Alex Jones was Not Banned by Orders of Ruling Space Alien Reptile Class! (or, Was He?) By Chris Knight

     I am not too sure about all this internet stuff about us mere humans being ruled by a race of reptiles from space. Surely, that is tin foil hat stuff? I mean, that would be a real conspiracy that would make 9/11 look like Pearl Harbor, or that the Saudi were involved in 9/11! Likewise the banning of Alex Jones, by order of some UFO creatures must also be false news, for  the banning was not even done by terminator IT robots, but by our friendly neighbourhood Zucky himself, so we know that it must be good:

“According to the New York Times, the order to ban the radio host came from the very top. Citing sources from inside Facebook, The New York Times reported on the process that led to Jones’ suspension. The situation was volatile enough that Mr. Zuckerberg got personally engaged, according to two people involved in Facebook’s handling of the accounts. He discussed Infowars at length with other executives, and mused privately about whether Mr. Jones — who once called Mr. Zuckerberg a “genetic-engineered psychopath” in a video — was purposefully trying to get kicked off the platform to gain attention, they said.

Mr. Zuckerberg, an engineer by training and temperament, has always preferred narrow process decisions to broad, subjective judgments. His evaluation of Infowars took the form of a series of technical policy questions. They included whether the mass-reporting of Infowars posts constituted coordinated “brigading,” a tactic common in online harassment campaigns. Executives also debated whether Mr. Jones should receive a “strike” for each post containing hate speech (which would lead to removing his pages as well as the individual posts) or a single, collective strike (which would remove the posts, but leave his pages up). The article goes on to highlight that Zuckerberg took his decision to Apple, which was the first major tech platform to enact mass censorship against Infowars. Following the lead of Tim Cook’s company, who earlier this year publicly trash-talked both Facebook and Zuckerberg personally, would be a humiliation for Zuckerberg."

     See Alex, no conspiracy at all. It is just “business” as usual, which means, no “business” for you. Or any of us, potentially.



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