Breaking Up is Hard to Do, but Inevitable By Chris Knight

Secession in the United States has been debated since the civil war, with the issue now coming up red hot, with a forthcoming referendum in Texas.


There has been an undying confederacy movement since the civil war, which has not succeeded, yet. A good outline of secession is given by J. D. Heyes, A Less Perfect Union: Making the Case for Secession in 2017:

The pro-United States case is that the union of states is indissoluble, as decided by the US supreme court in Texas v White. Well, that is the same court that delivered gay marriage, isn’t it? The same court which did not want to consider the electoral fraud issue, which did not grant standing to a state. Why bother with them, the residue of the USA can have its court to deliver whatever judgments it wants.

The best argument for allowing the people to go, is that deplorables cannot live under Leftist oppression, and this will lead to a civil war, one more vicious than the last one. The values of the two America are too divided for them to be constrained in one country, so Americas must split.  Heyes concludes:

But the 2020 electoral fraud has divided America along voting lines, of red and blue, so breakup seems inevitable, unless red voters, and I hate the colour, want to remain Leftist cannon fodder, almost literally.  Then we ditch the colour and go for say …white!



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