Beijing Biden Rides Again By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While China is now embracing a broad-based attack upon Aussie exports such as beef and coal, showing the foolishness of your elites putting everything in the China basket, while they made quick profits and ran, Biden is getting his orders from the Chinese Communist party, to stop US allies confronting China. Sounds like treason to me, and grounds to impeach him immediately. If they can launch an impeachment against Trump merely for existing, then there needs to be “return fire,” so to speak.

“A Joe Biden White House will be happy to intercede on Bejing’s behalf and silence criticism of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by U.S. allies, an official China state media outlet claimed Monday.

Pointing to the lack of reaction from the Biden camp to China’s continued excoriation of long-term U.S. allies like Australia, an op-ed in the CCP mouthpiece Global Times asserted the silence is indicative of Biden compliance because “there is no legitimate reason for Biden to back up Australia’s condemnation against China.”

The piece asserts Biden will be able to apply pressure on Australia to tone down its opposition to Beijing in the Indo-Pacific by simply calling for it to obey orders. It said:

Many observers tend to believe that the Biden administration will to some extent ease tensions with China in the future. If so, Australia, the current anti-China pioneer, will very likely find itself in a predicament while laying bare its strategic misjudgments. If Biden adjusts US’ China policy, this will force Canberra to reflect and change its previous calculations with Beijing.

It goes on to outline the future of U.S.-China relations under a Joe Biden administration will be marked by “the normal track of ties with China” marked by non-confrontation:

Unlike Trump’s team with Pompeo, the Biden administration will not expect Australia to treat China in a radical manner with brinksmanship actions that undercut the economy of everyday Aussies.

Biden will surely hope U.S.’ allies, including Australia, to keep pace with the U.S. in general and coordinate closely with U.S. strategies.

China’s nervousness about Australia and its eagerness to see Joe Biden triumph comes at the end of a year where Canberra has been happy to step up and challenge Beijing on any number of topics.”

This challenge though, will not be for much longer in the Biden era. Let us hope Trump declares martial law to sort this all out.



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