A Muslim Answers the Question: Why Does the West Accept Muslim Immigrants? By James Reed

Nour Alhakk, a Muslim gives a logical answer to the question of why the West accepts Muslim immigrants.


"I always get asked, "Why do Muslims come to the West?"

My answer has always been, "Because they apply for immigration and you accept them!"

Suppose it's a problem for you that Islam is not compatible with Western values. Why do immigration authorities tell Muslim applicants during the interview, which is part of the screening process, that freedom of religion is granted to all people in the West and that they can practice their religion freely?!

My family came to Canada after we successfully fulfilled the three conditions: passing the English exam (TOFEL), passing the health check, and finally proving that we had enough savings to survive the transition period.

No one told us that the hijab of my mother and sister would be a concern or that our beliefs concerning gender equality, and sexual liberty (LGBTQ, sex outside marriage, etc.) would be a problem.

I consider myself both an economic and political immigrant. We wanted a better life and education. We also wanted Canadian citizenship because our refugee status had denied us security and stability for decades."

That is a fair enough explanation from the migrant's point of view. Yet we can be sure that if the situation was reversed, Muslim countries would not tolerate White Christians, or even White liberals, coming to their country and doing what has happened in the UK, which is fair enough. So, the real question is: what is it about the West that has produced this universalistic standard, which is not held by other cultures?



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