britain into something resembling the TV show The Walking Dead. That may seem to be an exaggeration, since the zombies, and some groups allegedly eat terrified “normies.”
But consider:
 shops on the Blackpool Promenade. She was last seen on the evening of Saturday Nov 1 2003. After kissing her mother goodbye she left alone - and vanished, Mr Holroyde said.

     A missing persons inquiry began but police later launched a murder investigation after receiving information that Charlene had been “killed and chopped up”, the court heard.
No trace of Charlene’s body has ever been found.

     Mr Holroyde told the jury that a witness had heard Albattikhi and others talking about her.
“These people were talking about sex with white girls, and there was mention of having sex with Charlene,” he said.
“Albattikhi laughed and said she was very small - the plainest possible indication that he was lying to the police when he said he did not know her. He and others present then laughingly said that Charlene had gone into the kebabs.”

     Albattikhi, a Jordanian immigrant, is charged with murder. His business partner and landlord, Mohammed Reveshi, 50, is accused of helping dispose of the body.
Both deny the charges and have told police they did not know Charlene.

     Albattikhi and Reveshi were joint owners of the food shop, the court heard, which Albattikhi ran.”
That was in 2007, and here is an update via Wiki:

“Following a police decision to treat Downes’ disappearance as murder, there were several arrests in the case, and two men stood trial in May 2007. The prosecution alleged at Preston Crown Court that Downes had been murdered by Iyad Albattikhi, a 29-year-old man from Jordan and the owner of “Funny Boyz” fast-food outlet in Blackpool. Mohammed Reveshi, Albattikhi’s business partner, was accused of disposing of her body. According to the prosecution, Albattikhi had sex with Downes. The prosecution alleged that the men had discussed disposing of her body by putting it in kebabs sold from the fast food outlet.
The jury failed to reach a verdict. A retrial was ordered and scheduled for April 2008, but such serious errors in the Lancashire Constabulary’s covert-surveillance evidence were identified that the Crown Prosecution Service could offer no case, and the men were released. Both defendants were given compensation of around £250,000 for false arrest. In 2011 Albattikhi was convicted of assault after headbutting an 18-year-old woman.
After a critical report by the Independent Police Complaints Commission, one of the detectives involved, Det Sgt Jan Beasant, was found guilty of misconduct by Lancashire Constabulary and told to resign, but the Police Arbitration Tribunal overturned the decision. In 2014 Beasant’s lawyer said she was suing the police for up to £500,000.”

     A man was arrested on August 1, 2017 over this crime, but later released. The murderers got away with it, as they always do. Worse, here is Wiki’s comments on what this revealed:

“The trial brought to public attention what Julie Bindel described as “endemic child sexual abuse” in Blackpool. According to a police report, the employees of 11 takeaway shops in the town centre had been grooming dozens of white girls aged 13–15, giving them cigarettes, food and alcohol for sex.  Mick Gradwell, a former detective superintendent with Lancashire Constabulary, said that the police inquiry into child grooming in Blackpool, Blackburn and Burnley had been “hampered by political correctness”, according to the Daily Telegraph, because the girls were white and the perpetrators non-white.”

     All of these horrors is but the tip of a Satanic iceberg, as the child sex abuse gangs could have assaulted one million children in the UK:

     An article entitled, “Easy meat,” at the mainstream site CBN News, says:

“Some scandals are so massive that they’re simply hard to believe. As many as one million white English children may have been the victims of Muslim rape gangs, better known as grooming gangs, in towns up and down Great Britain.
Policy analyst George Igler says, “When you encounter an issue that is just so unbelievable, just so outside your frame of reference and understanding, the immediate human reaction is just one to not believe it at all.”

     Easy meat, indeed. It resembles a slaughterhouse for White  chickens, as this article, and podcast, makes clear:

     Yet, at present, the British political and chattering class are upset because President Donald Trump re-Tweeted a video depicting radical Islamic violence. The British elites don’t care about real harm; their brains have been so rotted by political correctness, a neuro-disease more deadly than Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy; human variant: Crutzfelt-Jacob disease), that they no longer can think straight. They always attack the man, and never the argument. Thus, Trump is right to abandon any plans to visit Britain. It is well into its zombie apocalypse:

      The elites, especially feminists, turn a blind eye to growing sexual slavery, with ISIS is opening a sex-slave market in Turkey’s capital:

     All this in a “moderate” Muslim country:

     The UE elites intend to open borders to 75 million Turks, “as soon” as possible:

     But, more is never enough, and the EU president wants millions of Africans, especially the poor and needy, to flood Europe as well, or “Europe will be lost”:

     Europe is already “lost.” Once the normies’ standards of living crash more, and profits of the vile ruling elites crash in the coming economic crisis, he may get more than what he is expecting.

