A Threat to “Democracy”? What “Democracy,” By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Brandon Smith notes that one takeaway from the recent UK mass immigration riots, is that the mainstream media, quite apart from targeting every protester as far Right," went after Elon Musk, now also assumed to be far "Right." While all other social media outlets restrained people from posting any videos showing migrants rioting as well, and prowling the streets with machetes and swords, Musk's X did allow this. For the Leftist-globalist mainstream media, this was beyond the pale, as their narrative is that migrants can by definition do no wrong. Musk was hence committing secular blasphemy against the New World Order.

Most importantly, both the protesters and Musk, in questioning the existing status quo, were threatening "democracy." It is an odd notion, and widely used, especially against Donald ?Trump. It seems that whenever people protest against mass immigrant, this threatens "democracy." But what is this "democracy"? It is certainly not a system where people get to decide anything, as witnessed by the way Kamala Harris was appointed with no fair "democratic" vote; someone who was one of the most unpopular politicians to ever walk the stage, is now promoted as the people's choice." And how is it "democratic" to shut down all comments critical of mass immigration in Britain, and imprisonment of people for merely re-sending X posts?

Clearly their "democracy," is just an Orwellian word for a totalitarian tyranny, in a multicult dystopia. Word manipulation is at work.


"There is perhaps nothing more tiresome and embarrassing as the theatrical pearl clutching of leftist media propaganda. For three years the public had to deal with the incessant drone of media fear mongering over the covid pandemic, an event which turned out to be a nothing-burger that 99.8% of the population on average would easily survive. After the 2020 elections we have been inundated with narratives about how conservatives are a "threat to democracy" – A democracy which progressives don't even believe in as the recent DNC coup against Joe Biden proves.

The latest evolution of the democracy narrative is that free speech (and probably Russia) is the root evil behind civil unrest in western countries. The notion of thought crime is making its way to the forefront of the establishment tool box and this suggests we are entering the next stage of authoritarianism – Open criminalization of speech.

The Guardian in the UK is fully onboard with this development. The media outlet is on the warpath against Elon Musk and X (formerly known as Twitter) after Musk defied European and UK officials and their demands for censorship. In an article titled 'Inciting Rioters In Britain Was A Test Run For Elon Musk. Just See What He Plans For America', the platform launches into a tirade of delusional progressive talking points, a word salad designed to distract from the reality that what they are actually calling for is the death of free speech.

The Guardian argues:

"…Back in the golden days of 2020, tech platforms, still reeling from a public backlash, had at least to look as if they gave a sh*t. Twitter employed 4,000-plus people in "trust and safety", tasked with getting dangerous content off its platform and sniffing out foreign influence operations."

"In Britain, the canary has sung. This summer we have witnessed something new and unprecedented. The billionaire owner of a tech platform publicly confronting an elected leader and using his platform to undermine his authority and incite violence. Britain's 2024 summer riots were Elon Musk's trial balloon…"

"The presidential election is three months away. What if the billionaire contests the result? What if he decides democracy is overrated…?"

"…What Musk – the new self-appointed Lord of Misrule – has done is to rip off the mask. He's shown that you don't even have to pretend to care. In Musk's world, trust is mistrust and safety is censorship. His goal is chaos. And it's coming."

The most important question that The Guardian and their leftist ilk never address is this: If a democracy relies on mass censorship and thought crime policies in order to function, if it relies on "protecting" the public from unfortunate truths, then is it really worth saving?

I and millions of other would argue no – It's not worth saving. That "democracy" is broken and corrupt and should be wiped from the face of the Earth before it destroys the very culture it claims to protect.

The political left continues to prove it is emotionally stunted and frantic, relying on lies and self-induced terror to drive its base of supporters forward on the path the gatekeepers (globalists) prefer. If you've ever tried to reason with a screaming toddler hellbent on getting what it wants, then you know what it's like trying to reason with leftists.

The hyper-emotion of the left is an easy lever for the elites to manipulate, and it's not relegated to the US. We've seen the same trend in Europe and the UK. There's an accelerating panic in Britain as the working class public (most of them patriots) protested in large numbers across the nation against open borders. Almost 70% of the UK populace is against current policies on mass immigration, specifically from the third-world. The Brexit vote was based primarily on the UK public's opposition to the forced mass immigration agenda of the EU.

Yet, the self-described "defenders" of democracy have no interest in the public voice. They only care about majority concerns if those concerns run parallel to their agenda.

This refusal to take public concerns on third-world migrants seriously, combined with the ongoing two-tier policing system which seeks to hide migrant crime statistics, has led directly to the protests and riots we have seen this past month. Let's be clear: It's government officials in the UK that are to blame for the violence. They are the culprits.

The same goes for the riots of January 6th, an event which started out peaceful and was then triggered to react violently after Capitol police began shooting the crowd with rubber bullets and throwing tear gas grenades into their midst. You can only poke the bear for so long before the bear wakes up and claws your face off.

Of course, when the bear does attack, play the victim and be sure not to tell anyone how you provoked it. It's the kind of gaslighting conservatives and patriots have been dealing with for the duration and the latest events in the UK suggest it's not going to end anytime soon.

The Guardian is, in a way, testing the waters of totalitarianism by moving away from the old-school rationale of the "greater good." They touch on it briefly, but their core argument here is that the system is sacrosanct no matter how corrupt it might be. Those in power and their policies cannot be criticized or protested because, well, they are the elites and we just have to trust that they know what's best for us.

If we interfere with them in any way, collapse will befall us and chaos will reign supreme. And we don't want that, now, do we?

Maybe we do. Maybe it's time for the system as it stands today to go down. Maybe we should stop allowing the beneficiaries of the two-tiers system to hide behind the thin veneer of democracy. After all, their version of democracy is simply incremental tyranny. They've proven this is the end game in the UK (in case anyone had previous doubts).

At bottom, it's not the job of Big Tech conglomerates or government officials to police public speech. Their positions are entirely predicated on their ability to serve the public interest and this includes ALL of the public, not just progressives. From what I have seen so far, Elon Musk's defiance is a natural reaction to incompatible government. Musk is a symptom of a greater movement, not the cause.

The gatekeepers want to make it all about one man, or a handful of men. They want you to focus on Musk, or Trump, because they don't want to admit the truth: That the real threat they want to neutralize is YOU, along with millions of other conservatives and independents. You are the great danger to their agenda.

If a specific political leadership is not able to offer a good argument as to why they should exist, then maybe they shouldn't. If a system needs to be replaced, then it will be and there's nothing that progressive hand-wringers and globalists from Davos can do about it. They are not necessary. They are not the future. They are only holding us back."




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