We saw, or should have seen this in the 1960s where so many pathologies were sown, the rise of narcissism, undue selfishness and self-concern. This is distinct from individualism, and regard for honour. The narcissistic individual regards him/herself as more important than anything else in the universe, including the nation and God. If an atheist, the narcissist may believe that God has a personal phone line to him/her. This is a pathological view of self-importance that is encouraged by the transnational capitalist firms to cash in on consumer goods, such as cosmetics. And that is not a dig at women, as young men are fast catching up in the use of cosmetics, such as body sprays, and hair dressing, even body hair removal!
The problem here is that the narcissist lives in a protected consumer bubble, and when that bursts, as it is about to as cold hard reality returns, they will wake in fright and find themselves defenceless against the brave new world of depopulation. As the ultimate social conformists, all would be vaxxed to the hilt, and we have yet to see the full effects of adverse effects situation.