Brazil and Guns By John Steele

     Across the West, the power elites are moving to restrict gun ownership and purchase of ammunition, fearing that when things move to the social chaos level, if people had a means of self-defence, then they would not be slaughtered by the roaming ferals, the love children of the Left.

“San Francisco supervisors are weighing what they believe to be a “health threat” tied to the “panic buying” of guns and ammunition. A resolution–File No. 200349–before the supervisors begins: “Resolution urging county health officials from the six Bay Area counties, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara to evaluate the public health threat of panic buying weapons and to warn Americans of the danger of panic buying weapons.” A summary of the resolution states, “Urging County Health Officials to Assess Public Health Impacts from Panic Buying Weapons.” The text of the resolution is full of claims such as, “Multiple studies have concluded that where there are more guns, there are more gun deaths and more guns do not stop more crimes” and “More guns in homes during these precarious times compounds the risks of death and serious injury likely to further increase our hospital loads.” No links to the “multiple studies” or other means of substantiation of the claims are included in the body of resolution. Ironically, the resolution also suggests that the panic buying of guns and ammunition is “NRA induced.” Yet here again, they offer no substantiation of the claim.

The NRA-ILA responded to the proposed resolution:
As the old saying goes, never let a crisis go to waste, and that’s exactly how this resolution begins.  By citing the COVID-19 crisis as creating the rush to purchase firearms and ammunition, and then blaming the NRA for inducing panic buying to increase corporate profits, the resolution denies the basic truth the current crisis illustrates: Americans believe in their right to defend themselves and will seek the available means to do so.  The resolution shows how incredibly out of touch the San Francisco Board of Supervisors remain in a city that has been grossly mismanaged for decades. The NRA-ILA added, “Instead of focusing on real issues, [San Francisco supervisors] would rather waste taxpayer time and money to once again blame guns for their problems.”

     God bless the NRA, we need them here in Australia, or is it too late for us? Well, Brazil had the same sorts of gun restrictions, and the Trump of the south allowed the people to get guns back to defend themselves. The chattering class said that this would be a test case for un control. Guess what?

“Early in the Bolsonaro presidency, a Brazilian lawyer prediceted the homicide rate would drop. From
César Mello, asked that I include information that early reports are showing a 25% drop in Brazil's homicide rate, in the first quarter of 2019. If this trend continues, 16,000 lives will have been saved in the first year of President Bolsonaro's time in office. The rate reduction was not quite that high. Only 10,000 lives were saved. From Brazil had 41,635 killings in 2019, down 19% from the prior year and the least number of homicides since 2007, when the so-called Violence Monitor index was launched. It is a partnership between the non-profit Brazilian Forum of Public Security, the University of Sao Paulo's Center for the Study of Violence, and news website G1, which published the data Friday. "IN OUR GOVERNMENT HOMICIDES, VIOLENCE AND FALLACIES FALL!" an exultant Bolsonaro wrote on his Twitter account, sharing the G1 news report. "Our government extends a strong embrace to all the security agents of the country. Brazil continues on the right path."

When translated to homicide rates, the rate dropped 17% in 2018, then 23% more in 2019. The population of Brazil in 2019 was 210 million. The rate of homicides per 100,000 was 19.83. That is less than 2/3 of the homicide rate in 2017, which was 30.8. Brazil has not had a homicide rate this low since 1995, before the highly restrictive gun law of 1997 was passed. When the NYTs did an article on the reform of Brazil's gun laws during the Bolsonaro administration, somehow, the reduction in the Brazilian homicide rate was not included. The article was published on 31 March, 2020. From the During Mr. Bolsonaro's first year in office, the government issued more than 200,000 licenses to gun owners. The federal police, which issues licenses for self-defense, approved 54,300 permits in 2019, a 98 percent increase from the previous year. The army, which grants permits to hunters and collectors, issued more than 147,800 new licenses in 2019, a 68 percent increase. The only mention of homicides in the NYTs article is this: In Brazil, a country of more than 209 million that has one of the highest homicide rates in the world, the right to bear arms is not a constitutional guarantee, as it is in the United States. The gun rights movement has long been on the losing side of policy debates. Will the Brazilian homicide rate continue to drop? We will find out over the course of the next few years. Leftist academics are already finding excuses as to why the reform of Brazilian gun laws made no difference.

     They had predicted homicides would rise as the reforms were implemented. They were wrong.

     Here is a good recent video that survivalist Feral recommends for people new to guns, or who may not like guns, but still want to live.



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