Australian Immigration, Always Increasing, By James Reed

While Labor gave lip service to supposed immigration cuts, to gaslight the locals who were getting restless with the accommodation crisis, long-term arrivals data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) indicates that there were 335,184 net arrivals from January 2024 to July 2024. This is an increase, not a decrease, being 110,175 people higher than in the 2019 period. As concludes: "Australia received roughly one million net overseas migrants, with the above data suggesting that immigration remains at extreme levels and once again overshooting the May 2024 federal budget's projections."

As I see it, Labor is totally under the control of the Big Australia lobby and like a puppet delivers the mass immigration program that these Dark Lords want to maximise short term profits, while destroying the future sustainability of Australia. My bet: on business as usual here will be no Australia, at least as we know, it in 100 years' time.



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