A Chinese Communist at the Highest Level! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Kamala Harris/Tim Walz presidential ticket would be hard to beat in terms of sheer destructiveness to the West, and a great gift to communist China. In the material extracted below, one can see a clear case that Tim Walz has been groomed by the Chinese Communist Party. According to Peter Schweizer, the author of Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, this communist connection goes back a long time for Walz:

"It goes back to the exchange program that he ran and brought hundreds of students from the United States to China. In the early press accounts, Tim Walz describes it as unique and unusual and different, a program that nobody else has. And at the same time that he's bringing those students there, by the students' accounting, Tim Walz is saying things like, well, in China, nobody is poor because everybody shares in China as if sort of a compulsive arm of the CCP is voluntary. I mean, sharing is voluntary. It's a ridiculous statement to make. There are other comments he made, he told students going to China to downplay their American-ness. There's an account from one student, I haven't been able to independently verify saying that he brought back lots of copies of Mao's Little Red Book when he was in China. So, this is a relationship that's long-standing and it carried forward when he joined Congress and the actions that he was taking in Congress as well."

Thus, a full-on communist Chinese sympathiser is likely to become vice president of the United States, given inevitable Democrat election fraud. Guess how this will end up?


"On this week's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "Sunday Morning Futures," Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer, a Breitbart News senior contributor and the author of "Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans," said 2024 Democratic vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) had been groomed by the Chinese Communist Party.

Host Maria Bartiromo said, "Your reaction to what we've heard from Tim Walz, he's praised Chinese communism as a system where everyone is the same and everyone shares. Do you believe that the Communist Party has been grooming Tim Walz?

Schweizer said, "Oh, I think there's no question about it, Maria. It goes back to the exchange program that he ran and brought hundreds of students from the United States to China. In the early press accounts, Tim Walz describes it as unique and unusual and different, a program that nobody else has. And at the same time that he's bringing those students there, by the students' accounting, Tim Walz is saying things like, well, in China, nobody is poor because everybody shares in China as if sort of a compulsive arm of the CCP is voluntary. I mean, sharing is voluntary. It's a ridiculous statement to make. There are other comments he made, he told students going to China to downplay their American-ness. There's an account from one student, I haven't been able to independently verify saying that he brought back lots of copies of Mao's Little Red Book when he was in China. So this is a relationship that's long-standing and it carried forward when he joined Congress and the actions that he was taking in Congress as well."

He added, "He goes to China in 2016 with a few other Democrats. He recounts how he's meeting with Chinese officials, and he says, oh, I was in China, I was here in China in December of 1989, and they said no, it was February of 1990. I mean, in other words, they had been tracking him when he was a young man, but in that meeting with Premier Li, it's a classic example of elite capture and what the Chinese call big help with a little bad mouth. Tim Walz has talked about the human rights condition in China, but it's never in the context of doing anything about it, and during this meeting with Premier Li, he told Premier Li, 'Well, don't look to the United States as an example of how to do this because we don't know how to do it right either.' Those are his descriptions of what he told Premier Li. So it's this massive moral equivalence, which is exactly what China wants from elites in the United States. Talk about human rights, but don't do anything about it. And also create this moral equivalence that the Chinese system is not any worse than ours. That is exactly what Tim Walz has done over the years."


Vice presidential hopeful Tim Walz has a variety of troubling obsessions, but none so disturbing as his deep and abiding affection for communist China.

Long before the Democratic Minnesota governor was pushing for tampons in boys' bathrooms or running the gay-straight alliance for teenagers, he was waxing poetic about the People's Republic of China as a nation where "everybody shares," the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Walz allegedly told this and other disturbing lies to students at the Nebraska public school where he taught social studies in November 1991.

The lesson was on the Chinese Communist Party's system of government that has caused mass starvation, poverty, and death, including forced abortions demanded by its one-child policy — which was the law of the land as recently as 2016.

Still, Walz was in love with the totalitarian government and its ability to level the playing field — disregarding the fact that it did so by making everyone equally miserable, as communism inevitably does wherever it's tried.

"It means that everyone is the same and everyone shares," Walz told his Nebraska high school students.

"The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing," Walz said at the time.

This lesson came just after he had spent a year in China as a teaching fellow beginning in 1989.

Walz was still in the afterglow of "being treated like a king" in the Communist nation, where he arrived just months after the Tiananmen Square Massacre when thousands of Chinese citizens were murdered by their government.

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(Notably, Walz and wife Gwen married on June 4, 1994, which marked the fifth anniversary of the event. They did so because Tim Walz "wanted to have a date he'll always remember." The couple also honeymooned in China.)

Perhaps he was blind to the regime's tactics, but it appears Walz, an American National Guardsman at the time, was easily bought off with freebies and special treatment, including receiving double the pay of his Chinese counterparts and a spot in the institution's only air-conditioned apartment.

"No matter how long I live, I'll never be treated that well again," Walz gushed to the Nebraska Alliance Star-Herald in 1993.

"They gave me more gifts than I could bring home. It was an excellent experience," he said.

Journalist Miranda Devine shared an image of the newspaper clipping to social media platform X, complete with a photo of a beaming Walz showing off a huge fan that was one of "many gifts" he received.

"Tim Walz gushing about China: 'They gave me more gifts than I could bring home.' I bet. Ask the Bidens about it," Devine captioned the post." 



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