Are We All Criminals? By Ian Wilson

     Conservatives are naturally law and order folk, believing in the rule of law, and trying to do the right thing. But, at least for the US, it has been argued that we, the people, are all “criminals,” breaking laws that people do not even know about, as argued by US attorney Harvey Silvergate in his book, Three Felonies a Day (2009).

“If you are an average American, then you are a repeat felon. In his stunning book, Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (2009), civil-liberties attorney Harvey A. Silverglate estimates that the average person unknowingly breaks at least three criminal laws each and every day. Federal statutes and regulations have become so voluminous and vague that over-reaching prosecutors can target anyone at any time. They may think you are guilty, they could want leverage to force your co-operation, they may be vengeful, or they could be building their own careers; the motives are secondary. What’s primary is the clout and, in this, the federal bureaucracy of the United States now rivals the Soviet Union at the zenith of its power. Even if you are ultimately proven innocent, the ‘vindication’ will come after years of abusive prosecution during which your assets will be frozen, your family interrogated and, perhaps, threatened, your reputation smeared, your life left in shambles.”

    That is the United States, land of the “free,” but I would gamble that Australia is even more repressive, if we take into account environmental and local council laws, which can be just as tyrannical as the federal laws. For example, most states have bodies of laws about the upkeep and quality of houses that could be implemented when they like. The tax code is another good example. Who has read it all? All this demonstrates is that by a Fabian strategy of the inevitably of gradualism, freedoms can be dismantled until people cease to even know what they have missed. Of course, running parallel with this dismantling process is an aggressive agenda of social manipulation and brainwashing, as has occurred with all matter of things, from gun control, to the gender agenda to immigration.

     Exposing this requires a daily battle, and constantly going over ground that has been covered, because our enemies of the Deep State, never sleep, and never rest. Conquering us is their day job.



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