Americans Believe that Australia has Fallen By Chris Knight (Florida)

For all you Aussies, you might be interested in the coverage that your SOS to the world is receiving.

“By Jeff Thompson Australia has fallen. 

Regular readers of world events have long since understood this fact – that Australia has turned into a fascist state reminiscent of The Children of Men.

We are witnessing the death of free speech

Throughout the course of the past two years, we’ve witnessed the death of free speech in what was once a (relatively) free nation. We’ve seen pregnant women arrested in front of their screaming children for Facebook posts which organized ACTUAL peaceful anti-slavery protests. Police entered her home, told her she had broken the law for doing so, and took her away an hour before she had her ultrasound. You can see the video of it below. Your blood will boil.


Australia has taken things even further

We’ve covered this at TOP before, but it bears repeating. It is within Australia that police can now “legally” change one’s social media posts to say anything they feel to.

With this kind of law MORE pregnant women could be arrested for posting about taking their dog to the groomer. All police have to do is go in, change the post to some violent diatribe, and voila – you’re a criminal. A very convenient excuse to be able to arrest literally anybody for anything, is it not? What is the purpose of this if not to exert complete control over a populace? To instill fear against all for ANY level of speaking out whatsoever. The message is clear: sit down, shut up, and let us do what we want, or we will ruin your life.

Keep in mind, the cops can do this “legally”

Laws were changed to give an air of legality to violating human rights. Where have we seen this before in history? In what other time periods can we find a series of “laws” which were given to allow people to commit egregious acts against others?

If you need a hint, below is some picture help from when Hitler took over Ukraine. And it was all perfectly “legal”.


What goes through a mother’s mind as she holds onto her little one in such a situation? Are her last words “I’m sorry”, as she whispers into her little one’s ears for the last time, an apology for not being able to protect them? Or is it perhaps one last ‘I love you’, the last words that little one will ever hear, as just one more hug is shared?

History is being echoed

Do you think I’m being over the top here? Consider that it was just a few months ago it was “rumored” that Australia was building camps to which they could remove its own citizens. This was widely blasted as a “conspiracy theory” by anybody who brought it up.

“No, that can’t be true. It’s too far-fetched. That’s not really happening,” replied the TV minds.

Then we received further confirmation. It is irrefutable now. Melbourne is building a camp called the “Centre for National Resilience”, a location built for people to sleep until “they are no longer deemed a threat to public health according to government standards.”

It doesn’t appear as if it’s just the police that are involved in all of this either

Here, you’ll see the military in action.

Reports state that both confirmed cases and their close contacts in an aboriginal community in Australia were “physically transferred” from their homes to a quarantine facility in Darwin. Don’t worry, though. The government is just “helping” the “vulnerable.”  The police were dispatched to round up and arrest three teenagers who “escaped” from the locked-down facility.

“Escape.” “Rounded up.” “Transferred.”

That sounds a lot like…prison.

The state is now your daddy

Even one’s children aren’t safe anymore. Authorities in Australia have conveniently decided they now have the authority to take peoples’ children from them as well. This, in an effort to combat what? What do we call it when children are taken from parents against their will? Whatever happened to government deriving its power from the consent of the governed? Is this not the entire purpose of a government? A collection of representatives who have been elected to protect human rights? To protect life, liberty, and property?

Perhaps I’m missing something here, but I neither see how forcibly pulling children out of homes nor firing into the backs of running protestors does any of this. Americans go to prison if they use a firearm against somebody fleeing – even if they’ve just committed rape or murder. Yet in Australia, a peaceful, anti-slavery protestor’s back is fair game as they run back home. Even if they are “just rubber bullets”.

  • HERE is a video of cops shooting anti-slavery protestors before rolling down the street in an armored personnel carrier of some sort.
  • VIDEO “The new police tactic is to not try & diffuse or control things. They now rush & open fire at unsuspecting crowds to scatter them.”  -Voice For Victoria (@Voice4Victoria)
  • HERE is another angle of the shooting.

Evidence that Australian children are no longer safe

Reports are coming down of children being held down and force-jabbed against their will. Here Aboriginal elder June Mills tells the stories of the reports she hears. America must pay heed to these stories coming from Australia. We cannot simply sit back basking under the notion that “It can never happen here.” Just two years ago, Australians were thinking the same thing. In fact, many Jewish people had the same response in the beginning stages of the Holocaust.

“My mother used to tell us not to listen to those stories about German crimes….She told us the Germans were intelligent, cultured people and they would never do such things.” – Sulia Rubin, Holocaust survivor upon hearing remarks of the Holocaust from escaped Jews.

Fighting for Freedom


Interviewer : Why are you here today?


I am here tonight for the essential freedom of human beings. The same reason I went to East Timor. The same reason I served there. I served with the people of East Timor Australia for their independence and their freedom. And if you think back to the 1990s, the East Timor Marines were screaming for freedom. They fought, and they fought, and they fought, and they go their freedom. I was more than happy to go. After I served my time, I thought I would relax. I suffered a lot as a result of my service. But I thought I’d relax and retire. But this is something we cannot…we can no longer ignore this. It’s garbage. 


I was at the first march, proud to be there. The second March, people we’re afraid. That fear just means False Evidence Appearing Real. Or Face Everything And Recover. A World War 2 Veteran told me that. And that is what fear is. There’s nothing wrong with fear. There’s nothing wrong with anxiety. Courage is just having pain, but still doing what you know the right thing to do is even when you’re afraid. That’s the simple definition of courage. Even when I’m shaking and scared, I still stand up for FREEDOM. We all need to do that.


