Blood Supply Safe Issue; Shedding and Beyond: The New Zealand Case of Baby Will By Chris Knight (Florida)

The case of Baby Will in New Zealand, involved parents who refused to allow blood from vaccinated people to be used in a life-saving operation for their baby’s heart surgery. The parents claim to have unvaccinated blood donors; the medicos claim that this pool of donors is too small and has not been tested. Apparently, doing the required tests on blood samples was not an option; I do not know why. The authorities maintain that blood from the vaccinated is perfectly safe. The matter is in court now, and not decided at the time of writing. However, there are some dissenting opinions about the blood supply issue. We remain neutral on the issue and are merely reporting in the public interest in free debate. That said, as detailed below, I would support the medical authorities on this one if no testing of unvaxxed blood is available, but with reservations, as detailed below.

There is also the related issue of shedding, discussed below.


“Executive summary

The medical community is still not seeing any connection between the vaccine and deaths. They don’t acknowledge the relationship except in a few rare cases. This is all wilful blindness. So why should we now believe them with respect to the safety of the blood supply from vaccinated people?

Until the medical community starts acknowledging the vaccines are unsafe, their assurances of safety with respect to anything vaccine related should be highly suspect.

In the case of the safety of the blood supply, US pathologist Ryan Cole has a message, “We don’t know.”

Dr. Ryan Cole on the safety of the blood supply

I asked Dr. Ryan Cole what he thought about the integrity of the blood supply. I asked him the same question the dentist in Marathon Man asked: “Is it safe?”

Here is his verbatim response:

We don’t know.

Nobody knows. I have clots from unvaccinated deceased that were transfused and formed large clots post transfusion and died.

No blood bank is checking.

“One cannot find, that for which they do not look”.

This is akin to blood banks and haemophiliacs and HIV in the 1980s. It may not be a problem. However, it may be. There are assays academically available to check for circulating spike protein. It is criminal negligence to not assure the safety of the blood supply based on bureaucratic declarations without scientific explorations.

The bottom line is that Baby Will’s parents are correct. They have made a responsible decision and their decision should be respected by the medical community.”

The answer to the blood supply issue is to perform the tests that Dr Cole suggests. So, at present, I have no idea about the safety of the blood supply, but if I was in a situation of needing a blood transfusion to survive, I would take it. As well, under the less-than-ideal circumstances, I would on this one agree with the medical authorities if there was no possibility of testing the unvaccinated blood. On some things, we just have to take a chance, and some sort of panic over the blood issue is a bit late in the day now. I do not see how the clots Dr Cole describes would arise in the unvaccinated deceased, as the situation is no different from being exposed to SAR-CoV-2 naturally. In any case, it is a tough question with no easy answer. But, it is better to save the child’s life than to take a principled high-moral stand that would lead to the child’s death. So, my position on Baby Will, on its unique circumstances is at variance with the majority of the Covid critique community. Encouraging a moral panic about the blood supply is something we do not want to see.

There is also a related issue of shedding, which could impact upon the blood supply issue, and much else:

“Many months on and there is more scientific evidence to support the theory that mRNA can be “shed”. Progress has inevitably been hampered by the attempted suppression of the early evidence and vilification of those who dared to raise concerns about it.

Here is the latest summary from the proper experts:

  1. mRNA (the “vaccine”) and LNP (lipid nanoparticles that envelope it) get pretty much everywhere in the body (not just the injection site like they confidently said) and are still present for some time afterwards (one to two weeks at the very least).
  2. The pathogenic spike protein produced by the mRNA circulates for at least one month, up to four or more, and also gets everywhere, including the heart and brain.
  3. mRNA, LNPs and the spike protein have all been detected in various bodily excretions, including breast milk, for months after injection.
  4. There is evidence to suggest that all these excretions can be passed transdermally, by inhalation, orally and across the placenta.

Esteemed doctor, Peter McCullough asks these pivotal questions which make me satisfied that my prior discriminatory actions were justified:

  1. For how long is a recently vaccinated person at risk to shed on to others?
  2. Can shed mRNA be taken up by the recipient and begin to produce Spike protein just like vaccination?
  3. Can shed Spike protein cause disease as it does in the vaccinated (e.g. myocarditis, blood clots, etc.)?

“One of the most common questions I am asked from the unvaccinated stems from concerns over “shedding.”  Because the mRNA vaccines have been in development by the US Department of Defense DARPA since 2011, one would have expected that all of the necessary preclinical testing would have been completed before Operation Warp Speed was announced.  The 2015 FDA guidance on Gene Product Shedding Studies with gene therapies, which are defined as “all products that exert their effects by transcription and/or translation of transferred genetic material and/or by integration into the host genome and that are administered in the form of nucleic acids, viruses or genetically modified microorganisms”.   By this statement mRNA vaccines are indeed gene therapy products and should have been submitted to these excretion studies by DARPA funded researchers long ago. Sadly, these careful development steps were skipped from the beginning in our military-style vaccine development program, and now the public is grappling with the issue of nucleic acid and Spike protein shedding as a potential concern among those who have worked so hard to remain healthy and free of COVID-19 vaccination.  In the most comprehensive paper on shedding thus far, former Inserm researcher Dr. Helene Banoun has published the basis for which there is great likelihood that mRNA either on lipid nanoparticles or within exosomes is circulatory in blood and is secreted in every body secretion that would naturally expect to contain particles of this size.”



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