Beyond 1984 and Brave New World By Brian Simpson

     Global totalitarianism: are we there yet? How about, now? 

“Microsoft’s Bill Gates is backing a start-up that will provide ‘live and unfiltered’ high definition footage of every inch of Earth. The startup, EarthNow, plans to launch 500 satellites to cover Earth’s atmosphere in ‘Big Brother’ real-time video surveillance. As well as Gates, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son and aerospace giant Airbus are also backing the project. The price of the project could run to $1 billion (£700m), although the value of the investment by the companies has not been disclosed. Applications could including tracking illegal fishing, monitoring the weather and tracking natural migrations globally.”

     Of course, the real motive is complete and utter control over the ordinary people to ensure complete and utter control, forever in the iron cage of technology. Biometric ID cards, coming in the EU, is just a warmup:

     The ordinary people in the shopping mall, as nice as they are, let all of this go in their sheeple apathy and/or ignorance, until it is too late to divert it without an apocalyptic battle, and even then, they are on the sidelines. That is why evil gets so many good hits in: because good men do nothing most of the time, but sadly we are often too afraid to call them out on this. So, in our silence, the world burns.



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