All the Action of Leftist Insurrection, Revolution, Baby By Chris Knight (Florida)

The spirit of ’68 lives on … While the Biden regime proclaims that non-existent white supremacists are terrorising the USA, as an excuse to really terrorise white conservatives who are as soft as little bunnies, BLM militants are running around with weapons of mass destruction, pointing them at motorists, in acts of socialist love. And that is a peaceful protest because even if every motorist was gunned down that would be … well just shout “racism” and all will be silent!

“Black Lives Matter militants took to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang shootout on the streets late at night.

During Thursday’s event the protesters began marching in the streets, with a couple of support vehicles leading the way. At two separate points multiple participants pulled AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and possibly a shotgun and/or Keltec Sub 2000 on motorists who happened be driving along.

The incidents were caught on video. In these shocking videos you can clearly see multiple terrorists surrounding the vehicles, yelling and shouting obscenities and threats at the drivers. Though the videos are shaky, you can clearly see multiple guns being leveled and drawn, as the terrorists order drivers to stop. One minivan’s tires were flattened, had its back window busted out, and at least one mirror broken. Another guy was in a big pickup truck, and he was apparently drawing his own gun. In an incident that was similar to the Marquise Love headpunt altercation from last fall, he later decided to get out of his truck, where he was assaulted, tackled to the ground, and the terrorists stole his gun while holding him on the ground, ironically calling for the police.”

 “A disabled veteran in Portland, Oregon, is hospitalized with multiple serious injuries after a group of armed Black Lives Matter protesters attacked and beat him. Portland Police Bureau officials reportedly received several calls about the violent acts of the BLM protesters on May 5.

Joe Hall, a 53-year-old home handyman, a crowd of BLM protesters armed with AR-15s and AK-47 surrounded his vehicle and then attacked him when he got out of his work truck, FOX 12 Portland reported. He said he was driving through the area where a BLM protest was underway while moving from a completed job to his next assignment. The crowd stopped his vehicle and those of others as they blocked the roadway.

“All of a sudden these agitators come out, screaming, pounding on my truck,” Hall told Fox 12. He said he attempted to drive around the group but stopped and got out when he thought he hit something.

“By this time I’ve got five people surrounding my vehicle, AR-15s, AK-47s,” the disabled veteran who served in the Army and Marine Corps. “I pulled my .38 out of my right pocket and pointed it at the ground and told them if a weapon points at me again, I will shoot to eliminate the threat.”

After pulling his pistol, someone tackled him and took his gun away. He said the group began kicking and hitting him.

Hall said he suffered a “partially collapsed left lung, two lower vertebrae fractured,” and five broken ribs, a broken collar bone, and head trauma, the Portland Fox affiliate reported.

The veteran said he stood his ground and would do it again.

A resident of the local neighborhood told the Fox reporters, “It looked like he was face down and then people were kneeling on top of him.”

Hall said he thought he would die during the savage attack. He asked why Portland police didn’t respond after they received multiple calls about the violent nature of the protest.”

The moral of this story is, he who hesitates, loses. I would not be surprised for the disabled veteran to be charged for something … racist! Yes, that. Maybe mass murder of all the people not killed too! How about assault of people the other side of the country, who were not even there? I bet a jury of the multicult would convict on any charge at all now, regardless of any evidence. That includes so-called crime committed by ancestors, which is what reparations are all about.




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