Biden Cheats! By Chris Knight

     This article, linked below, gives the photos that show Joe Biden cheating during the Trump vs Biden debate, by wearing a wire. His minders were beaming answers right into his senile brain, which is why he got confused when Trump began his machine gun response to him. Yes, nothing about this from the mainstream media, because Joe can do what it takes to get in and push their agenda.

“Have you wondered why Biden kept looking down most of the debate, even though he had no notes? He was concentrating on what his advisors were telling him, over the wire. Make no mistake, while Trump was talking and arguing with Wallace, Biden was being told exactly what to say next, word for word. This must be called out at the very beginning of the next debate, and Trump may even demand jackets be opened, sleeves rolled up, and ear holes examined. This is how Biden prevented most off his own gaffs, even though he told lie after lie, knowing fake news would back him up on all of it, but then this happened. Biden has already been busted wearing earpieces so his team can feed him lines during town hall meetings, virtual meetings, basically everywhere he goes. He often asks his cheat team to turn up the volume, while he fiddles with his ears waiting for words that actually make sense to Americans. Don’t forget, the Biden camp refused any type of third-party inspection for communication devices just days before the debate. Remember? This is why. If it’s just a “baseless conspiracy theory,” then it can be easily debunked live at the beginning of the next debate. Simple as that. It will only take 10 seconds for Biden and Trump to open their jackets, roll up their sleeves, and let the cameras zoom in on their ears from the side. Just as people are checked by metal detectors and pat downs for weapons at the door, let’s check for ‘weapons of mass destruction’ (Biden cheating his way into the White House) at the debates. The Left is dying to install Communism in America, and destroy the middle class, gun rights, freedom of press, freedom of religion and freedom to criticize the government, just like in China right now. This is a covert operation to steal the election. The Left needs covert spying, listening and communication devices. Here’s one brand of the device the Biden team used if you’d like to know more about the Democrat’s cheating schemes. Using a clarity, interference-free microphone system, complete with neck loop and discrete wireless earpieces, Biden’s advisors (who aren’t senile like him) were able to review every statement with him before he spoke, tell him what not to say, tell him when to smile and laugh things off, and prepare him so he sounded, at the least, functional.”

     At the very least Trump needs to show some intellect and perhaps have a jamming device set up in the room as a condition of the debate. He needs to make a big thing about it, even walk out if there is no compliance, proclaiming old Joe a cheater. 



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