Australian Approval of mRNAs Vaxxes for Children; Sweden Drops Out Though By Mrs Vera West

It has happened; Pfizer’s Covid vaccine has been provisionally approved for paediatric use, so that both the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA products are now on the table for the entire population of Australia (barring babies under 6 months old). This has been done even though other jurisdictions have moved in the opposite direction, because of vaccine injuries, and the low mortality from Covid in these cohorts. Material on the Swedish situation is below. Australia is very much under the control of the technocracy, as the entire mandate business, second to communist China in the tyranny stakes, showed.

“The Australian experts have spoken. Pfizer’s Covid vaccine has been provisionally approved for paediatric use, which means both the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA products are now on the table for the entire population of Australia (barring babies under 6 months old).

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) granted provisional approval for paediatric use of Pfizer’s COMIRNATY yesterday. The baton is now passed to the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) to decide on whether it will be recommended to all babies, or just the at risk groups.

At the moment, Moderna is recommended to Australians under 5 who are at increased risk of severe Covid outcomes. Thus far, ATAGI has recommended Pfizer’s COMIRNATY to every age group for which it has been approved by the TGA, so we can expect an announcement of their recommendation of COMIRNATY for under 5s imminently. The question is whether ATAGI will recommend it just for ‘at risk’ under 5s, or all under 5s.

It’s surprisingly easy to qualify your toddler for Covid vaccination, by the way. I spoke with an operator on the children’s Covid vaccination helpline at the Perth Children’s Hospital today, who assured me that a GP referral is not required. You simply fill out a questionnaire and book your toddler in at any of the available clinics. There are 9 in my area alone.

Meanwhile the UK’s not giving Covid shots to anyone under 11 and Denmark’s not letting anyone under 50 shoot up. And in US, the shots for under 5s have tanked.

3 months into the rollout of Covid vaccination for American kids under 5, less than 2% have been double vaccinated. Even more interesting - of those who received the first shot, only about 3/10 continued with the second shot.

As Alex Berenson says, “Even Elmo couldn’t save the mRNAs.”

So American parents are holding back. I’m not sure that Australian parents will, though. They’ve been pretty diligent at getting their 5-11-year-old offspring jabbed, with 54% of this age group having been double vaccinated.

Australian media are reporting on Covid vaccination for children uncritically. With the Pfizer approval, there’s a new messaging workaround for the fact that severe illness from Covid is not a threat to little kids. This line, and variations of it, have appeared in a number of mainstream media articles since yesterday:

“Pfizer says that while children are less likely to develop serious illness from COVID-19, they are still at risk of complications including long COVID-19.

Pfizer’s Australia and New Zealand medical director said children remain at higher risk of catching a disease that overlaps with COVID-19, including pneumonia and other upper respiratory tract infections.”


Pfizer says, eh? How anyone is not reading this as superb marketing spin for a product that’s not needed is beyond me. Then again, Petrified Covid Parents just want their children to be safe. People are much more accepting of pandemic profiteering when they’re frightened.

The TGA says of the approval,

“As seen with older age groups, it is expected that vaccines for younger children will provide protection from the most severe COVID-19 outcomes, such as hospitalisation and death.”

The problem with a statement like this, is lack of context.

How many toddlers do you need to vaccinate to prevent one Covid death? Infinity.

The below two tables show the Infection Fatality Rate (and therefore, the survival rate) of Covid in children, followed by the Number Needed to Vaccinate in order to prevent a Covid death. These numbers are based on official UK data and relate to the Delta wave, so the results will be generous towards the Covid vaccines, which have proven to be less effective against Omicron.

What we see is that the Covid survival rate for anyone under 20 years old is 99.9973%. With such an outlandishly high survival rate, the logical and ethical next step is to perform a risk:benefit analysis. The TGA glosses over this issue, stating that vaccine side effects in children are “mild” (just like Covid symptoms!). However, just as there are rare exceptions to the generalisation that Covid is mild in children, there are also exceptions to the generalisation that vaccine side effects are mild. The TGA overplays the risks from Covid to children while ignoring the risks of vaccine side effects.

As there is an opportunity cost to the purchase and roll out of Covid vaccines to small children, there should also be a cost:benefit analysis to assess whether this use of public funds is providing the maximum possible number of lives (and severe outcomes) saved from all the possible causes of death and severe health outcomes to children. I don’t expect we’ll see anything of the sort from any of our official bodies, because, you know, emergency!”

“Yesterday the Swedish authorities ended the general recommendation for healthy children between the ages of 12 and 17 to get vaccinated.

The reason given was that the risk of serious illness and death from COVID-19 in children and young people is very low.

They say that during the pandemic, few children and young people became seriously ill and subsequent variants are increasingly mild. Moreover, immunity in this age group is very high.

This decision comes into force at the end of this month, so from 1 November only children in special categories with increased sensitivity (i.e. immunosuppressed) to Covid, will be offered vaccination.

For all healthy children and young people, according to the Public Health Agency and representatives from the Swedish Paediatric Association, SARS-CoV-2 will be considered as a common respiratory virus.

However, they still recommend that anyone over 18 should have three doses. I wonder how long until this advice is also changed.”




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