AI-Created Gene Weapons By Brian Simpson

This is an example of the pot calling the kettle black, or is it yellow? Communist China is complaining that terrorists have accessed AI-created genetic weapons that can target specific races. China’s Ministry of State Security has claimed that these terrorists, which are equated to certain nations, have apparently collected Chinese genetic data. Thus, the Chinese believe that they are targets, and maybe they are. But according to Robert Kennedy, the Chinese have been working on such ethnic bioweapons for some time, and he thinks that Covid-19 was a test run, which did not largely impact upon the Han Chinese. On this he is probably wrong, as there were major impacts in China, perhaps not as severe in the over-vaxxed West. Africa without the vax did fine.


But even if Covid-19 was not an ethnic bioweapon, this does not mean that there will not be such weapons used in the near future, such as during World War III to devastate the home front. As the Chinese Ministry of State Security said: “Compared with traditional biological weapons and chemical weapons, genetic weapons are more concealable, deceptive, easy to spread and harmful in the long-term, and are difficult to prevent, difficult to isolate, and low-cost. Once used in war, the consequences will be devastating.” Thus, use of such weapons by the communists will be irresistible.

China claims terrorists have 'armed' themselves with AI-created genetic weapons that target specific races.

Ministry of State Security released a statement on WeChat announcing that 'certain' non-governmental organizations recruited Chinese 'volunteers' to collect biodiversity distribution data under the guise of biological species research.

The statement noted that these foreign nations are engineering weapons that hunt out genetic differences associated with ethnicity or race. 

'Compared with traditional biological weapons and chemical weapons, genetic weapons are more concealable, deceptive, easy to spread and harmful in the long-term, and are difficult to prevent, difficult to isolate, and low-cost. Once used in war, the consequences will be devastating,' the ministry wrote. 

President Joe Biden's sweeping order aims to ensure safety testing of models like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard are conducted, and government officials review results before they are publicly released.

The president believes this method will ensure AI is not used to create nukes or biological and genetic weapons. 

While China believes its nation is a target, presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr has previously stated that the Chinese are the ones developing ethnic bioweapons.

The Independent candidate also noted that Covid-19 was engineered to spare Jewish and Chinese people.

China's Ministry of State Security alleges these foreign nations could attack its people as the organization used Chinese people to steal species data, which was uploaded to a smartphone app.

According to the Global Times, if an AI model is fed enough human genetic samples, it can analyze and understand the unique genetic characteristics of each ethnic group.

'Maintaining biosecurity is a shared responsibility of all of society. Everyone should establish a sense of biosafety and draw wisdom from the lessons learned in dealing with biosafety risks, such as public health emergencies,' said the ministry. 

The news comes two years after a report claimed Chinese scientists are preparing for a Third World War fought with biological and genetic weapons. 

The bombshell paper insists they will be 'the core weapon for victory' in such a conflict, even outlining the perfect conditions to release a bioweapon and documenting the impact it would have on 'the enemy's medical system.'

This latest evidence that Beijing considered the military potential of SARS coronaviruses from as early as 2015 has also raised fresh fears over the cause of Covid-19, with some officials still believing the virus could have escaped from a Chinese lab.

The dossier by People's Liberation Army scientists and health officials, details of which were reported in, examined the manipulation of diseases to make weapons 'in a way never seen before.'”


“China's Ministry of State Security warned over the danger of genetic weapon, which could bring devastating consequences once used in war, in an article on Monday morning, revealing a case where certain foreign nongovernmental organization (NGO) recruited Chinese "volunteers" to collect biodiversity distribution data in the name of biological species research to steal China's species data.

Compared with traditional biological and chemical weapons, genetic weapons have stronger concealment capabilities, deception, ease of dissemination, and long-term harmful effects, the ministry pointed out, warning that some countries have turned genetic technology into deadly weapons.

If given enough human genetic samples, the unique genetic characteristics of each ethnic group and race can be analyzed and understood, and the genetic weapons can be developed to selectively attack targets with specific racial genes, the ministry noted.

The ministry thus stressed the protection of biosecurity, especially the human genetic resources and biological species resources, which were the espionage targets of some overseas institutions, organizations and individuals.

China's national security agencies have discovered that an overseas NGO had recruited volunteers in China under the pretext of conducting research on biological species. They extensively collected data on the distribution of biological species from various regions in China and required participants to upload the collected data through a dedicated mobile application.

But the fact is that the NGO not only had ties to a certain country's government but also continuously transmitted data overseas, posing a potential threat to China's biosecurity and ecological security, the ministry said.

"Maintaining biosecurity is a shared responsibility of all of society. Everyone should establish a sense of biosafety and draw wisdom from the lessons learned in dealing with biosafety risks, such as public health emergencies," said the ministry.

In October 2020, China passed its Law on Biosecurity, which showed that China has elevated the importance of biosecurity to an unprecedented level and provided important legal support for the prevention and mitigation of biosecurity risks.”




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