These metals don’t mean anything without these Australians: US as a team. We are a brotherhood. A sisterhood. I have a wife. I have children. I’m a human. I don’t care what color your skin is…don’t care if you call yourself Afro Martha. I don’t care what’s between your legs. If you’re a human, and you want freedom, and you don’t want to be caged, then come with US.

Event update from SOS Australia Site: #SOSfromAustralia

On December 4th 2021 at 12 pm midday, we call for an international SOS from Australia event.

We call upon politicians, international leaders and all concerned citizens to respond to our SOS.

Want to support us? This is what Australia is asking from you:

  1. Make a public declaration on your own platforms, using your own letterhead or design, declaring that you support this event and our country’s fight for freedom. On the website, you will see our media release, feel free to use any part of that in your announcement. Reach out to us for design help This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. Familiarise yourself with the requests we are making to our government and if you support them, please include that in your announcement.
  3. Are a Member of Parliament and support the idea of giving a certain number of Australians asylum? Please include that in your announcement.
  4. If you are a country leader and have the power to give a certain number of Australians asylum, please include that in your announcement.
  5. If you are an influencer or run a media show or platform, please help promote this event. Monica will be available for interviews at your request. Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  6. Do you want to participate in this event in your country? Please download and share our social media tiles. Also, you can print and distribute flyers, they are available on this page. In our media release, we have ideas for signage on the day.
  7. Please use #SOSfromAustraliaon your posts

Our Human Rights Are Gone ~ #SOSfromAustralia

It’s time for our international friends to recognise that Australia is at war with its’ government and we need help.


Please, international friends…hear our cries for help and apply economic and political pressure on our leaders to change the destructive path we are on. Provide a way for citizens who no longer feel safe here to come home. Offer a certain number of Australians asylum, many of us need it!”


“Reignite Democracy Australia has been defending basic freedoms for all Australians over the last year since non-democratic restrictions have been brutally imposed on us. Australians are facing unprecedented Government actions that have robbed us of our fundamental rights and freedoms – all enforced with extreme aggression by the Police Force. Many Australians no longer feel safe in our once-democratic country. We have tried every peaceful and diplomatic means available to have our voices heard; however we have been ignored. Australian citizens have held regular protests asking for Human Rights and the Rule of Law to be restored. These democratic demonstrations have been met with unparalleled Police suppression. Members of the public are being pepper sprayed and many were recently fired upon with rubber bullets by the very people Australians pay, and trust to protect them. The police are supposed to be part of the Public Service. Instead, they have been turned into an instrument of public oppression, even descending into jailing people for their political views. These are some of the rights that have been stolen or attacked: ● the right to have a political party; ● the right to peacefully protest; ● the right to work without being subject to coercion; ● the right to operate a business; ● the right to make personal medical choices; ● the right to medical privacy; ● the right for all persons, irrespective of their health or vaccination status, to be considered equal; ● the right to freely express political dissent; ● the right to assemble; ● the right to socialise. To the everyday Australian, it seems like the Police are being used by the Government to enforce unjust laws and tyranny upon the country. Due to the state-of-emergency declarations being in place, Police have less means available to oppose the orders given to them by the Government. Basically, it looks and feels like we’re living in a ‘Police State

In Victoria, protests have become battlefields. The Victorian Police no longer work to protect the people, they work to enforce the ever-changing directives handed down from the government. Businesses have shut down, people are being forced to take a vaccine without Informed Consent, children have missed months of schooling...the country is in distress, and we need your help. These truths are being aggressively hidden in our country. Local journalists in the mainstream media have betrayed their traditions. They no longer stay neutral and fairly report on the different sides. Instead, they have joined the authorities, hurling insults at anyone who does not obediently comply with government edicts. Or they scrupulously ignore, or misreport, what is happening with the protests across the community. The Event on December 4th 2021 at 12 pm midday, we call for an international ‘SOS from Australia’ event. On this date we call upon politicians, international leaders and all concerned citizens to respond to our SOS. Note that whatever tyranny and oppression you see in Australia is destined for your country if we aren’t able to stop it. It seems evident Australia is ‘ground zero’. International leaders We respectfully ask you to consider supporting the requests laid out in this document. If the requests are not met, your citizens are no longer safe here. These are the requests we suggest you ask for: ● No more lockdowns ● No mandatory vaccinations or medical procedures ● Open reasonable options for International Travel.

 If the above requests are not honoured, we ask you to take the following steps to safeguard the human rights of your citizens residing in Australia by: ● Expediting the safe return of your citizens from Australia ● Make a public statement that no longer considers it safe for their citizens to remain in Australia ● Extending an offer of asylum to a certain number of Australians who do not feel safe to remain in their home country. International Citizens We ask that on December 4th 2021 at 12pm midday you go to the Australian Embassy or Consulate in support of Australia. Feel free to write signs like; Reignite Democracy Australia |


- SOS from Australia - Stop the tyranny in Australia - Free Australia - End police brutality in Australia - Open up Australia - Stop mandatory vaccination in Australia - We stand by Australia - Our brother and sisters in Australia are in trouble Australians would prefer their own country to restore its safety and Human Rights but if this cannot be done, many of us are looking for refuge in a safer country. Thank you for your consideration in this delicate matter. Founder of Reignite Democracy Australia Monica Smit.”







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