A Bedside Reader’s Guide to White Genocide By Brian Simpson

Just in case your term paper is on the theme of White Genocide, taking the con case of course, here is another of my delightful reading guides.



“In Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities, Eric Kaufmann spends 624 pages advancing a version of Senator Pauline Hanson’s motion put to the Parliament in September 2018. Hanson wanted senators to approve the proposition, “It is okay to be white”, an apparently harmless statement that challenged all major parties so much they voted it down. Kaufmann’s version is more consequential. He proposes that it is okay to say you are white. The outrage has been predictably loud.

Whiteshift aims to explain the white populism that produced Brexit, the presidency of Donald Trump and the rise of nationalist parties across Europe. Kaufmann dismisses economics as the main cause. “Immigration is central. Ethnic change—the size and nature of the immigrant inflow and its capacity to challenge ethnic boundaries—is the story.” Kaufmann argues that the ethnic diversity caused by immigration is roiling Western societies. This already sets him apart because, though well known to many researchers, the social costs of diversity are steadfastly denied or ignored in mainstream social science. That is not new. In the 1990s the Australian historian Geoffrey Blainey was isolated in his warnings about the frequent divisiveness of ethnic diversity. [It was actually 1984.]

Kaufmann then strides further into taboo territory by describing how some whites—many whites—suffer from mass non-white immigration. Worse still, he does not resort to the usual progressive explanation that whites are incorrigibly racist or lack legitimate ethnic identity. Instead he treats them like all other ethnic groups, subject to the same motivations found around the world. He thinks it is normal for a people of any descent to feel pride in their identity and aspire to remain their country’s majority population. He rejects the “myth” that people of European heritage do not have ethnic interests, though he does not examine the concept in detail.






“Putting aside the hyperbole … here are the facts:

  • In 1960, the total population of Texas was 9.5 million, of which fewer than a million were Hispanic.
  • In 2017, there were 11.1 million Hispanics in Texas—more than the total number of people in Texas in 1960 and nearly 40% of the state’s overall current population. Given current birthrates, it won’t belong before they constitute the state’s ethnic majority.

Call me crazy, but that sure looks like replacement.”




“I have performed many numerical simulations to analyze the demographic evolution of the United States which suggest that, even in the absence of any immigration, miscegenation will create a population in which, after about 340 years, there will be no more people who are even “predominantly” (defined as >50%) European by descent. I will argue that there will be virtually no “pure white” (defined as >95% European by descent) people in the US in 6 generations (168 years), irrespective of immigration conditions. …

I have built some simple scripts that simulate semi-random demographic scenarios in the US. I set the initial population demographic to roughly what we have now (60% white, 13% black, 8% Asian/Other, 19% Hispanic), and give the data-persons created by my computer program racial preferences for mating and birthrates that correspond to what we observe in the US now. The result is an interracial marriage rate of about 15%, with random variance (new marriages in the US now are estimated to be interracial 18% of the time). The data-persons greatly prefer their own race, many times more than other races, but their ability to mate is also controlled by the likelihood of finding another person of their race to mate.”



“The White or European peoples are being removed from the future by a process that will be referred to here as the “White Replacement and Destruction Movement,” abbreviated as WRDM. If this movement runs its course the White race will have no future, and the future will be without the White race. This removal by replacement and destruction of the most dynamic, creative and advanced major branch of humanity is a development on a scale unparalleled in human existence, yet it is never discussed, acknowledged or recognized, and the great majority of humanity, including the European or White peoples themselves, seem to be totally unaware of it, lacking all knowledge of it, to the extent that if someone informs them of it they do not believe it, and react with total incredulity.

The tactics and techniques used to maintain this general state of ignorance, while advancing the WRDM agenda, include obfuscation, dissimulation, evasion, misrepresentation, misdirection, distortion, deflection (changing the subject), deception, denial, euphemisms, minimization, falsification, misinformation, disinformation, suppression of knowledge or information (e.g., on racial demographics and statistics), suppression of contrary opinion, and censorship. The success of these tactics depends on near total dominance in the media, education, academic, corporate and political establishments enabling an extensive campaign that operates on different levels as required, from softer (e.g., the tactics listed above) to harder forms (e.g., persecution, retaliation, penalization and criminalization). For convenience, all of the above “softer” forms and techniques to suppress knowledge of the truth and reality with the deceptive purpose of causing and maintaining ignorance and misunderstanding will here be grouped together as forms of obfuscation.

Why this obfuscation? Simply put, to suppress White dissent and resistance to their dispossession, replacement and destruction by keeping them ignorant of it. This campaign of obfuscation and censorship has been highly successful in suppressing White awareness of their ongoing replacement and destruction, to the extent that its causes — e.g., multiracialism, non-White immigration and racial intermixture — enjoy general White support, or at least passive acquiescence.”









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