     In Sweden, native Swedes are so cucked and deracinated by liberalism that they no longer respond when a woman is raped by 20 migrants:

     If it was coloured women being raped, tortured, and/or murdered, the entire universe would be shaken by the wrath of the pc liberal. Whites can just die. Hey, that seems to be a fair application of the principle of equality!

     Sweden has so many bomb attacks that the dopey authorities are now having a grenade amnesty, so that criminal gangs can politely hand in their bombs, like the gentle folk they are:

Liberal fantasy land.

     Violent attacks on police in Germany continue to increase, due to Merkel’s open door immigration policy:

“Violence — including verbal and physical assaults, and even murder — against police is rampant in all 16 of Germany’s federal states. According to the BKA, the epicenter of the problem in 2016 was North Rhine-Westphalia (8,929 incidents), the state with the largest migrant population, followed by: Bavaria (4,930); Baden-Württemberg (4,355); Berlin (3,154); Lower Saxony (3,030); Hesse (1,870); Saxony (1,573); Rhineland-Palatinate (1,537); Hamburg (1,339); Thüringen (1,228); Schleswig-Holstein (1,237); Brandenburg (1,009); Saxony-Anhalt (899); Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (658); Saarland (521); and Bremen (486).

Preliminary data, recently leaked to German public radio, indicate that in terms of violence against German law enforcement officers, 2017 will be a record-breaking year.  In Berlin alone, attacks against police this year are up 70% in Görlitzer Park, 35% at the Warsaw Bridge and 15% at Kottbusser Tor, according to the Berliner Morgenpost.

Official statistics do not reveal the source of the violence, but do show a spike in attacks against police since 2015, when Merkel allowed into the country more than a million migrants, mostly Muslim, from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Anecdotal evidence corroborates claims by police that migrants are behind many of the attacks.”

The “zombie apocalypse” has already happened:
and it will intensify to explosion point, when IT eliminates jobs, the welfare system crashes, but the migrants still flow in:

     This would be problematic in the best of times, but the Muslim population of many EU countries, primarily Western European ones such as Germany, is set to triple by 2050:

     The US is not far behind, as the Kate Steinle case, murder of a Nordic American woman by an illegal immigrant, who now walks away, shows:

     As President Trump Tweeted: “A disgraceful verdict in the Kate Steinle case!  No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration.
2:00 PM - Dec 1, 2017”

“U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions wasted no time attacking San Francisco’s Sanctuary City policies after the not guilty verdict in the high-profile trial was made public.
Sessions issued a statement placing the blame for Steinle’s July 1, 2015 death on the city’s Sanctuary City policies, which limit cooperation and communication between local law enforcement and immigration authorities.
“When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the public’s safety at risk,” Sessions said. “San Francisco’s decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle.”
Steinle was walking with her father and a family friend in July 2015 when she was shot, collapsing into her father’s arms. Garcia Zarate had been released from the San Francisco jail about three months before the shooting, despite a request by federal immigration authorities to detain him for deportation.
He had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth deportation.”

     Mike Adams gives one of the best attacks on this travesty of justice, saying that San Francisco has made murder ok if one has brown skin:

      Michael Savage, and Molyneux both are concerned about this decision:

     As Adams says:
“What’s now obvious to nearly every rational person (i.e. everyone except the left-wing cultists who are mentally ill and hopelessly deranged at this point) is that liberal “sanctuary city” policies have turned America into a kill zone, where illegals can open fire on U.S. citizens with impunity. The fact that left-wing politics has brought us to this point of outrageous insanity is yet another damning indictment of the stupidity and mental insanity of the Left.
“Why is one political party, the entire bureaucracy, and two-thirds of the remaining political party fetishizing and sentimentalizing immigrants who can’t speak the language, with a grade two education, and setting up competing jurisdictions in this country that protect them at the expense of American citizens,” asked radio host Mark Steyn.  “It all adds up to a picture of not just treating illegal immigrants as you would American citizens, but giving them, in effect, better treatment — special privileges because they’re here illegally. It’s very hard to imagine that an American citizen in Zarate’s position would have been acquitted on all of these charges.”

     If the roles were reversed and it was a coloured person shot down by a White, and acquitted, America would have been burnt to the ground by now, flamed on by the elites, as always.

     The rule of law has ended in America, and the West, too, to be replaced by anti-Nordic racism. Even Adams says that America needs Legal immigration, so he cannot see the irreparable damage that turning countries into giant hotels does for social capital. He also thinks that the military contractors that are being employed by the government to keep order, when order breaks down:

     Apparently, not all are bad, and many are patriots:

     This is somewhat naïve, for the government will not be hiring patriots, but rather thugs and killers to do the dirty work which they don’t want to be traceable to them in the future, as is done by  mercenaries across the world, most recently being the torture of billionaires in Saudi Arabia:

     Don’t think that we are necessarily safe here in Australia, as a radical Islamist was arrested being accused of planning a mass shooting for New Year’s Eve in Melbourne square:

     Who knows what is coming.



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