A Tough Call: Why Conservatives Should NOT Cancel Their Leftist Opponents, By James Reed

There have been calls from Australian conservatives for the deportation of Kyle Gass, of comedy band Tenacious D, who said on stage in Sydney: "Don't miss Trump next time." Gass's bandmate Jack Black issued a formal apology. The band then cancelled its Australian tour. Gass apologised himself. To my mind that is quite adequate for a sick joke, and even if he did nothing, I still would defend this right to free speech.

But other respected people in the freedom movement think that this is not enough and want deportation. To my mind that is not proportional to the issue. It is not as if a joke in poor taste would incite local assassins. Of course, if the statement as to do this there would not be an issue, as it would be against the law. But I think the statement is in the bounds of free speech, and while I do not like it, as a freedom lover I have no choice but defend the right to make the joke. That does not mean I have to accept it, and it is open to criticise the comments in the rough and tumble of public debate.

If we supported the graphic footage of the attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel being on X, then I cannot consistently see how we should support suppressing the free speech of Gass. Likewise if we go down this road, as advocated by Nate Hochman: https://spectator.org/in-defense-of-cancel-culture/, conservatives are no better than Leftists with an "eye for an eye" revenge mentality. The point is to end this business and re-establish civil society and genuine decency, not play mutually assured destruction.




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