Beijing Biden’s Anti-White Racism By Chris Knight (Florida)

False president Biden has recently said that “Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today.” Taken literary, this is insane, since it was not white supremacists who were burning down America, and assaulting, and murdering people in 2020, and even now. Robert Spencer, who is Jewish, and runs a tremendous site exposing all the lies of the Democrats, sums up the agenda here, so it is good to hear the word from someone else for a change:

“It wasn’t “white supremacists” who rioted all last summer in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Wisconsin, New York, Atlanta, Washington, DC, and numerous other cities that I have already forgotten. It was Leftists: Antifa and Black Lives Matter. When Old White Joe talks about “white supremacy,” what he really means are ordinary citizens who oppose the dominant political philosophy. Lies such as what Biden is spreading here are in service of solidifying the hegemony of that philosophy.”

What Biden is targeting is any opposition to his regime, creating a bogey man, then moving on down the list. Well, he is not doing it, probably having trouble getting his pants on in the morning, but the monsters who control him are.




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