Big Tech’s Search Engine Ban, By Chris Knight (Florida)

It was previously covered at this blog, that big Tech search engines are suppressing information from the drop down autocomplete function on the assassination attempt upon President Donald Trump. One can type in "assassination attempt …" and all sorts of choices come up, but not Trump' name. It can hardly be a coincidence.

But it has got worse as Elon Musk has noted, as Google, among others now has a search ban on President Trump! When you Google "President Trump," you get news about Kamala Harris. It is open bias and electoral interference, indicating that if Trump gets elected president something needs to be done to break up Google, which he failed to do last shot, along with everything else.

Stop press from James Reed: Chris was right about this a few minutes ago when I go his email. But I checked an hour later and it seems that Elon Musk's criticism has led to the algorithm being altered and now you can get info on Trump. That in itself is odd. But, good on you, Musky! 



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