AK’s in the City By John Steele

     The AK 47 assault rifle (the full auto version, not the mere semi-auto civilian one) has become the terrorist small arm of choice, being used in numerous attacks in Europe. Terrorism also shades into gang violence too and there the AK rules supreme. The reasons are simple; there are literally truckloads of these weapons available and as well, the AK is very reliable and cheap:

“The National Observatory for Delinquency in Paris has estimated that, based upon known seizure rates, the number of illegal weapons in France has been increasing at a worrying rate over recent years. In 2009, French police reportedly seized more than 1,500 illegal weapons. The following year, this increased to 2,700, while in 2013 approximately 3,500 weapons were seized – around 3% of them capable of automatic firing. Firearms controls have been “tightened” and the EU has made the disruption of firearm trafficking one of its key law enforcement priorities through to 2017. But the European Commission has openly acknowledged that there is “a lack of solid, EU-wide statistics and intelligence”, which makes dealing with the problem even more difficult.

Estimates have suggested that as many as half a million lost or stolen firearms remain unaccounted for in the EU area, and that doesn’t even include the AK-47s allegedly strewn across Western Europe as a direct legacy of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Balkan wars. The southern French city of Marseille has experienced years of lethal firearm violence. This is generally associated with drugs and trafficking by organised crime gangs – and AK-47s are often used. According to a police spokesman from the city, interviewed in 2012, owning a Kalashnikov was vital if you wanted to be taken seriously as a gang member.”

     As whites have been disarmed, when the collapse comes, and it is happening now, the future rulers of Europe, the warlords of the wastelands to come, will be well armed with AK 47s to keep the sheeple in line. And, if anything survives in Sweden, the “Negans” will just have to show the gun to have the locals for these cucks to  simply roll over and die.

     Greer is wrong on climate change, but right on almost everything else, especially the descent into a new Dark Age, and the rule of warlords. This book must have taken some courage for a man of the Left to write, since it tears down the entire edifice that supports Leftism.



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