A Secret Covid Tracking System; So Much for Privacy! By Brian Simpson

While this sort of investigative journalism is not done in Australia, the following story is still relevant, since it indicates that something like this may have existed.  The Epoch Times, usually behind a paywall, made Freedom of Information requests, that uncovered a CDC program to track the unvaxxed and those not fully vaxxed. Using new medical codes, the CDC compiled the lists of these individuals. When this came out, the CDC went into damage control saying that it did not have access to the data, even though they compiled it. You can’t beat them for bare-faced fibs, as our favourite journalist Ben Bartee writers. The question to ponder is whether something parallel to this occurred here in Australia, and if so, what future use will be made of it? In the next plandemic, will this condemn people like me, pure bloods, to be imprisoned in one of those massive concentration camps that were built, and are not discussed nowadays, sitting out there just waiting to go?


“Through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, intrepid journalists at The Epoch Times have uncovered a previously secret CDC program to tag and track unvaxxed and “undervaccinated” (apparently meaning people who took one or more shots but did not get their so-called “boosters”) U.S. citizens.

Via The Epoch Times (emphasis added):

Medical codes introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to show when people are unvaccinated or undervaccinated for COVID-19 are being used to track people, the top U.S. public health agency has confirmed.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made the confirmation in emails that The Epoch Times obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.

The CDC had said in documents and public statements that the goal of the new codes, in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) system, was “to track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized.”

The CDC now says it does not have access to the data, but that health care systems do.

“The ICD codes were implemented in April 2022, however the CDC does not have any data on the codes and does not track this information,” CDC officials said in the emails.

The CDC took it upon itself to collate the list of the unvaccinated, but it expects the public to believe that it does not “have access to the data.” Is this not, on its own and irrespective of the mountains of additional evidence to this effect, proof that they hold the American taxpayers — who ironically fund these sorts of intrusions into their privacy — in complete contempt? What other conclusion could one draw?

“The codes were created to enable healthcare providers to track [vaccination status] within their practices. Also, for some specialties the codes are used to track organ donors’ ability to donate,” reads one email from Bert Kelly of the CDC Media Office.

The question immediately presents itself: why not simply rely on patient self-reporting of vaccination status if and when healthcare providers believe gathering such information is relevant to the provision of care?

Danielle Lloyd, senior vice president of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), offers a slightly more sinister justification for the unvaxxed list: it “will help health insurance providers identify emollees [sic] who may benefit from outreach and further education about vaccination.”

In other words, the next time you apply for insurance as an unvaxxed customer, your name will pop up in whatever labyrinthine, opaque software vetting system these multinational giants use. The corporation will then take the occasion to “educate” you about the loving, liberal mRNA injections that their partners at Pfizer and Moderna are selling at obscene cost (estimated to be $130-a-pop for Moderna’s once the COVID “public health emergency” ends, assuming it ever does.).”





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