All I am Saying is Give War a Chance! The Anti-War Protesters Need to Face Invasion Threat! By James Reed

I have had much to do this these anti-war protester types, usually young, and scared of fighting a real fight for freedom. They may object, with some merit, about wars being caused by international finance and the globalist forces, but usually their protests are fear-based and opposed to weapons as such. Thus, one narrative is the the communist Chinese are peaceful folk, and it is the US which is causing international tensions. Some truth again, but both sides are up to this.In any case here is what is going down here in Melbourne right now:

"As many as 25,000 protesters are set to cause chaos ahead of a weapons expo to be held in Melbourne on Wednesday, with some already vandalising hotels and blocking traffic.

Interstate police have been called in to bolster law and order ahead of what could be Victoria's biggest protest since the chaos surrounding the World Economic Forum in 2000.

More than 100 people were arrested in that rally, in scenes unusual in Melbourne at the time.

Protests kicked off earlier than expected on Friday night, despite the Land Forces expo not starting until Wednesday.

Melbourne hotels were vandalised with red paint and traffic blocked during protests held on Saturday.

On Sunday morning, a small group of protesters from Extinction Rebellion blocked Montague Street near the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre where the expo is being held.

Victoria police said on Sunday, they would have a significant presence during and in the lead-up to what will be their biggest operation in decades.

It came as around 1,500 people attended a weekly pro-Palestine rally in Melbourne's CBD on Sunday which started at the State Library Victoria.

"It is understood a smaller group of protesters were involved in an altercation with a man on Bourke Street," police said in a statement.

"The man was allegedly assaulted and had his property damaged.

"Police intervened and two officers were allegedly assaulted."

A 20-year-old Craigieburn man and a 49-year-old Broadmeadows man were arrested at the scene, police said.

Both were released from custody and "are expected to be charged on summons with assault and resist police offences", police said.

Ahead of Wednesday's weapons expo, hundreds of police have been diverted from regional areas to provide support and numerous officers can be seen in and around the building, including at all exit and entrance points.

Police also erected a ring of steel around the event, which is also expected to attract up to 25,000 activists.

That fencing has since been covered by tarps, making it difficult to see what is happening inside.

Police, using anti-terror legislation, will also have increased powers to search any person or vehicle within the area surrounding the event."

I would like to know why so-called peace protesters are so violent, vandalising hotels, and assaulting the man and police? I thought that violence was bad and represented by the weapons of war, and they wanted a world of peace, you know, Johnny Lennon and all that? 



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