Biden Goes Weird on Race Stuff By Charles Taylor (Florida)


When Biden is not stirring up BLM radicals, or making creepy remarks to young girls, he makes off the cuff race observations. Like this one about the sheer number of inter-racial couples on TV. Well, as far as I am aware it is probably against the law to show two whites, especially Nordics together, since this might give the dispossessed majority survival ideas, which runs counter to the Great White Replacement. Oh, Biden has a far from clean background on racial sensitivity, even now, let alone his past.

“Joe Biden on Tuesday called attention to the inordinate number of ads on TV featuring mixed-race couples, which he claimed shows America has progressed into a less racist society.

Speaking during an event marking the 100th anniversary of the Greenwood race riots in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Biden asked older members of the crowd if they could recall a time when so many mixed-race couples appeared on TV.

“I challenge you find today when you turn on the stations, sit on one station for two hours and I don’t know how many commercials you’ll see, like eight to five. Two to three out of five have mixed-race couples in them.”

“That’s not by accident. They’re selling soap man,” he said, adding, “Not a joke.”

The bizarre remark made many question whether he meant to make the statement, or whether it was yet another trademark slip-up.”

“In a viral interview on the “Kwame Brown Bust Life” podcast Friday, former television personality Judge Joe Brown slammed both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Prefacing with the fact that he has nothing against Donald Trump, yet did not vote for him, Brown explained, “I did not vote for that damn fool they had running against him, that racist dog I heard in 1972 when I was doing an intern thing at a DC think tank.”

Brown described watching Biden speak at an event with a group of known racist politicians such as Senator Robert Byrd, the former KKK member.

“They were talking about Joe Biden,” Brown said of the other politicians. “The speech he gave, I mean I was really offended. I heard it right outside the state capitol building in Dover… He said, ‘Negro children are like roaches. If they’re allowed to integrate the schools, they will infest them and they will never be gotten out.'”

Brown continued describing the Biden speech he witnessed, adding, “He said negroes were animals and they turn the streets into jungles and he and Senator Eastland had a plan where they could put all these negro animals in zoos.”

Why didn’t pathetic Trump Raise this in the election?

“President Joe Biden faced criticism on Tuesday over remarks that he made while speaking in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on race-related issues, saying that black entrepreneurs are “just as capable” as white entrepreneurs, but they don’t have lawyers or accountants.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

“Does anyone doubt this whole nation be better off from the investments those people make?” he continued. “And I promise you that’s why I set up this National Small Business Administration that’s much broader because they’re going to get those loans.”

No doubt none of this matters, since Biden is pursuing the agenda of destruction of White America. Say, that Alt Right guy, Richard Spencer, didn’t he think Biden would be better than Trump? He is pretty quiet nowadays. What happened to him?



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