A Psycho-Political Hybrid War By James Reed

Today at the blog we are giving a plurality of perspectives on out perilous times. Dr Mercola, in as now deleted post, saved here, discusses a video of Joe Rogan interviewing Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist revolutionary who eventually became an anti-extremism activist. Nawaz’ past history of extremism led to him knowing how best infiltrate and undermine the West. He details the same forces being used by technocrats in the Covid plandemic. This is a “hybrid war,” not kinetic, but based around control of information, thus manufacturing consent, by dismantling former world views, then reassembling reality for total social control. This has been done with the plandemic, with the lockdowns eliminating the once-God given right of freedom of movement, right down to the symbolic slave culture of mask wearing.


“In the video above, podcaster Joe Rogan interviews Maajid Nawaz, author of “Radical,” a former Islamist revolutionary who eventually became an anti-extremism activist. This is another three-hour-long interview. If you want, you can skip the first hour as it gets more applicable to current day issues after the first hour.

Nawaz’s past experience with recruiting extremists to infiltrate and overthrow Western governments helped him to more clearly recognize the psychological mind games waged against the civilian public during the COVID pandemic. He’s basically spent much of his later life opposing “the manufacturing of consent around something that isn’t true.”

According to Nawaz, we’re in a “hybrid war.” It’s basically an information war, because the primary weapon is information, and whoever gets to define reality with their narrative wins.

He explains how, when recruiting extremists for your cause, you first have to dismantle and destroy their current view of the world. After that, you can then indoctrinate them with your view of the world.

Big Tech obviously plays a crucial role in this war, as they have the technology and the algorithms to influence, manipulate and mold people’s minds by deciding what narratives they’re allowed to see. Social media platforms can easily make it appear as though a minority, fringe position is actually backed by a majority.

Ironically, as Rogan points out, the people who are being brainwashed are in many cases fiercely defending the right of these companies to mold and manipulate them. They support the censorship, they support cancel culture, seemingly not understanding the impact it’s having on their view and understanding of reality and the world at large.

Power Grabs Through ‘Emergency Powers’

One answer to how we got to where we are today is that governments have invoked emergency powers, and those emergency powers often end up becoming permanent. That’s why they were invoked in the first place.

As explained by Nawaz, “emergencies are always used by the state for power grabs.” Once they’ve been able to expand a power under the banner of a national emergency, they keep it. They don’t roll it back. So, when, in 2020, the COVID pandemic was used to suspend human rights, Nawaz knew we were on a slippery slope.

And, as he feared, we’re now experiencing a very radical shift in our social contract with the state. Before the pandemic, the social contract, the generally accepted modus operandi, was that everyone has the right to bodily autonomy. While it’s good to donate blood, for example, you are not required to do so — even if someone’s life hangs in the balance.

No one can demand that you donate a kidney because you have two functioning kidneys and someone else needs one. You have the right to keep both of your kidneys, even if it means the other person dies for lack of organ donation.

Also, if someone is vulnerable to illness due to preexisting conditions, that person has always been expected to take their own precautions. If you have a peanut allergy, you make sure you don’t eat anything with peanuts, for example, and others are encouraged, but not mandated or required, to make accommodations for and be considerate of those who are vulnerable.

What we have never done, Nawaz notes, is make other people responsible for our comorbidities and preexisting conditions and force them to submit to a medical intervention that could harm or kill them in order to improve our chances of survival.

A Radical Shift in Our Social Contract

If the state is going to tell us that we must get vaccinated because it is our duty to protect other people, then that is a very deep and radical shift of our social contract.

So much so, Nawaz argues, that it should require serious public dialogue followed by a democratic mandate. But that’s not happening. We’re now told that we must surrender our bodily autonomy for the common good. If you disagree, you’re simply canceled and eliminated from the public forum.

While not specifically discussed in this interview, this new social contract, sprung on us during the COVID crisis, is actually part and parcel of The Great Reset.1 The surrendering of individual rights — some for now, but eventually all of them — is the “new social contract” that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has envisioned and is pushing out to the world through his installed leaders.

As noted by Nawaz, at the end of the day, it comes down to what kind of society, what kind of world, we want to live in, and “We can’t go from democracy to a ‘papers please’ society ... without having any consultation with the public on this,” he says. We need to have a “proper conversation about how this will permanently change the structure of our society.”

The fundamental problem here is that we’re told we must simply trust that the government knows what’s best and always acts in our best interest. Yet we know the state can get things very wrong indeed. In the interview, Nawaz recounts many examples where governments lied and acted against the best interest of their people.

The same goes for Big Pharma. We’re told to trust their products, their science and that they’re working to protect our health, always. Yet for those of us who know the criminal history of some of these drug companies, that’s a tall order.

As noted by Nawaz, the largest criminal fine in history was levied against Pfizer. They have a very long rap sheet, yet we’re to take their experimental gene transfer product on faith alone. Moreover, we’re told to ignore all the data that suggests Pfizer is not, in fact, being entirely honest about the benefits and risks of their product.

When There’s No Truth, Power Gets to Define Reality

One of the primary ways debate is shut down is by throwing labels at people. It doesn’t matter whether they’re factually correct or not. Nawaz has been called an “anti-vaxxer” for questioning vaccine mandates, yet he’s double jabbed. He’s been called an “anti-Muslim extremist,” despite spending four years in prison for his Muslim extremism.

“But there’s a deeper point here,” Nawaz says. For many years, we’ve been shifting into relativism, this idea that truth is relative, that it’s subjective and based on your personal experience. Your truth doesn’t have to be what my truth is. You decide what your truth is and there’s no such thing as “reality.”

When there’s no such thing as truth, you can’t define reality. And when you can’t define reality, the only thing that matters is power ... because power gets to define reality. Power steps into that void when reason no longer exists. ~ Maajid Nawaz

This, Nawaz argues, has had devastating consequences because without objective truth, there’s no objective reality, and without objective reality, whomever has the power gets to dictate what reality is — because you have no way to determine whether that power is telling the truth or not. In the end, you end up with authoritarianism.

“When you promote the idea that there is no such thing as truth, and when you shut down debate that is seeking truth — not that it claims truth but it’s seeking it — in aid of this idea that truth is relative ... what happens when you do that?

When there’s no such thing as truth, you can’t define reality. And when you can’t define reality, the only thing that matters is power ... because power gets to define reality,” he says. “Power steps into that void when reason no longer exists, and defines reality for you, from up above.”

Psychological Warfare

You can see then, how and why information is the most powerful weapon in this fight for power. As noted by Nawaz, most people work full-time jobs and have families and simply don’t have the time to do the research required to discern the truth.

Instead, they turn to trusted voices in the media to give them their best interpretation of what the truth and reality is. The problem we now have is that the media are peddling the narratives of those trying to get more power. And without truthful information, it becomes difficult to define reality, which makes it difficult to challenge government.

This is also why leaders have repeatedly shifted the goal post and then played with our memories of what they promised. The goal is to disorient and confuse people to the point that they don’t have the strength to question their government. This is psychological warfare.

The harsh reality that everyone must face now is that once rights have been taken from you, government never voluntarily gives them back. The only option people have is to TAKE their rights back through peaceful activism.

Coming Next: Financial Warfare

Nawaz and Rogan also discuss how the global cabal is planning to control the world population through the use of programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

Programmable currency is digital cash that can be programmed such that it can only be spent on certain goods or services that an employer or government deem sensible.2 In other words, the issuer of the money can control how the recipient spends it. With that, the issuer would have near-total control over your behavior.

As noted by Nawaz, with a programmable CBDC, government would have complete control over anyone who disagrees with their policies or activities. If someone expresses dissent, the government could simply restrict how they can use their money, or shut down their bank account altogether.

For example, if the government didn’t want Nawaz to appear on Rogan’s show, they could simply reprogram his CBDCs with the click of a button, such that he would not be allowed to purchase a plane ticket.

What the globalists are now fighting to implement is a platform that will give them complete control over people — something that will tie everything in your life together in one central spot, such as your employment records, medical records, financial records and more.

This is why they’re fighting so hard for vaccine passports, even though it’s clear that they are completely irrational. What good is a vaccine passport when the “vaccine” doesn’t prevent infection or spread?

Some nations are now scrapping the vaccine passports and shifting to digital IDs instead. It’s important to realize that digital IDs serve the same exact purpose as the vaccine passport, so the fight for freedom is far from over, even if your government has publicly said no to vaccine passports. As explained by Nawaz, we’re also seeing evidence of a digital credit score being set into place.

Global Leadership Has Been Infiltrated

Nawaz also discusses how governments around the world have been infiltrated by World Economic Forum (WEF) members whose agenda it is to implement global authoritarianism, using the psychological, information war techniques summarized above.

As noted by Nawaz, Schwab has worked on “embedding people in government who are subscribed to The Great Reset agenda,” and in his 2020 book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab openly argues that the COVID-19 response should be used to “revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

The WEF has also clearly articulated3 its interest in developing a global digital ID system. So, what we can look forward to is a never-ending process where the goal post keeps moving toward more and more authoritarianism. And they’ve told us this, openly, Nawaz says. All we need to do is believe them.”





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